857 research outputs found

    Wilson Loop Renormalization Group Flows

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    The locally BPS Wilson loop and the pure gauge Wilson loop map under AdS/CFT duality to string world-sheet boundaries with standard and alternate quantizations of the world-sheet fields. This implies an RG flow between the two operators, which we verify at weak coupling. Many additional loop operators exist at strong coupling, with a rich pattern of RG flows.Comment: 10 p, 2 figures. v3: Title change, expanded treatment of RG flow

    Loop expansion in Yang-Mills thermodynamics

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    We argue that a selfconsistent spatial coarse-graining, which involves interacting (anti)calorons of unit topological charge modulus, implies that real-time loop expansions of thermodynamical quantities in the deconfining phase of SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills thermodynamics are, modulo 1PI resummations, determined by a finite number of connected bubble diagrams.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, v5: discussion of much more severely constrained nonplanar situation included in Sec.

    Effective String Theory and Nonlinear Lorentz Invariance

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    We study the low-energy effective action governing the transverse fluctuations of a long string, such as a confining flux tube in QCD. We work in the static gauge where this action contains only the transverse excitations of the string. The static gauge action is strongly constrained by the requirement that the Lorentz symmetry, that is spontaneously broken by the long string vacuum, is nonlinearly realized on the Nambu-Goldstone bosons. One solution to the constraints (at the classical level) is the Nambu-Goto action, and the general solution contains higher derivative corrections to this. We show that in 2+1 dimensions, the first allowed correction to the Nambu-Goto action is proportional to the squared curvature of the induced metric on the worldsheet. In higher dimensions, there is a more complicated allowed correction that appears at lower order than the curvature squared. We argue that this leading correction is similar to, but not identical to, the one-loop determinant (\sqrt{-h} R \Box^{-1} R) computed by Polyakov for the bosonic fundamental string.Comment: 15 page

    Holographic Phase Transition to Topological Dyons

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    The dynamical stability of a Julia-Zee solution in the AdS background in a four dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory is studied. We find that the model with a vanishing scalar field develops a non-zero value for the field at a certain critical temperature which corresponds to a topological dyon in the bulk and a topological phase transition at the boundary.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, sections 2 and 4 are shortened, an error in the last part of section 5 is corrected and equations are modified. This version to be published in JHE

    Diagonal deformations of thin center vortices and their stability in Yang-Mills theories

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    The importance of center vortices for the understanding of the confining properties of SU(N) Yang-Mills theories is well established in the lattice. However, in the continuum, there is a problem concerning the relevance of center vortex backgrounds. They display the so called Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen instability, associated with a gyromagnetic ratio gm(b)=2g^{(b)}_m=2 for the off-diagonal gluons. In this work, we initially consider the usual definition of a {\it thin} center vortex and rewrite it in terms of a local color frame in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories. Then, we define a thick center vortex as a diagonal deformation of the thin object. Besides the usual thick background profile, this deformation also contains a frame defect coupled with gyromagnetic ratio gm(d)=1g^{(d)}_m=1, originated from the charged sector. As a consequence, the analysis of stability is modified. In particular, we point out that the defect should stabilize a vortex configuration formed by a pair of straight components separated by an appropriate finite distance.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    The effective string spectrum in the orthogonal gauge

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    The low-energy effective action on long string-like objects in quantum field theory, such as confining strings, includes the Nambu-Goto action and then higher-derivative corrections. This action is diffeomorphism-invariant, and can be analyzed in various gauges. Polchinski and Strominger suggested a specific way to analyze this effective action in the orthogonal gauge, in which the induced metric on the worldsheet is conformally equivalent to a flat metric. Their suggestion leads to a specific term at the next order beyond the Nambu-Goto action. We compute the leading correction to the Nambu-Goto spectrum using the action that includes this term, and we show that it agrees with the leading correction previously computed in the static gauge. This gives a consistency check for the framework of Polchinski and Strominger, and helps to understand its relation to the theory in the static gauge.Comment: 21 page

    Effective String Theory Revisited

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    We revisit the effective field theory of long relativistic strings such as confining flux tubes in QCD. We derive the Polchinski-Strominger interaction by a calculation in static gauge. This interaction implies that a non-critical string which initially oscillates in one direction gets excited in orthogonal directions as well. In static gauge no additional term in the effective action is needed to obtain this effect. It results from a one-loop calculation using the Nambu-Goto action. Non-linearly realized Lorentz symmetry is manifest at all stages in dimensional regularization. We also explain that independent of the number of dimensions non-covariant counterterms have to be added to the action in the commonly used zeta-function regularization.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, v2: typo corrected, references added, published versio

    On the Perturbative Stability of Quantum Field Theories in de Sitter Space

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    We use a field theoretic generalization of the Wigner-Weisskopf method to study the stability of the Bunch-Davies vacuum state for a massless, conformally coupled interacting test field in de Sitter space. We find that in λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 theory the vacuum does {\em not} decay, while in non-conformally invariant models, the vacuum decays as a consequence of a vacuum wave function renormalization that depends \emph{singularly} on (conformal) time and is proportional to the spatial volume. In a particular regularization scheme the vacuum wave function renormalization is the same as in Minkowski spacetime, but in terms of the \emph{physical volume}, which leads to an interpretation of the decay. A simple example of the impact of vacuum decay upon a non-gaussian correlation is discussed. Single particle excitations also decay into two particle states, leading to particle production that hastens the exiting of modes from the de Sitter horizon resulting in the production of \emph{entangled superhorizon pairs} with a population consistent with unitary evolution. We find a non-perturbative, self-consistent "screening" mechanism that shuts off vacuum decay asymptotically, leading to a stationary vacuum state in a manner not unlike the approach to a fixed point in the space of states.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures. Version to appear in JHEP, more explanation

    Rectangular Wilson Loops at Large N

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    This work is about pure Yang-Mills theory in four Euclidean dimensions with gauge group SU(N). We study rectangular smeared Wilson loops on the lattice at large N and relatively close to the large-N transition point in their eigenvalue density. We show that the string tension can be extracted from these loops but their dependence on shape differs from the asymptotic prediction of effective string theory.Comment: 47 pages, 21 figures, 8 table

    Conformal invariance in two-dimensional turbulence

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    Simplicity of fundamental physical laws manifests itself in fundamental symmetries. While systems with an infinity of strongly interacting degrees of freedom (in particle physics and critical phenomena) are hard to describe, they often demonstrate symmetries, in particular scale invariance. In two dimensions (2d) locality often promotes scale invariance to a wider class of conformal transformations which allow for nonuniform re-scaling. Conformal invariance allows a thorough classification of universality classes of critical phenomena in 2d. Is there conformal invariance in 2d turbulence, a paradigmatic example of strongly-interacting non-equilibrium system? Here, using numerical experiment, we show that some features of 2d inverse turbulent cascade display conformal invariance. We observe that the statistics of vorticity clusters is remarkably close to that of critical percolation, one of the simplest universality classes of critical phenomena. These results represent a new step in the unification of 2d physics within the framework of conformal symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl
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