47 research outputs found

    Правозащитная система организации ООН: каковы пути дальнейшего развития?

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    In 2018 will be the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the 25th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action. These significant dates are a good opportunity to analyze the current trends and processes taking place in the universal system of the protection of human rights, to outline the importance of international cooperation of states in the human rights field in the context of a sharp aggravation of international relations, and to consider the current state and prospects in this delicate, sensitive and, at the same time, important sphere for every person, society, state and the whole world community.В 2018 г. - 70-летие Всеобщей декларации прав человека, 25-летие Конституции Российской Федерации, 25-летие Венской декларации и Программы действий. Это повод, чтобы проанализировать современные тенденции и процессы, протекающие в универсальной системе защиты прав человека, обозначить значение международного сотрудничества государств в правозащитной сфере в условиях резкого обострения международных отношений, а также рассмотреть современное состояние и перспективы в этой сфере для каждого человека, общества, государства и всего мирового сообщества


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    The work discloses the international law significance of the contribution of the Russian State in peaceful settlement of international disputes.в работе показывается международно-правовая значимость вклада Российского государства в мирное разрешение международных споров

    Current issues of international space law

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    The international legal norms governing the space activities of states were intro­duced in the 21st century in the form of an already established system of norms of international space law, aimed at responding in general to the challenges of the new century. The specificity of international space law is that it is intended to prejudge the behavior of individual states in the field of space activities for many decades and even centuries ahead. Accordingly, the established interna­tional legal regime of use of outer space is recognized by all states and the inter­national community as a rule of conduct for centuries. However, many issues are acutely on the agenda of the international community today: the fight against the militarization of outer space, the creation of an international space organization, use of nuclear power sources in outer space, space debris mitigation and remedi­ation measures, non-legally binding United Nations instruments on outer space, legal aspects of space traffic management, application of international law to small-satellite activities, legal models for activities in the exploration, exploita­tion and utilization of space resources. Responses to these modern challenges should be provided by our generation. In this respect doctrinal developments of international law scholars are in high demand today in the field of international space law. © 2020, Univelt Inc. All rights reserved

    Место международных договоров по правам человека в национальной правовой системе и их статус в судах государств англосаксонской правовой системы (на примере Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и США)

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the provisions of the two International Covenants on Human Rights, which establish the obligations of their States parties in the form of taking measures to ensure the status of these international acts in the national legal system and their applicability in the national courts. The article also analyses the clarifications on this issue given by the relevant two committees (Human Rights Committee and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) in their general comments. The paper considers the existing approach to the above raised issue realized in Great Britain and the USA belonging to the Anglo-Saxon legal system. This article is prepared within the realisation of the grant funding awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020 within the project № AP05133075 “Analysis of the interaction of the UN treaty bodies with the OECD and the EAEU countries with a view to adapting in Kazakhstan the international experience in fulfilling international legal obligations and preserving national specifics in the process of modernization of legislation” (scientific supervisors: in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Doctor of Laws, Professor of the Department of International Law, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Abaideldinov Ye. M.; in the Russian Federation - Doctor of Laws, Professor, Head of the Department of International Law, RUDN University, Member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Abashidze A. Kh.).Статья посвящена анализу положений двух Международных пактов по правам человека, которые предусматривают обязательства государств-участников в виде принятия ими мер по обеспечению статуса этим международным актам в национальной правовой системе и возможности ссылаться на них в национальных судах, а также разъяснении по этому аспекту, данных соответствующими двумя комитетами (КПЧ и КЭСКП) в их замечаниях общего порядка. В ней исследован действующий порядок по рассматриваемой проблематике в Великобритании и США, относящихся к англосаксонской правовой системе. Данная статья подготовлена в рамках реализации грантового финансирования Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан на 2018-2020 гг. по проекту № AP05133075 «Анализ взаимодействия договорных органов ООН со странами ОЭСР и ЕАЭС в целях адаптации в Казахстане мирового опыта выполнения международно-правовых обязательств и сохранения национальной специфики в процессе модернизации законодательства» (научные руководители: от Республики Казахстан - д.ю.н., профессор кафедры международного права ЕНУ им. Л. Н. Гумилева Абайдельдинов Е. М., от Российской Федерации - д.ю.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой международного права РУДН, член Комитета ООН по экономическим, социальным, культурным правам Абашидзе А. Х.)

