32 research outputs found

    BLP dissipative structures in plane

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    We study the Darboux and Laplace transformations for the Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations (BLP). These equations are the (1+2) generalization of the sinh-Gordon equation. In addition, the BLP equations reduced to the Burgers (and anti-Burgers) equation in a one-dimensional limit. Localized nonsingular solutions in both spatial dimensions and (anti) "blow-up" solutions are constructed. The Burgers equation's "dressing" procedure is suggested. This procedure allows us to construct such solutions of the BLP equations which are reduced to the solutions of the dissipative Burgers equations when t→∞t\to \infty. These solutions we call the BLP dissipative structures.Comment: 7 pages, AMS-Te

    Darboux Transformation for Dirac Equations with (1+1) potentials

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    We study the Darboux transformation (DT) for Dirac equations with (1+1) potentials. Exact solutions for the adiabatic external field are constructed. The connection between the exactly soluble Dirac (1+1) potentials and the soliton solutions of the Davey--Stewartson equations is discussed.Comment: AMS-Te

    Generalized Fubini instantons

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    We show that (1+2)(1+2) nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with negative coupling admits an exact solution which appears to be the linear superposition of the plane wave and the nonsingular rational soliton. We show that the same approach allows to construct the solution of similar properties for the Euclidean ϕ4\phi^4 model with broken symmetry. Interestingly, this regular solution will be of instanton type only in the D≀5D\le 5 Euclidean space.Comment: 10 page

    The Big Trip and Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    Of all the possible ways to describe the behavior of the universe that has undergone a big trip the Wheeler-DeWitt equation should be the most accurate -- provided, of course, that we employ the correct formulation. In this article we start by discussing the standard formulation introduced by Gonz\'alez-D\'iaz and Jimenez-Madrid, and show that it allows for a simple yet efficient method of the solution's generation, which is based on the Moutard transformation. Next, by shedding the unnecessary restrictions, imposed on aforementioned standard formulation we introduce a more general form of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. One immediate prediction of this new formula is that for the universe the probability to emerge right after the big trip in a state with w=w0w=w_0 will be maximal if and only if w0=−1/3w_0=-1/3.Comment: accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    An Infrared Divergence Problem in the cosmological measure theory and the anthropic reasoning

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    An anthropic principle has made it possible to answer the difficult question of why the observable value of cosmological constant (Λ∌10−47\Lambda\sim 10^{-47} GeV4{}^4) is so disconcertingly tiny compared to predicted value of vacuum energy density ρSUSY∌1012\rho_{SUSY}\sim 10^{12} GeV4{}^4. Unfortunately, there is a darker side to this argument, as it consequently leads to another absurd prediction: that the probability to observe the value Λ=0\Lambda=0 for randomly selected observer exactly equals to 1. We'll call this controversy an infrared divergence problem. It is shown that the IRD prediction can be avoided with the help of a Linde-Vanchurin {\em singular runaway measure} coupled with the calculation of relative Bayesian probabilities by the means of the {\em doomsday argument}. Moreover, it is shown that while the IRD problem occurs for the {\em prediction stage} of value of Λ\Lambda, it disappears at the {\em explanatory stage} when Λ\Lambda has already been measured by the observer.Comment: 9 pages, RevTe

    Agnesi Weighting for the Measure Problem of Cosmology

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    The measure problem of cosmology is how to assign normalized probabilities to observations in a universe so large that it may have many observations occurring at many different spacetime locations. I have previously shown how the Boltzmann brain problem (that observations arising from thermal or quantum fluctuations may dominate over ordinary observations if the universe expands sufficiently and/or lasts long enough) may be ameliorated by volume averaging, but that still leaves problems if the universe lasts too long. Here a solution is proposed for that residual problem by a simple weighting factor 1/(1+t^2) to make the time integral convergent. The resulting Agnesi measure appears to avoid problems other measures may have with vacua of zero or negative cosmological constant.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX; discussion is added of how Agnesi weighting appears better than other recent measure

