235 research outputs found

    To koinon tes synodou

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    Schedatura di iscrizione greca della Grecia nord-occidentale menzionante un'associazione di natura privataGreat statue base from Corcyra (I BC) with private Greek dedication (inscription on 4 lines) by Leukios Sainios Prepon, son of Philippos, a priest out of office - otherwise unknown -, possibly to the koinon tes synodou


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    Schedatura e commento di un'iscrizione acarnana menzionante un'associazione di natura privataGreek dedication to Artemis Agrotera from Astakos (Acarnania), ii BC

    Hoi technitai

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    Schedatura e commento di iscrizione greca corcirese menzionante un'associazione di natura privataThis is a compendious Greek inscription from Corcyra (ii BC). It consists of (1) a foundation act (ll. 1-38), the donation (dosis) of Aristomenes and Psylla of 120 Corinthian mines to the polis (to be lent to interest) for the remuneration of theatre actors (ll. 19-25); (2) a decree (dogma) of the boule of Corcyra about the administration of the money received


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    Schedatura e commento di una dedica da triconion (Etolia), III a. C., menzionante un'associazione di natura privataGreek dedication to Dionysos by the syskanoi, Trichonion (Aetolia), iii BC

    Sulla geografia antica e moderna della Grecia nord-occidentale

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    The paper gives an overview of recent research topics which, at the local level as at the general level, may fall within the concept of 'ancient geography' in relation to the northwestern Greece. The approach is basically historiographical between geography of the ancients and geography of the moderns

    ‘Natura e cultura’ nel cuore della polis: osservazioni sul paesaggio urbano fra Atene e Selinunte

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    Il contributo analizza, alla luce dell’attuale metodologia che studia i paesaggi religiosi antichi, alcuni esempi di elementi naturali (pietre e rocce) inseriti o mantenuti funzionalmente nel tessuto urbano delle antiche agorai di Atene e Selinunte durante l’epoca classica. Se nella prima delle due poleis si assiste, durante gli anni centrali della Guerra del Peloponneso, alla recinzione a fini protettivi (abaton) di piccoli santuari rocciosi naturali legati probabilmente al culto di figure divine o eroiche significative per i miti locali dell’autoctonia, nella città siceliota distrutta nel 409 a. C. larga parte dell’agorà viene mantenuta allo stato ‘naturale’ roccioso, forse considerato ‘originario’ perché tipico del momento fondativo della colonia, un ambiente rupestre che le popolazioni locali avevano saputo adattare perfettamente ai contesti abitativi precedenti l’arrivo dei Greci. Due forme diverse di adattamento all’ambiente ‘naturale’ che rappresentano due diverse modalità di rapporto con le origini.The paper analyzes, in the light of the current methodology that studies ancient religious landscapes, some examples of natural elements (stones and rocks) inserted or functionally maintained in the urban context of the ancient agorai of Athens and Selinus during the classical era. If in the first of the two poleis we witness, during the central years of the Peloponnesian War, the fence for protective purposes (abaton) of small natural rocky sanctuaries probably linked to the cult of divine or heroic figures significant for the local myths of autochthony, in the Siceliote city destroyed in 409 B.C. large part of the agora is maintained in the 'natural' rocky soil, perhaps considered 'original' because typical of the founding moment of the colony, a rock environment that the local populations had been able to adapt perfectly to the housing contexts preceding the arrival of the Greeks. Two different forms of adaptation to the environment that represent two different ways of relating to the origins

    Alleanza fra Lacedemoni ed Etoli Erxadiei

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    The peace treaty and alliance between the Lacedaemonians and Aetolians Erxadieis is one of the rare specimens of classical Spartan epigraphy and the oldest primary source on the Spartan hegemonic political system: more than being the expression of a direct relationship between Sparta and the Aetolian koinon, the treaty seems to deal with a smaller, unknown ethnos, most probably Peloponnesian, which recalls the Aetolians in its name and origin. On the grounds of its political-institutional language the inscription, whose date in the scholarship fluctuates between the end of the 6th century and 388 BC, could well be inserted in the Peloponnesian political climate of the years after the Peace of Nicias and reflect the evolution of international relations at that time; in particular, if Mantinea (restored at l. 4) is excluded from the alliance, the dating can be narrowed down to between 420 and 418 BC

    Digital Epigraphy at the Greek Epigraphy Laboratory, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

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    Description of ongoing research activities at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice associated with the Laboratory of Greek Epigraphy of the Department of Humanities. In particular, the Venice Squeeze project and the Axon: Greek historical inscriptions project are presented

    Au carrefour de la Mégaride. Devins et oracles

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