46 research outputs found

    Modelling the salinity response to fresh water flow and variable tidal amplitude in an idealized river delta

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    High salinity values in deltaic regions can be detrimental for agriculture, aquaculture and human consumption. Salinity levels in river deltas could significantly increase due to sea level rise and infrastructure works such as river diversions or dam constructions. River flow and tides have a large influence on salinity concentrations and it is thus important to understand their combined role. In this paper, a 3D model is built for an idealized delta. A series of simulations is carried out to investigate salinity fields developed under the combined action of tidal amplitude and fresh water flow. Simulations are classified based on the ratio between fresh water and tidal range. Both tide influenced and river dominated cases were considered. Results emphasize the importance of tidally driven mixing which can establish fresher conditions in the delta for certain amplitudes. Tidal amplitude increase enhances the flow in the delta and enlarges the fresh water layer thickness and length. On the other hand, the maximum tidal ranges can limit significantly the fresh water volume. The spatiotemporal salinity distribution is described in terms of delta topology and network geometry. Salinity and river discharge were found to be negatively and exponentially correlated by an equation that resembles solutions of the 1D advection-diffusion equation. Large bathymetric differences between delta areas were identified to play a key role on the salinity patterns as they can modify the nature of the extracted relationships and correlations

    Investigating how river flow regimes impact on river delta salinization through idealized modeling

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    Excessive salinity can harm ecosystems and compromise the various anthropogenic activities that take place in river deltas. The issue of salinization is expected to exacerbate due to natural and/or anthropogenic climate change. Water regulations are required to secure a sufficient water supply in conditions of limited water volume availability. Research is ongoing in seek of the optimum flow distribution establishing longer lasting and fresher conditions in deltas

    Investigation of spatial and temporal salinity distribution in a river dominated delta through idealized numerical modelling

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    The world’s river deltas are increasingly vulnerable due to pressures from human activities and environmental change. In deltaic regions, the distribution of salinity controls the resourcing of fresh water for agriculture, aquaculture and human consumption; it also regulates the functioning of critical natural habitats. Despite numerous insightful studies, there are still significant uncertainties on the spatio-temporal patterns of salinity across deltaic systems. In particular, there is a need for a better understanding of the salinity distribution across deltas’ channels and for simple predictive relationships linking salinity to deltas’ characteristics and environmental conditions. We address this gap through idealized three-dimensional modelling of a typical river-dominated delta configuration and by investigating the relationship between salinity, river discharge and channels’ bifurcation order. Model results are then compared with real data from the Mississippi River Delta. Results demonstrate the existence of simple one-dimensional and analytical relationships describing the salinity field in a delta. Salinity and river discharge are exponentially and negatively correlated. The Strahler-Horton method for stream labelling of the delta channels was implemented. It was discovered that salinity increases with decreasing stream order. These useful relationships between salinity and deltas’ bulk features and geometry might be applied to real case scenarios to support the investigation of deltas vulnerability to environmental change and the management of deltaic ecosystems

    The hiding-exposure effect revisited:A method to calculate the mobility of bimodal sediment mixtures

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    Predicting seabed mobility is hampered by the limited accuracy of sediment transport models when the bed is composed of mixed sediments. The hiding-exposure (HE) effect modifies the threshold of motion of individual grain classes in sediment mixtures and its strength is dependent on the grain size distribution. However, an appropriate method of predicting this effect for bimodal sediment mixtures remains to be developed. The prototypical example of a bimodal mixture is that consisting of a well-sorted sand and gravel for the fine and coarse fractions respectively. Through a comprehensive series of laboratory experiments, the HE effect has been quantified for a full range of sand-gravel mixtures from pure sand to pure gravel, the choice of which has been underpinned by an integrated study of offshore geophysical and sedimentological data found in coastal and shelf seas. In the sand–gravel mixtures used in the present study the critical shear stress needed to mobilise the sand and gravel fractions increased by up to 75% and decreased by up to 64%, respectively, compared to that needed to mobilise well-sorted sediment of similar size. The HE effect was found to be dependent on the percentage of gravel (coarse mode) present in the bimodal mixture, whereby the effect for the mixture is the weighted sum of the HE effect for the fine and coarse modes

    Three-dimensional modelling of suspended sediment transport in the far wake of tidal stream turbines

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    A three-dimensional tidal turbine simulation based on an oceanographic numerical model has been tested for suspended sediment calculation, particularly in the wake of a standalone tidal turbine. The results suggest a need for further improvement of the model in order to obtain correct predictions of suspension strength of the wake and suspended sediment concentration under the influence of a turbine (compared to measured data). Due to the wide use of FVCOM in coastal applications where turbines are commonly installed, it proves necessary to address this issue. Two approaches with respect to modifying bed shear stress and turbulent mixing calculations in the presence of a turbine are proposed and tested in this research. Using data collected in the laboratory as reference, the turbulent mixing enhancement approach is shown to be effective. A series of tests are carried out to identify the impact of the turbine on suspended sediment transport in its vicinity. The results suggest that the impact is highly dependent upon the sediment grain size

    Modelling impacts of tidal stream turbines on surface waves

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd A high resolution Computational Flow Dynamics (CFD) numerical model is built based on a laboratory experiment in this research to study impacts of tidal turbines on surface wave dynamics. A reduction of ∼3% in wave height is observed under the influence of a standalone turbine located 0.4 m from the free surface. The artificial wave energy dissipation routine ‘OBSTACLE’ within FVCOM is shown to effectively capture the correct level of wave height reduction, reproducing the CFD results with significantly less computational effort. The turbine simulation system is then applied to a series of test cases to investigate impact of a standalone turbine on bed shear stress. Results suggest an apparent increase in bed stress (∼7%) upstream of the turbine due to the inclusion of surface waves. However, in the immediate wake of the turbine, bed stress is dominated by the presence of the turbine itself, accounting for a ∼50% increase, with waves having a seemingly negligible effect up to 9D (D is the turbine diameter) downstream of the turbine. Beyond this point, the effect of waves on bed shear stress become apparent again. The influence of OBSTACLE on bed stress is also noticeable in the far wake, showing a reduction of ∼2% in wave height

