188 research outputs found

    The PlaceMarker Survey: A Place-Based Tool for Supporting the Monitoring and Appraisal of River-Related Projects and Natural Capital Assessments

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    The PlaceMarker Survey is an operational tool to support the delivery of the core aims of England’s Environment Agency (EA) in helping to increase resilience to climate change, manage flood risk, and create a better place for people and wildlife. It was developed in response to a recognised need by the EA’s National Environmental Assessment and Sustainability (NEAS) team for a broad-based survey undertaken in the field to get to know the site and prior to more specialist surveys. The key aim of the survey is to capture in a systematic and consistent way the character and condition of a place where river-related projects such as flood risk management and river restoration schemes are proposed to inform discussions around the design and planning of a project and provide the baseline for future place-based monitoring. The tool comprises: a Study Area Survey and one or more River Surveys, which provide measurements to generate metrics and information to support assessments of Habitat and Biodiversity, Landscape, Amenity, and Heritage. Data are stored, analysed, retrieved, shared, and displayed through a web-based information system. It is intended that a PlaceMarker Survey will be conducted on at least three occasions in the lifetime of a project or asset: pre-inception of a project to understand the broad environmental baseline and assist in the design of a scheme; immediately post-project to confirm the “as-built condition”; and post-recovery from the works to monitor the environmental response to interventions at the site. Tracking the assessments over time informs evaluations of environmental enhancements and supports decision-making around adaptive management


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    Hydromorphological frameworks: emerging trajectories

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    This paper forms a postscript to a Special Issue that reports on research funded through the European Union’s FP7 programme under Grant Agreement No. 282656 (REFORM)

    Understanding processes of island development on an island braided river over timescales from days to decades

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Gurnell, A. M., Bertoldi, W., Francis, R. A., Gurnell, J., and Mardhiah, U. ( 2019) Understanding processes of island development on an island braided river over timescales from days to decades. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 44: 624– 640. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4494., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4494. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsBar colonization by vegetation and subsequent island formation is a key bio‐geomorphological process in fluvial landscape evolution. Here we investigate morphological and ecological evolution of river islands over timescales from single floods to decades, focusing on islands initiated by deposited trees that sprout to form vegetated patches. On a braided reach of the high‐energy Tagliamento River, Italy, we monitored 30 pioneer islands of 1 to 17 years age in comparison with unvegetated bar surfaces, open areas between islands, and established island surfaces. We integrated morphological, surface sediment and vegetation properties of islands initiated by different flood events, combining evidence from remotely‐sensed and ground observations, flow and climate time series. At a decadal timescale, pioneer islands aggrade rapidly to the elevation of the mean annual flood, showing a steady increase in vegetation canopy height, fining of surface sediments from predominantly gravel to silty‐sand with a notable clay and organic fraction. The standing vegetation included over 130 species, with the largest number on island surfaces of intermediate elevation and flood disturbance. As islands age, standing vegetation becomes comprised mainly of competitor species with transient seed banks and typical of woodland, scrub, pasture and wetland habitats, whereas the winter seedbank is dominated on all surfaces by ruderal species with persistent seedbanks, mainly associated with aquatic, wetland, pasture, arable and wasteland habitats. At shorter timescales, the biogeomorphological trajectory of pioneer islands is initiated by large flood events that control the elevation of deposited trees, and subsequent flows that control tree survival and establishment. Island morphological evolution depends on the frequency‐magnitude of sediment and seed delivery and redistribution by flood and possibly wind events, whereas island ability to retain sediments reflects the degree of vegetation establishment, which in the short‐term may vary with seasonal to annual moisture supply, substrate characteristics and climatic growth conditions.Ulfah Mardhiah's research was funded by the SMART Joint Doctoral Programme (Science for MAnagement of Rivers and their Tidal systems), which is financed by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Union