11 research outputs found

    Current Profiles of Molecular Nanowires; DFT Green Function Representation

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    The Liouville-space Green function formalism is used to compute the current density profile across a single molecule attached to electrodes. Time ordering is maintained in real, physical, time, avoiding the use of artificial time loops and backward propagations. Closed expressions for molecular currents, which only require DFT calculations for the isolated molecule, are derived to fourth order in the molecule/electrode coupling.Comment: 21 page

    Analysis of the shift in the superconducting transition under pressure in the Anderson-Hubbard two-orbital model

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    The two-orbital Hubbard model is used to obtain formulas for the fermion excitation spectrum in the energy bands hybridized by Anderson's interaction. A transition to the Hubbard operators, which diagonalizes the one-site part of the Hamiltonian, allows us to use the Green's temperature function technique to take into account the interstitial jump term while studying the superconducting properties of the model. An analysis of the lower part of the energy spectrum leads to a formula for the superconducting transition temperature Tc associated with the pairing of quasiparticles in one of the correlated bands. The dependence of Tc on electron concentration and energy parameters determining the intraatomic correlation is studied. Proposing a simple relation between the value of pressure (P) and width of the correlated band, the dependence of Tc on the pressure was defined. Good agreement between the theoretical calculation of the dependence of Tc on the pressure and the experimental results for Y1-xPrxBa₂Cu₃O₇-δ is found. Comparison of the theoretical and experimental results for the dependence of Tc and its derivative d(lnTc)/dP on Sr and Bi-content (x) in La₂-xSrxCuO₄ has been made. It is concluded that the model under consideration can be used for the description of the shift in Tc under pressure for a number of superconductors

    Multidimensional Exact Solutions of a Class of Elliptic Systems

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    In plasma modeling, partial differential equations and equation systems are usually applied, such as Boltzmann or Vlasov equations. Their solutions must meet initial and boundary conditions which presents a stubborn problem. Thus, the task is commonly reduced to a simpler one, e.g., to solving ordinary differential equations. This is the basis for model of magnetic electron isolation in vacuum diode proposed by a group of French mathematicians. The model is described by a system of two nonlinear ordinary second-order differential equations, and the problem of finding all exact solutions, i.e. full integration is concerned. In this paper, the whole concept is further developed into a class of elliptic equation systems with multidimensional Laplace operator, including both generalization of the above vacuum diode model and other systems applied in chemical technology, mathematical biology, etc. It is established that only solutions of Helmholtz linear equation can be solutions of the elliptic systems considered, and the properties of the former solutions can be inherited by the latter ones. Method of finding radially symmetric exact solutions is offered. A series of example control systems are observed, for which parametrical families of exact solutions (including those anisotropic by spatial variables) described by elementary or harmonious functions are found. Examples of global solutions defined on entire space are specified. The explicit expressions of exact solutions obtained have both theoretical and applied value as they can be used for testing, development and adaptation of numerical methods and algorithms of finding approximate solutions for boundary problems within the generalized model of magnetic isolation

    Exact Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Elliptic Systems of a Special Type

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    In paper the problem of construction of exact solutions for nonlinear system of two equations of elliptic type is studied. Nonlinear systems of the equations of elliptic type are applied as mathematical models in the theory warm and a mass transfer of the reacting systems, in the theory of chemical reactors, the theory of burning and mathematical biology. In a one-dimensional case can carry the model of magnetic isolation of the vacuum diode described by the ordinary differential equations to the same class of the equations. Finding of exact solutions for nonlinear elliptic systems plays an important role as for development of the theory and establishment of properties of all set of solutions, and for applications. Exact solutions can be used for testing and verification of numerical methods of the solution of boundary value problems. In this paper the system of two equations of elliptic type with one nonlinearity depending on a difference of squares of required functions is considered. Conditions on nonlinearity under which the system is reduced to one equation are found. It is shown that in this case the system is reduced to the semi-linear elliptic equation of a special kind, only one component different from Helmholtz’s equation. The case of the system which isn’t reduced is separately studied at any nonlinearity to one equation. For this case the integro-differential equation to which have to satisfy radially symmetric solutions is obtained. Cases when this equation is reduced to the ordinary differential equation are specified and is integrated in an explicit form. A number of examples of construction of the exact solutions set by elementary functions for systems with the two-dimensional and three-dimensional operator of Laplace is given

