127 research outputs found

    Heat Transfer Analysis of Two Pass Cooling Channel of Gas Turbine Blade with Analytical Wall Function Turbulence Approach

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    This paper reports experimental and computational studies of heat transfer through a square duct with a sharp 180 degree turn. The main purpose of this research was to study heat transfer predictions using the Analytical Wall-Function (AWF). To compare the predicting performance of the AWF, the standard Log-Law Based Wall-Function (LWF) and a Low-Reynolds-number (LRN) k-e model were applied. Their results were also compared with experimental results for validation. In addition, three extended forms of the AWF were tested. The AWF showed better results than the conventional wall-function based on a logarithmic law especially in separation and reattachment regions and closer results to the LRN model\u27s results. The extended forms of the AWF did not show significant differences from the results of the original form for the prediction of the whole region, although they showed to-some-extend changes in impinging and recirculation zones

    Mass Spectrometric Study of the Negative Ion Formation of Nitroethylene at High Electron Energies

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    The formation of the molecular and the dimer negative ions of nitroethylene at high electron energies was studied. The intensity of the molecular negative ion showed a second order dependence on the pressure below 10⁻⁴ torr and a higher than second order dependence above 10⁻⁴ torr. The intensity of the dimer negative ion showed a second order dependence greater than that of the molecular negative ion. The intensity of the molecular negative ion was found to be dependent on the pressure of additional rare gases. This suggests that the collisional stabilization of excited ions is very important at high electron energies

    Determination of acid dissociation constants of flavin analogues by capillary zone electrophoresis

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    Acid dissociation constants (pKa) of 9 kinds of flavin analogues as molecular catalyst candidates were determined by CZE. Although some of the analogues are instable and degradable under the light-exposure or in alkaline aqueous solutions, the effective electrophoretic mobility of the flavin analogue of interest has been measured with the residual substance. The pKa values of the flavin analogues were analyzed through the changes in the effective electrophoretic mobility with varying pH of the separation buffer. One or two steps pKa values were determined by the analysis. One of the degraded species from the flavin analogues, lumichrome, was also detected in the CZE analysis, and its pKa values were also determined. While coexisting impurities generated over the storage conditions were found in some analogues, the pKa values of the target analogues were successfully determined with the help of the CZE separations. A pressure-assisted CZE was utilized for the determination or the estimation of the pKa values of such analogues as possessing carboxylic acid moiety

    Dimensional Accuracy of Acrylic Resin Denture Bases : Literature Review

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    The more contact there is between the denture base and the cast, the better the fit, resulting in a close adaptation of the denture surface to the oral mucosa and a more retentive denture. Many prosthodontists, however, feel that compression-molded dentures processed with acrylic resins become ill fitting in the mouth because they warp severely during processing and while in service. One of the reasons for this problem is shrinkage of the acrylic resin due to polymerization. This article reviews the studies on accuracy of denture bases using various activation methods for polymerization of acrylic resin


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    The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the mandibular movement by the Jaw tracking system with six degree of freedom (MM-JI-E). Displacements of the condyles under maximum clenching with successive loss of mandibular supporting zones were measured. The patient, a 29-year-old man, had been treated at an orthodontic clinic between 1994 and 1997, and temporary full coverage crowns were fabricated on four molars of the lower jaw. He showed no signs of abnormality of stomatognathic function. We measured the jaw movements with MM-JI-E, removing the crowns from the distal end of molars to the mesial. The condylar displacement values were displayed and calculated by the measurement of mandibular movement. When the supporting zones were reduced successively, both condyles moved upwards and slightly forwards (87-117°). The maximal condylar displacement values was 700μm without any support in the molars. We compared the measurements of MM-JI-E with those obtained with another jaw movement tracking system (Bio Pack), with three degree of freedom. The maximum opening paths in sagittal border movement were compared for the two measurement systems. The Bio Pack showed the deflection of the path of anterior maximum opening due to electronic error

    Ectopic Varices Rupture in the Gastroduodenal Anastomosis Successfully Treated with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate Injection

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    The term &#34;ectopic varices&#34; is used to describe dilated portosystemic collateral veins in unusual locations other than the gastroesophageal region. We recently experienced a rare case of ectopic varices that developed in the gastroduodenal anastomosis after subtotal gastrectomy. A 70-year-old male with liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C virus infection was admitted for hematemesis and tarry stool. He had received a subtotal gastrectomy with the Billroth-I method for gastric ulcer at 46 years of age. Although emergency endoscopy revealed esophageal and gastric fundal varices, there were no obvious bleeding points. After removal of the coagula, ectopic varices and a fibrin plug were observed on the gastroduodenal anastomosis. During the observation, blood began to spurt from the fibrin plug. N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate with lipiodol injection succeeded in hemostasis. Splenic angiography showed gastric varices feeding from a short gastric vein and the posterior gastric vein. The blood flow around the bleeding point, as indicated by lipiodol deposition, had decreased, and no feeding vein was observed. Endoscopic and angiographic findings are shown and the treatment for such lesions is discussed.</p