    Правозащитная система организации ООН: каковы пути дальнейшего развития?

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    In 2018 will be the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the 25th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action. These significant dates are a good opportunity to analyze the current trends and processes taking place in the universal system of the protection of human rights, to outline the importance of international cooperation of states in the human rights field in the context of a sharp aggravation of international relations, and to consider the current state and prospects in this delicate, sensitive and, at the same time, important sphere for every person, society, state and the whole world community.В 2018 г. - 70-летие Всеобщей декларации прав человека, 25-летие Конституции Российской Федерации, 25-летие Венской декларации и Программы действий. Это повод, чтобы проанализировать современные тенденции и процессы, протекающие в универсальной системе защиты прав человека, обозначить значение международного сотрудничества государств в правозащитной сфере в условиях резкого обострения международных отношений, а также рассмотреть современное состояние и перспективы в этой сфере для каждого человека, общества, государства и всего мирового сообщества


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    The work discloses the international law significance of the contribution of the Russian State in peaceful settlement of international disputes.в работе показывается международно-правовая значимость вклада Российского государства в мирное разрешение международных споров

    Right to health: International legal dimension in the globalization context

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    Objectives: The study analyzes the obligations of the States with regard to the right to health, the practice of international judicial and quasi-judicial remedies for human rights infringements, national judicial institutions and as the major doctrinal approaches. Methods: The methodological basis is formed by the general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, generalization, as well as special legal method, comparative legal method. Findings: The study analysis the main approaches to the implementation by States of their obligations under international law with respect to the full realization of the right to health, the conceptual and normative content of the right to health, and the practice of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The paper presents the ways of further strengthening of the right to health as a fundamental human right. Application/Improvements: The suggested conclusions and recommendations may be applied by the RF Federal Assembly to develop optimal models of legislation in the field of health care and by the Ministry of Health of Russia to develop effective public health programs

    "Old" but Modern Problems of International Air Law

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the provisions of the 1919 Convention on the Regulation of Aerial Navigation and the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation. The analysis identified imperfections of the 1944 Convention still remaining the major international legal act on the regulation of air navigation processes. It is proposed recommendations to improve key areas of international air law regulation. Special attention is paid to the activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the development of draft international treaties, adoption of standards and recommended practices aimed at unifying national air laws establishing permits for aircraft to enter other states and regulate the procedure of designation prohibited and dangerous zones. In consequence of the comparison difference in the legal status of annexes to both Conventions mentioned is established. The problems of the international legal classification of aircraft, the legality of the use of weapons against civil aircraft that violate the state border or used for illegal purposes that are incompatible with the provisions of the 1944 Convention are analyzed in details. The facts of the realization by coastal states of jurisdiction in air navigation in the flight information areas established on the basis of the relevant regional treaties, have been studied as the confirmation of the international legal custom. The article contains recommendations for all users of the airspace to creation of a common international legal regime of flights of aircraft, rocket launches, guided missiles, ascents and descents of space objects. It is substantiated a necessity of determining international legal responsibility of states for damage caused as a result of an illegitimate act in relation to civil aviation, by amending the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation. It is described possible international legal procedures for interaction between search and rescue and air navigation services of the states realizing jurisdiction outside sovereign territories, and makes the suggestions to bring them in line with practice of relief operations on the sea. Also the article focuses on analyzing issues of international legal regulation of investigations of accidents and incidents aimed at identifying true causes of the incident and communicating results of investigations to air transport operators and aircraft manufacturers to prevent similar catastrophes in the future

