13 research outputs found


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    Climate change is one of the hottest topics lately. Global emissions are reaching record levels and showing no sign of peaking. Antonio Guterres UN Secretary-General invited all leaders to join Climate Action Summit in New York, 23rd September 2019. This summit also featured the participation of business leaders, indigenous people, youth, and many others. The star of the showed Greta Thunberg a Swedish teen activist who sailed to New York for the event from Sweden on a zero-emissions sailboat. This research aimed to reveal how presupposition and entailment were used in the speech and how they were contributing to the context of the speech. The research used a descriptive qualitative method for analyzing her speech which involved document and material analysis to collect the data. The results showed that this research found out that the most commonly used presupposition is existential presupposition. The function is to emphasize, to draw attention and sympathy toward the listeners. While the most used entailment is one-way entailment. This type of entailment is commonly used to deliver the ideas through the utterance by adding some more details of the main idea. Existential presupposition and one-way entailment led to the referential function of language which aimed to send information or the speaker's idea to the audience. It can be concluded that the presuppositions of the speech must be entailed by the global context, which means the global context or common ground knowledge entails that presupposition. In a word, both presupposition and entailment hence become a strategy to make the audience become more focused in the context of the speech. Keywords: Presupposition, Entailment, Speec


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    Abstract This study examines the use of hedges in politic field, especially in interview of Sunday television program that has focus in Julia Gillard’s Utterances. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe about the types of hedges expressions and how do hedges expressions serve a function in Julia Gillard’s responds in the interview by using theories of Francoise Salager-Meyer in Miller (1994) about the typology of hedges expressions, and the function of hedges expressions. The method that is used in this research is quantitative method which is focused in analyzing the use of hedges in an interview of Julia Gillard’s at Sunday program. The result shows that the types of hedges mostly used in the interview are modal auxiliary verbs, such as can, could, will, would, should and shouldnot. The other types of hedges belong to modal lexical verbs; adjectival, adverbial, and nominal modal phrase; approximators of degree, quantity, frequency, and time; introductory phrases; and if clause. In this research the compound hedges type does not be found. While the functions are minimize the threat to face; ways of being more precise in reporting result; and as a politeness strategy. It is also possible that in each of the functions contain some of hedges types.Keywords: Hedges, Forms of Hedges, Kind of hedges Used by Julia Gillard, Sunday ProgramAbstrakPenelitian ini meneliti hedges di bidang politik, terutama dalam wawancara program televisi hari Minggu yang berfokus pada ucapan Julia Gillard. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis hedges dan bagaimana fungsi hedges bekerja dalam respon Julia Gillard dalam wawancara dengan menggunakan teori-teori Francoise Salager-Meyer dalam Miller (1994) tentang tipologi hedges, dan fungsi hedges. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif yang difokuskan dalam menganalisis penggunaan hedges dalam wawancara dengan Julia Gillard di Sunday program. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hedges yang paling banyak digunakan dalam wawancara adalah kata kerja modal tambahan, seperti can, could, will, would, should, danshould not. Hedges lainnya termasuk modal kata kerja leksikal; frase modal kata sifat, kata keterangan, dan nominal; perkiraan derajat, kuantitas, frekuensi, dan waktu; frasa pengantar; dan jika klausa. Dalam penelitian ini, tipe gabungan hedges tidak ditemukan. Sementara fungsi hedges dalam ucapan Julia Gillard adalah meminimalkan ancaman yang akan dihadapi; cara lebih tepat dalam melaporkan hasil; dan sebagai strategi kesopanan. Dalam hal ini, memungkinkan bahwa di masing-masing fungsi bisa terdiri dari beberapa jenis hedges.Kata kunci: Hedges, Bentuk Hedges, Jenis Hedges yang Digunakanoleh Julia Gillard, Program Mingg