    タネコウジ セイゾウ オヨビ セイキク ニ オケル コウジキン Aspergillus oryzae ノ セイギョインシ KpeA ノ キノウ カイセキ

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    麹菌の転写因子KpeAは平板培養でのコウジ酸生産の制御因子として見出されたが,その後,広く二次代謝と分生子形成の制御に関わることが明らかとなった。種麹製造及び製麹は分生子形成の制御を伴う醸造工程であり,また,米麹中の二次代謝物は醸造物の品質や安全性に影響する。そこで本研究では,実際の醸造における培養工程である種麹製造と製麹において,KpeAの遺伝子破壊株と高発現株の形質を調べることでKpeAの醸造における役割を明らかにすることを目的とした。製造した種麹の状貌と遺伝子解析から,KpeAは,分生子形成の主要因子であるBrlAの遺伝子発現制御を介して,分生子形成を促進する役割を果たしていることが示された。製麹においても米麹に着生する分生子に差が生じたことから,KpeAは醸造工程においても分生子形成に重要な転写因子であることが分かった。一方,米麹中のコウジ酸量が破壊株で顕著に増加した。コウジ酸の推定生合成酵素KojAの遺伝子発現解析から,KpeAは平板培養と同様に,製麹においてもコウジ酸生産を転写レベルで制御することが確認された。さらに破壊株の麹抽出液は,コウジ酸が多く含まれるために褐変しにくいことが明らかとなったことから,KpeAの遺伝子破壊によるコウジ酸生産の増加が,米麹の褐変抑制に効果があることが示された。以上よりKpeAは種麹製造と製麹において,分生子形成やコウジ酸生産を制御しており,実際の醸造においても重要な役割を果たす転写因子であることが確認された。KpeAの遺伝子破壊株は,米麹の酵素活性が若干低下するものの,製麹において分生子が形成しにくく,かつ米麹の褐変性が低いといった清酒醸造に使用する麹菌として好ましい特性をもつため,KpeAは醸造における麹菌の育種ターゲットの新しい候補として期待できる。We previously identified a novel transcription factor, KpeA, in Aspergillus oryzae. KpeA is involved in secondary metabolism and conidiation when A. oryzae is cultured in liquid or agar medium. To clarify the role of KpeA in sake brewing, we analyzed the functionality of KpeA in rice koji making and seed koji making. In seed koji making, the kpeA disruption (ΔkpeA) strain showed longer aerial hyphae and the number of conidia was one-third that of the control strain. In accordance with conidiation, expression of brlA, a pivotal gene for conidiation, was also decreased in the ΔkpeA strain, whereas it was increased in the kpeA overexpression (OE) strain. These results suggested that, similar to the phenomenon that occurs in agar culture, KpeA induced conidiation via positive regulation of brlA expression in seed koji making.Rice koji samples made with ΔkpeA strain, OE strain, and control strain were analyzed for conidiation, enzyme activity, and secondary metabolites. The OE strain and the control strain formed conidia after 46 and 72 h of inoculation, respectively, whereas the ΔkpeA strain did not. In contrast, activities of representative hydrolytic enzymes in rice koji did not differ among the strains. Regarding secondary metabolism, we confirmed that kpeA is responsible for the enhanced kojic acid production via inducing the expression of the putative biosynthesis gene, kojA. Notably, the browning of rice koji extract was not observed in the ΔkpeA strain sample. We confirmed that additional dosage of kojic acid at the level of the rice koji of the ΔkpeA strain prevented the browning of rice koji extract of the control sample. As a result, kpeA disruption led to increased kojic acid amount in rice koji, which consequently prevented the browning of rice koji.Taken together, our results showed that KpeA regulates secondary metabolism and conidiation of A. oryzae during rice koji making and seed koji making. Although enzyme activities of the ΔkpeA strain were reduced slightly, we consider that the observed phenotypes, such as suppressed conidiation or repression of the browning of rice koji, are beneficial for rice koji or rice koji making. Thus, we propose that kpeA could be a new target for the breeding of A. oryzae for traditional brewing

    Arthroscopic observation was useful to detect loosening of the femoral component of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in a recurrent hemoarthrosis

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    A case of recurrent hemarthrosis of the knee after a mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA; Oxford UKA) is described. A 58-year-old man met with a road traffic accident 10 months after UKA. He developed anteromedial pain and hemarthrosis of the knee joint 1 month after the accident, which required multiple aspirations. Physical examination showed no instability. Plain radiograph revealed no signs of loosening. All laboratory data, including bleeding and coagulation times, were within normal limits. Diagnostic arthroscopy demonstrated loosening of the femoral component. Any intraarticular pathology other than nonspecific synovitis was ruled out. The loose femoral component and polyethylene meniscal bearing were revised. Since then, hemarthrosis has not recurred


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the titanium castability with a vacuum pressured type casting machine. We tested ethyl-silicate bonded investment "TITAVESTPS" of metal frame work. Four different mold temperatures (room temperature, 300℃, 600℃, and 900℃) were prepared for the present study, and casting was done in five times in each condition. When the mold temperature increased, high percentage of castability was gained. Mold temperature showed a highly significant (p<0.001) correlation on the castability. These results indicate that high performance of castability on the titanium was achieved when the mold temperature increased by using vacuum pressured type casting machine