102 research outputs found

    The Plants of Using for Dye in Kürecik (Akçadağ/Malatya), Eastern Anatolia of Turkey

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    Bu çalışmada Kürecik Bucağında (Akçadağ/Malatya) halk arasında yün boyamak amacıyla kullanılan bitkiler sunulmuştur. Toplam 11 familyada 12 doğal ve 3 kültür bitkisi olmak üzere 15 tür kullanılmaktadır. Bu bitkilerin kullanılan kısımları çiçekleri, kökleri veya topraküstü kısımlarıdır. Bunlardan 11 bitki türü ise aynı zamanda halk ilacı olarak kullanılmaktadır

    The Use of Wild Edible Plants in Kürecik (Akçadağ/Malatya)

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    Bu çalışmada Kürecik (Akçadağ/Malatya) Bucağı’nda gıda, baharat ve sıcak içeçek olarak kullanılan 75 doğal tür (77 takson) yer almaktadır. Bunların arasında 20 tür (21 takson) aynı zamadan halk tıbbinda tedavi amacıyla kullanılır. En çok kullanımı olan bitkilerin bulunduğu familyalar; Labiatae (14 tür), Rosaceae (10 tür), Compositae (10 tür) ve Polygonaceae (6 tür)’dir. 10 endemik tür (11 takson) gıda ve çay olarak kullanılmaktadır; Cerasus hippophaeoides, Crataegus x bornmuelleri, Pyrus syriaca subsp. microphylla türlerinin meyveleri, Onopordum polycephalum, Scorzonera tomentosa türlerinin gövdesi ve Convolvulus galaticus Rostan ex Choisy, Marrubium parviflorum subsp. oligodon, Thymus sipyleus subsp. Rosulans, Sideritis libanotica subsp. linearis, Stachys cretica subsp. anatolica, Stachys cretica subsp. mersinaea türlerinin topraküstü kısımları

    Comparative morphological and anatomical characteristics of the species known as lemongrass (limonotu): Melissa officinalis L., Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. and Aloysia citriodora Palau.

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    Aloysia citriodora (Verbenaceae), Melissa officinalis (Lamiaceae) and Cymbopogon citratus (Poaceae) leaves have a gentle lemon-scented essential oil, contains citral or citronellal and are called the Lemongrass in Turkey. This similarity causes the use of plants for the same purposes despite the presence of different families and different morphological and anatomical structure. Instead of Melissa officinalis, which grows naturally in our country, Aloysia citriodora samples are sold in bazaars and herbal markets. Leaves of all species are used and sold. In this study morphological and anatomical features of leaves of Aloysia citriodora, Melissa officinalis and Cymbopogon citratus are investigated to identification of powder and big parts in herbal tea

    Ferulago trojana (Umbelliferae), a new species from western Turkey

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    Ferulago trojana E. Akalin & Pimenov sp. nov., is described from western Turkey. It is closely related to F. confusa, F. silaifolia and F. thirkeana. Diagnostic characters of these species and European F. sylvatica are discussed. (C) 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 146, 499-504

    Rhabdosciadium urusakii sp nov (Apiaceae) from east Anatolia (Turkey)

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    Rhabdosciadium urusakii E. Akalin sp. nov. (Apiaceae) is described and illustrated. It occurs very locally on scree slopes in Kemaliye (Erzincan), east Anatolia. This slender species is closely related to R. aucheri (Iran) and R. oligocarpum (south Anatolia). It is a very rare and critically endangered species. A key to all Rhabdosciadium species is given in this paper. The new species is characterized by dichotomous branched, long petiolate, pinnate and linear leaves, ovate-lanceolate bracts, a brownish band and hairs on the dorsal side of the petals

    Folk medicinal plants in kürecik area (Akçadaǧ/Malatya-Turkey) Kiirecikte (Akçadaǧ/Malatya-tiirkiye) geleneksel olarak kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler

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    In this study, 47 flowering plant taxa belonging to 19 families that are used as medicine are documented in Kürecik (Akçadaǧ/Malatya). These folk medicinal plants are mostly used for treatment of cold, diabetes, inflamed wound, menstrual and abdominal pain. All settlements in Kürecik township (20 villages) were visited during the field works. The plants that collected with folk medicinal plant user were identified and prepared voucher specimens were kept in the Herbarium of Istanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy (ISTE)

    A new species of Ferulago W. Koch (Umbelliferae) from north-west Turkey

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    A new species, Ferulago idaea, Ozhatay et Akalm from Bahkesir, Kaz Dag (Mount Ida) in north-west Turkey is described. The distinctive characteristics of the new species, and its relationship, with three other endemic species (F. humilis, F. macrosciadia and F. sandrasica) are discussed. (C) 2000 The Linnean Society of London