    Right to health: International legal dimension in the globalization context

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    Objectives: The study analyzes the obligations of the States with regard to the right to health, the practice of international judicial and quasi-judicial remedies for human rights infringements, national judicial institutions and as the major doctrinal approaches. Methods: The methodological basis is formed by the general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, generalization, as well as special legal method, comparative legal method. Findings: The study analysis the main approaches to the implementation by States of their obligations under international law with respect to the full realization of the right to health, the conceptual and normative content of the right to health, and the practice of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The paper presents the ways of further strengthening of the right to health as a fundamental human right. Application/Improvements: The suggested conclusions and recommendations may be applied by the RF Federal Assembly to develop optimal models of legislation in the field of health care and by the Ministry of Health of Russia to develop effective public health programs

    Старые, но современные проблемы международного воздушного права

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the provisions of the 1919 Convention on the Regulation of Aerial Navigation and the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation. The analysis identified imperfections of the 1944 Convention still remaining the major international legal act on the regulation of air navigation processes. It is proposed recommendations to improve key areas of international air law regulation. Special attention is paid to the activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the development of draft international treaties, adoption of standards and recommended practices aimed at unifying national air laws establishing permits for aircraft to enter other states and regulate the procedure of designation prohibited and dangerous zones. In consequence of the comparison difference in the legal status of annexes to both Conventions mentioned is established. The problems of the international legal classification of aircraft, the legality of the use of weapons against civil aircraft that violate the state border or used for illegal purposes that are incompatible with the provisions of the 1944 Convention are analyzed in details. The facts of the realization by coastal states of jurisdiction in air navigation in the flight information areas established on the basis of the relevant regional treaties, have been studied as the confirmation of the international legal custom. The article contains recommendations for all users of the airspace to creation of a common international legal regime of flights of aircraft, rocket launches, guided missiles, ascents and descents of space objects. It is substantiated a necessity of determining international legal responsibility of states for damage caused as a result of an illegitimate act in relation to civil aviation, by amending the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation. It is described possible international legal procedures for interaction between search and rescue and air navigation services of the states realizing jurisdiction outside sovereign territories, and makes the suggestions to bring them in line with practice of relief operations on the sea. Also the article focuses on analyzing issues of international legal regulation of investigations of accidents and incidents aimed at identifying true causes of the incident and communicating results of investigations to air transport operators and aircraft manufacturers to prevent similar catastrophes in the future.В статье проводится сравнительно-правовой анализ Конвенции о регулировании воздушных передвижений 1919 г. и Конвенции о международной гражданской авиации 1944 г. Выявляются недостатки Конвенции 1944 г., остающейся основным международно-правовым актом регламентации аэронавигационных процессов. Особое внимание уделяется деятельности Международной организации гражданской авиации в разработке проектов международных договоров, принятии стандартов и рекомендуемой практики, направленных на унификацию национальных воздушных законодательств, устанавливающих разрешительный порядок влета воздушных судов на территорию других государств и регламентирующих процедуру установления запретных и опасных зон. Устанавливается различие в правовом статусе приложений к Конвенциям. Изучаются проблемы международно-правовой классификации воздушных судов, правомерности применения оружия в отношении гражданских воздушных судов, нарушивших государственную границу или используемых в противоправных целях, несовместимых с положениями Конвенции 1944 г. Изучены факты осуществления прибрежными государствами юрисдикции в области аэронавигации в районах полетной информации, устанавливаемых на основе региональных договоров, свидетельствующие о сформировавшемся международно-правовом обычае. Даны рекомендации о совершенствовании ключевых сфер регулирования международного воздушного права в том числе создания единого воздушного пространства международно-правового режима полетов воздушных судов, ракет, управляемых снарядов, космических объектов. Обосновывается необходимость определения международно-правовой ответственности государств за ущерб, причиненный в результате противоправного акта в отношении гражданской авиации. Указаны возможные процедуры взаимодействия поисково-спасательных и аэронавигационных служб государств, осуществляющих юрисдикцию за пределами суверенных территорий, даны предложения о приведении их в соответствие с практикой помощи лицам, находящимся в опасности на море. Значительное внимание уделено проблемам международно-правовой регламентации расследований авиационных происшествий и инцидентов, направленных на установ ление причин произошедшего и доведения информации о результатах расследований до эксплуатантов воздушного транспорта и производителей авиационной техники для предотвращения подобных бедствий в будущем