    Modelling tidal stream turbines in a three-dimensional wave-current fully coupled oceanographic model

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    © 2017 The Author(s) A tidal turbine simulation system is developed based on a three-dimensional oceanographic numerical model. Both the current and turbulent controlling equations are modified to account for impact of tidal turbines on water velocity and turbulence generation and dissipation. High resolution mesh size at the turbine location is assigned in order to capture the details of hydrodynamics due to the turbine operation. The system is tested against comprehensive measurements in a water flume experiment and results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The validation results suggest that the new modelling system is proven to be able to accurately simulate hydrodynamics with the presence of turbines. The developed turbine simulation system is then applied to a series of test cases in which a standalone turbine is deployed. Here, complete velocity profiles and mixing are realized that could not have been produced in a standard two-dimensional treatment. Of particular interest in these cases is an observed accelerated flow near the bed in the wake of the turbine, leading to enhanced bottom shear stress (∼2 N/m 2 corresponding to the critical stress of a range of fine gravel and finer sediment particles)

    Impact of storm propagation speed on coastal flood hazard induced by offshore storms in the North Sea

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    Storm propagation speed (SPS) can noticeably impact coastal floods around semi-closed basins influenced by extratropical offshore storms. As a case study, the SPS impact on potential flood hazards due to extreme water levels along the UK east coast was studied using a numerical shelf sea model (FVCOM). The storm Xaver, which caused the largest North Sea surge over the past 60 years, was studied as a base scenario. Halving/doubling the SPS results in a smaller surge and a longer/shorter surge duration. Hence, the largest peak water level was found at actual speed, while the largest potential flood hazard occurred at half speed. Tide–surge interaction tends to reduce the M2 tide along the coast and advance its propagation for all SPS. A three-dimensional semi-analytical model, including a time-periodic wind forcing, was used to investigate the dominant mechanisms behind the surge dynamics, where wind duration is directly related to the SPS. Long wind durations correspond to small SPS, and vice versa. The semi-analytical model was applied to the North Sea. The model reproduces the spatial features of the North Sea surge and its dependence on SPS, confirming the surge induced by offshore storms is primarily associated with wind set-up. Model results suggest the SPS of Xaver is likely to have contributed greatly to the occurrence of the largest North Sea surge due to wind-generated resonance. The impact of the SPS on the surge and tide–surge interaction are of great importance to coastal flood hazard assessment

    Multiscale temporal response of salt intrusion to transient river and ocean forcing

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    Salt intrusion in surface waters endangers freshwater availability, influences water quality, and affects estuarine ecosystem services with high economic and social values. Salt transport and the resulting salinity distributions result from the non-linear interactions between salt and water dynamics. Estuaries are often considered under (quasi)-steady assumption or by focusing on specific timescales. Our understanding of their temporal multiscale response to transient forcing is limited, which hinders the implementation of effective mitigation strategies. We apply wavelet analyses to quantify the variability of salt intrusion from hourly to seasonal timescales and unravel the temporal variability of its response across scales. We focus on an estuary that undergoes significant transient forcing, the Modaomen estuary in the Pearl River Delta, and apply the wavelet analyses to year-long data generated by a coastal ocean numerical model. Our results show that this estuary responds to changes in tidal and riverine forcing throughout the year over interwoven timescales. Our results highlight the temporal variability of the salt intrusion response time both within a given regime and for the transition between regimes. They also suggest that tides control the response time more strongly than river discharge, even though river discharge determines the magnitude of the salt intrusion, and thus modulates the evolution of the salt intrusion response time. We propose a broadly applicable framework to calculate response times with simple data. These results can provide a first-order guidance for design and implementation of estuarine management strategies and mitigation measures that ensure water access and facilitate sustainable development

    Unravelling interactions between asymmetric tidal turbulence, residual circulation and salinity dynamics in short, periodically weakly stratified estuaries

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    Asymmetric tidal turbulence (ATT) strongly influences estuarine health and functioning. However, its impact on the three-dimensional estuarine dynamics and the feedback of water motion and salinity distribution on ATT remain poorly understood, especially for short estuaries (estuarine length ≪ tidal wavelength). This study systematically investigates the above-mentioned interactions in a short estuary for the first time, considering periodically weakly stratified conditions. This is done by developing a three-dimensional semi-analytical model (combining perturbation method with finite element method) that allows a dissection of the contributions of different processes to ATT, estuarine circulation, and salt transport. The generation of ATT is dominated by (i) strain-induced periodic stratification and (ii) asymmetric bottom shear generated turbulence, and their contributions to ATT are different both in amplitude and phase. The magnitude of the residual circulation related to ATT and the eddy viscosity-shear covariance (ESCO) is about half of that of the gravitational circulation (GC) and shows a ‘reversed’ pattern as compared to GC. ATT generated by (i) contributes to an ESCO circulation with a spatial structure similar to GC. This circulation reduces the longitudinal salinity gradients and thus weakens GC. Contrastingly, the ESCO circulation due to (ii) shows patterns opposite to GC and acts to enhance GC. Concerning the salinity dynamics at steady state, GC and tidal pumping are equally important to salt import, whereas ESCO circulation yields a significant seaward salt transport. These findings highlight the importance of identifying the sources of ATT to understand its impact on estuarine circulation and salt distribution