    Resonant structure of space-time of early universe

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    A new fully quantum method describing penetration of packet from internal well outside with its tunneling through the barrier of arbitrary shape used in problems of quantum cosmology, is presented. The method allows to determine amplitudes of wave function, penetrability TbarT_{\rm bar} and reflection RbarR_{\rm bar} relatively the barrier (accuracy of the method: ∣Tbar+Rbar−1∣<1⋅10−15|T_{\rm bar}+R_{\rm bar}-1| < 1 \cdot 10^{-15}), coefficient of penetration (i.e. probability of the packet to penetrate from the internal well outside with its tunneling), coefficient of oscillations (describing oscillating behavior of the packet inside the internal well). Using the method, evolution of universe in the closed Friedmann--Robertson--Walker model with quantization in presence of positive cosmological constant, radiation and component of generalize Chaplygin gas is studied. It is established (for the first time): (1) oscillating dependence of the penetrability on localization of start of the packet; (2) presence of resonant values of energy of radiation EradE_{\rm rad}, at which the coefficient of penetration increases strongly. From analysis of these results it follows: (1) necessity to introduce initial condition into both non-stationary, and stationary quantum models; (2) presence of some definite values for the scale factor aa, where start of expansion of universe is the most probable; (3) during expansion of universe in the initial stage its radius is changed not continuously, but passes consequently through definite discrete values and tends to continuous spectrum in latter time.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Screening of cosmological constant for De Sitter Universe in non-local gravity, phantom-divide crossing and finite-time future singularities

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    We investigate de Sitter solutions in non-local gravity as well as in non-local gravity with Lagrange constraint multiplier. We examine a condition to avoid a ghost and discuss a screening scenario for a cosmological constant in de Sitter solutions. Furthermore, we explicitly demonstrate that three types of the finite-time future singularities can occur in non-local gravity and explore their properties. In addition, we evaluate the effective equation of state for the universe and show that the late-time accelerating universe may be effectively the quintessence, cosmological constant or phantom-like phases. In particular, it is found that there is a case in which a crossing of the phantom divide from the non-phantom (quintessence) phase to the phantom one can be realized when a finite-time future singularity occurs. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the addition of an R2R^2 term can cure the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity. It is also suggested that in the framework of non-local gravity, adding an R2R^2 term leads to possible unification of the early-time inflation with the late-time cosmic acceleration.Comment: 42 pages, no figure, version accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    First measurement of direct f0(980)f_0(980) photoproduction on the proton

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    We report on the results of the first measurement of exclusive f0(980)f_0(980) meson photoproduction on protons for EÎł=3.0−3.8E_\gamma=3.0 - 3.8 GeV and −t=0.4−1.0-t = 0.4-1.0 GeV2^2. Data were collected with the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The resonance was detected via its decay in the π+π−\pi^+ \pi^- channel by performing a partial wave analysis of the reaction Îłp→pπ+π−\gamma p \to p \pi^+ \pi^-. Clear evidence of the f0(980)f_0(980) meson was found in the interference between PP and SS waves at Mπ+π−∌1M_{\pi^+ \pi^-}\sim 1 GeV. The SS-wave differential cross section integrated in the mass range of the f0(980)f_0(980) was found to be a factor of 50 smaller than the cross section for the ρ\rho meson. This is the first time the f0(980)f_0(980) meson has been measured in a photoproduction experiment

    The Born Rule Dies

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    The Born rule may be stated mathematically as the rule that probabilities in quantum theory are expectation values of a complete orthogonal set of projection operators. This rule works for single laboratory settings in which the observer can distinguish all the different possible outcomes corresponding to the projection operators. However, theories of inflation suggest that the universe may be so large that any laboratory, no matter how precisely it is defined by its internal state, may exist in a large number of very distantly separated copies throughout the vast universe. In this case, no observer within the universe can distinguish all possible outcomes for all copies of the laboratory. Then normalized probabilities for the local outcomes that can be locally distinguished cannot be given by the expectation values of any projection operators. Thus the Born rule dies and must be replaced by another rule for observational probabilities in cosmology. The freedom of what this new rule is to be is the measure problem in cosmology. A particular volume-averaged form is proposed.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, typos in Eqs. (4.3) and (6.2) correcte