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    The Sausage Party Movie is a comedy film directed by Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan (2016) which is sensational. The theme brings some controversy among people about how vulgar it is. The story exposed some sensitive themes such as intercourse, orgy, homosexuality, bisexuality, foreplay, torturing, murderer, annihilation, genocide, colonial domination, and other aspects as well. The contested scenes in the movie which manifest adult jokes are being analyzed by investigating the visual and linguistic elements related to the particular scenes. Thus, this study analyzed the adult jokes in “Sausage Party” by using multimodality approach which combines types of metafunction from Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) and visual elements of Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen framework. The data were all scenes which contain adult jokes in this movie. The result reveals that some scenes may construct the meaning which related with the adult jokes. Despite the fact that this film is a comedy cartoon which associated with children, many adult jokes are being displayed to entertain the audiences which not suitable for underage communities. Likewise, the adult jokes are displayed as implicitly as possible to entertain either the underage who thinks it is only a usual joke or the adulthood who socially and practically understood the meaning behind it. In addition, the data is occupied by an intercourse activity between sausage and bun, torturing and murdered ideas, and also the idea of how human had intercourse from another perspective

    Register Used in Reptile Lovers Facebook Forum

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    There are three objectives in this research, first, to clarify the form of language and the type of register used by members of the reptile lovers Facebook forum. Second, to identify the register function in the content of a word or phrase. Third, to find out the meaning of the registers found. The type of this research is qualitative research. This research uses documentation from the Facebook forums. The source of the data for this research is a collection of discussion threads from several forums. The results of this study are that the language forms of register used in the forums are nouns (6 data), verbs (5 data), adjectives (1 data), noun phrases (1 data), and prepositional phrases (2 data). The register type that is used in the forum is Casual Register because it is between the members in the forum in an informal situation. The function of the register is the Instrumental, Personal, and Heuristic Register


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    Interview is the way to give information from the speaker to the listener. In doing an interview, the speaker presupposes her statement to give another meaning behind what was stated. This study was aimed to analyze the presupposition type used by Tri Rismaharini as a guest star in Satu Indonesia television program interview. Also, the pragmatic functions theory which is used in advertising language was used to examine the function of the presupposition. The result found four types of presupposition which had function as emphasis, persuasive and euphemism in the pragmatic function. Those presuppositions were used to give new information to the listener as an addition from the information they had known and showed the speaker’s good attitude by delivering her statement politely. Keywords: presupposition, pragmatic, intervie

    Flouting Maxims in Creating Humor: A Comparison Study Between Indonesian and American

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    In a stand up comedy, the Stand-up comedian or also known as comic have to tell about their restlessness to the audience in a funny way. In order to make the audience laugh, they surely need to make the audience understand the topic being discussed. Concerning to the success of a communication, Paul Grice (19890 proposed four cooperative principles that people expected to follow; maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner (Yule, 1996). However, Attardo claims that disobeying maxims is common in a research of humor (Attardo, 1990). Thus, this study is purposed to compare the flout of maxims done by an Indonesian comic and an American comic, its joke techniques which they employ while flouting maxims to create humorous materials and the reason why they flout certain maxim the most and use certain joke techniques. This study uses descriptive qualitative method to observe the result of flouting maxims in Stand up comedy. The result finding of this study will be in a form of descriptive text. The participants of this study are an Indonesian comic named Abdur Arsyad and an American comic named Kevin Hart. The result of this study finds that the maxims each comics flout the most are different which is influenced by the difference of their nationalities and cultures. Kevin flouts maxim of quantity the most because of the influence of American culture which tend to be direct in communication. Meanwhile, Abdur flouts maxim of quality the most because of the influence of Indonesian culture which tend to be indirect in communication. Even though the maxim they flout the most are different, their flout of maxims are similarly employed all types of joke techniques which contributed to create humor. Their flouts of maxims have employed paralanguage, ridicule, satire, and politeness strategy of joke techniques. The similarity of the joke techniques employed by both comics is influenced by their ethnic background. Abdur Arsyad and Kevin Hart have different nationalities, however they have the same ethnic background. Abdur comes from East side of Indonesia, and Kevin is African-American which both are minority in their countries. Therefore, they employ the same joke telling technique to deliver the jokes. It can also be influenced by their joke materials which are similar. Both of them usually bring up the topic of the restlessness of being minority and about social criticism


