661 research outputs found

    Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for a discrete-state BCS pairing model

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    We show in detail how Richardson's exact solution of a discrete-state BCS (DBCS) model can be recovered as a special case of an algebraic Bethe Ansatz solution of the inhomogeneous XXX vertex model with twisted boundary conditions: by implementing the twist using Sklyanin's K-matrix construction and taking the quasiclassical limit, one obtains a complete set of conserved quantities, H_i, from which the DBCS Hamiltonian can be constructed as a second order polynomial. The eigenvalues and eigenstates of the H_i (which reduce to the Gaudin Hamiltonians in the limit of infinitely strong coupling) are exactly known in terms of a set of parameters determined by a set of on-shell Bethe Ansatz equations, which reproduce Richardson's equations for these parameters. We thus clarify that the integrability of the DBCS model is a special case of the integrability of the twisted inhomogeneous XXX vertex model. Furthermore, by considering the twisted inhomogeneous XXZ model and/or choosing a generic polynomial of the H_i as Hamiltonian, more general exactly solvable models can be constructed. -- To make the paper accessible to readers that are not Bethe Ansatz experts, the introductory sections include a self-contained review of those of its feature which are needed here.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mixed Early and Late-Type Properties in the Bar of NGC 6221: Evidence for Evolution along the Hubble Sequence?

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    Rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles are presented for both the stellar and gaseous components along five different position angles (P.A.=5, 50, 95, 125 and 155 degrees) of the nearby barred spiral NGC 6221. The observed kinematics extends out to about 80" from the nucleus. Narrow and broad-band imaging is also presented. The radial profiles of the fluxes ratio [NII]/Halpha reveal the presence of a ring-like structure of ionized gas, with a radius of about 9" and a deprojected circular velocity of about 280 km/s. The analysis of the dynamics of the bar indicates this ring is related to the presence of an inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) at 1.3 kpc. NGC6221 is found to exhibit intermediate properties between those of the early-type barred galaxies: the presence of a gaseous ring at an ILR, the bar edge located between the ILR's and the corotation radius beyond the steep rising portion of the rotation curve, the dust-lane pattern, and those of the late-type galaxies: an almost exponential surface brightness profile, the presence of Halpha regions along all the bar, the spiral-arm pattern. It is consistent with scenarios of bar-induced evolution from later to earlier-type galaxies.Comment: 1 File ds7406.tar.gz which contains: one latex file (ds7406.tex), and 10 encsulated postscript figures (ds7406f**.eps). To be compiled with aa-l latex2e macro style. To be published in A&A Sup. Serie

    Bethe Ansatz solution of a new class of Hubbard-type models

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    We define one-dimensional particles with generalized exchange statistics. The exact solution of a Hubbard-type Hamiltonian constructed with such particles is achieved using the Coordinate Bethe Ansatz. The chosen deformation of the statistics is equivalent to the presence of a magnetic field produced by the particles themselves, which is present also in a ``free gas'' of these particles.Comment: 4 pages, revtex. Essentially modified versio

    Mesoscopic BCS pairing in the repulsive 1d-Hubbard model

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    We study mesoscopic pairing in the one dimensional repulsive Hubbard model and its interplay with the BCS model in the canonical ensemble. The key tool is comparing the Bethe ansatz equations of the two models in the limit of small Coulomb repulsion. For the ordinary Hubbard interaction the BCS Bethe equations with infinite pairing coupling are recovered; a finite pairing is obtained by considering a further density-dependent phase-correlation in the hopping amplitude of the Hubbard model. We find that spin degrees of freedom in the Hubbard ground state are arranged in a state of the BCS type, where the Cooper-pairs form an un-condensed liquid on a ``lattice'' of single particle energies provided by the Hubbard charge degrees of freedom; the condensation in the BCS ground state corresponds to Hubbard excitations constituted by a sea of spin singlets.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. To be published on Physical Review

    Nanocellulose filled biobased polyurethane foams.

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    In this paper, nanocellulose (NC) dispersed in glycerin was incorporated into polyurethane (PU) biobased foams, using castor oil and glycerin, in a ratio of 3:1, as a biopolyol, produced by free-rise pouring method. Firstly, the morphologicals properties, measureds by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) images, were investigated and, after, the apparent density and compressives properties were measureds. The results indicated efficience in the preparation method for the biofoams and the filled foams presented a decrease in the cellular anisotropy and linear cell density and an increase in cell diameter, with a more homogenous cell structure. These morphologicals properties justify the modifications caused by the fillers in the biofoams, a larger cell, with less orientation, caused a decrease in the values of the apparent density and consequently lower values in compressive mechanical properties

    Noise reduction in gravitational wave interferometers using feedback

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    We show that the quantum locking scheme recently proposed by Courty {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 90}, 083601 (2003)] for the reduction of back action noise is able to significantly improve the sensitivity of the next generation of gravitational wave interferometers.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, in print in the Special Issue of J. Opt. B on Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optic

    Exact correlation functions of the BCS model in the canonical ensemble

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    We evaluate correlation functions of the BCS model for finite number of particles. The integrability of the Hamiltonian relates it with the Gaudin algebra G[sl(2)]{\cal G}[sl(2)]. Therefore, a theorem that Sklyanin proved for the Gaudin model, can be applied. Several diagonal and off-diagonal correlators are calculated. The finite size scaling behavior of the pairing correlation function is studied.Comment: 4 pages revtex; 2 figures .eps. Revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Hidden order in bosonic gases confined in one dimensional optical lattices

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    We analyze the effective Hamiltonian arising from a suitable power series expansion of the overlap integrals of Wannier functions for confined bosonic atoms in a 1d optical lattice. For certain constraints between the coupling constants, we construct an explicit relation between such an effective bosonic Hamiltonian and the integrable spin-SS anisotropic Heisenberg model. Therefore the former results to be integrable by construction. The field theory is governed by an anisotropic non linear σ\sigma-model with singlet and triplet massive excitations; such a result holds also in the generic non-integrable cases. The criticality of the bosonic system is investigated. The schematic phase diagram is drawn. Our study is shedding light on the hidden symmetry of the Haldane type for one dimensional bosons.Comment: 5 pages; 1 eps figure. Revised version, to be published in New. J. Phy