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    Some people commited suicide tried to express what they felt and left message explaining the causes of why they committed suicide. The suicide note was written by the person who commited suicide as a purpose to give a sign to other people. One of those people was Ida Craddck who was a 19th century American. She advocated freedom of speech and women rights who committed suicide because of inappropriate decision from the judge. Her books were prosecuted by Anthony Comstock as obscene literature. This study was aimed to examine the hedges expressions that maintained the functions of confessional texts which were used by Craddock. The results found that hedges were used on her confessions to support her criticism and wish to the public. Those criticism and wish were confessed by Craddock to aware the public about people’s freedom condition. Her confessions had function to tell her personal story that led her to suicide which could be learnt by other people so that they could have a better life. Finally, hedges were used to express her uncertainty of the truth of what she confessed about her cause of death

    Revealing Equiterra Campaign by United Nations Women: Multimodal Perspective

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    Equiterra is a digital campaign that was released on 2020 International Women's Day by United Nations Women and Ruby Taylor. It is a digital illustration of a utopian country where equality and fairness manifested. It is constructed by rich verbal and visual elements which makes it a multimodal text. This study aims to analyze the three metafunctions of visual and verbal elements of Equiterra. The study is conducted using a qualitative method by analyzing the visual and verbal elements within illustration using the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) and Visual Grammar by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006), also analyzing the interplay between verbal and visual elements using Intersemiotic Complementarity by Royce (1998). The data are the nine parts of Equiterra which are taken from the official website of United Nations Women that are separated but also joined together into forming a path. The analysis finds that Equiterra tries to represent people with various socio-cultural backgrounds to perform their activities and to obtain their maximum potential fairly and equally along with actively encouraging the viewer to make it possible. Furthermore, Equiterra is a feminist digital media that delivers the intersectional issues related to gender, equality, and inclusion which are used to raise awareness towards the problems around these topics

    Overlap as Conversational Strategies in an American Daytime Talk Show “The View”

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    The present study aims at figuring out the tendency of participants in employing overlap as conversational strategies by notably identifying the resources that herald overlap types along with its features occurring in an American daytime talk show named The View.  The forty-eight minutes of the talk show aired on November 7, 2,019 was retrieved from the official ABC channel in the Youtube platform that has been videotaped. In analyzing and illustrating the data, the present study employed an approach of Conversation Analysis as an inductive-qualitative method. Data collected from hosts and guests’ utterances were transcribed and scrutinized to explore how overlaps are treated in the course of a talk show and parties’ strategies of turn holding and turn claiming. The findings revealed that parties in The View orient to use four types of overlap to deliver their perspective on issues being discussed. The classification of overlap types relied on the entailment of speaker change leading to whether it is intrusive or collaborative. Backchannels as a collaborative overlap were used as a high number of overlaps, followed by complementary types, anticipated turn-taking, and intrusive overlap of turn-request as the lowest number of overlaps.  In designing the turn, parties tended to use two strategies, namely direct and indirect


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    The researcher has analyzed the concept of Colonialism Discourse in a dystopian novel titled Red Rising using qualitative method to gather the data. Othering is used to explain the colonialism discourse in the novel. The researcher used Focault (1990) theory to describe how othering happened in the novel’s background story. Beside othering, presupposition is also used to gather the data. For the presupposition, the researcher used Yule (1996) theory which has six types of presupposition. The purpose of this research is how Othering which is part of colonialism discourse could happened in a dystopian novel which is a new genre in this modern era. By using presupposition to understand the othering concept in the novel, this research focused on the meaning of the utterances using the types of presupposition and how those presupposed meaning can give the pragmatics function in the concept of Othering. The researcher found that presupposed meaning of the utterances could help to determine the othering expression based on the context in the story. The researcher found that the most used presupposition is existential because it contains adjective pronouns to emphasize the characters’ thoughts or feeling to the readers. Other types of presupposition are existed in the story being viewed as the way the characters showed their identity as an individual in the society. As a dystopian novel which has some elements of colonialism discourse, Red Rising often uses humiliation to mock or underestimate other colors society. The researcher found that the othering expression used in this novel depicts the concept of colonialism literature about the oppressing leader in one social hierarchy. The totalitarian leader has created label to identify each individual with their own position and authority to gain easy access to control everything in the social system. In a word, othering has its own role in the colonized society by showing how the system of social hierarchy works in the story