    Feasibility study on the use of oil-well tubing in construction of intermediate support for 6-10 kV high voltage overhead power lines in the development of oilfields

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    This article is devoted to assessing the technical effectiveness and economic feasibility of oilwell tubing in construction of intermediate supports for overhead power lines (6–10 kV) in the development of oil, gas and condensate field in the conditions of Far North. The article considers the technical possibility and economic feasibility of using the built-up cross section of the intermediate support of overhead lines consisting of two tubes welded together. The SCAD office software was used to calculate the strength of the proposed section for the design load, taking into account the impact of climatic factors. A comparative analysis of the construction cost was performed for 1 km of overhead power lines made of conventional materials and oil-well tubing. The calculations showed the feasibility of using this material for the construction of 6-10 kV overhead lines

    Синтетический аналог лей-энкефалина предотвращает активацию нейтрофилов под действием бактериальных компонентов

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    Background: Neutrophil activation is a  mandatory stage and a  sensitive marker of systemic inflammatory response. The development of this condition is associated with subsequent multiple organ failure which is the main indication for the patients stay in the intensive care unit. The search for drugs that could prevent the development of systemic inflammatory response and reduce mortality remains an urgent task of anesthesiology/resuscitation.Aim: To study the anti-inflammatory effect of dalargin, a synthetic analogue of lei-enkephalin, on human neutrophils in vitro.Materials and methods: The study was performed on blood neutrophils isolated from 5 healthy donors. A proportion of neutrophils were activated by 10 mkM formil-Met-Leu-Pro (fMLP) and 100 ng/mL lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with subsequent assessment of their activity by fluorescent antibodies to the degranulation markers CD11b and CD66b. Thereafter intact and activated neutrophils were treated with dalargin solution at concentrations of 50 and 100 mcg/mL.Results: Dalargin at 100 mcg/mL reduced the expression of CD11b molecules on the surface of intact neutrophils by 5.5-fold (p=0.008). On the contrary, LPS at a  dose of 100  ng/mL increased the expression of the same molecules by 46% (p=0.08). The addition of dalargin at 50 mcg/mL to LPS-activated neutrophils reduced the expression of CD11b molecules (p=0.016). The addition of dalargin at 50  mcg/mL to fMLP-activated neutrophils significantly (p=0.008) reduced the expression of CD11b molecules and reversed their expression virtually to the level of the control. The addition of dalargin at 100  mcg/mL to neutrophils activated by fMLP at 10 mkM reduced the expression of CD11b on their surface to a level below the control by 23% (p=0.08).Conclusion: Dalargin at the studied concentrations has an anti-inflammatory effect on both intact and pre-activated bacterial components of neutrophils, thus inhibiting the process of activation and degranulation in a dose-dependent manner. Актуальность. Активация нейтрофилов – обязательный этап и  чувствительный маркер системного воспалительного ответа. С развитием этого состояния сопряжено возникновение полиорганной недостаточности  – основного показания для пребывания пациентов в  отделении реанимации. Поиск препаратов, способных предотвратить развитие системного воспалительного ответа и снизить летальность, остается актуальной задачей анестезиологииреаниматологии.Цель  – изучить противовоспалительное действие синтетического аналога лей-энкефалина (препарат даларгин) на нейтрофилах человека in vitro.Материал и  методы. Исследование проводилось на выделенных из крови 5  здоровых доноров нейтрофилах, часть из которых активировали с  помощью 10 мкM формил-Мет-Лей-Про (fMLP) и 100 нг/мл липополисахарида (ЛПС) и затем оценивали их активность с  помощью флуоресцентных антител к  маркерам дегрануляции CD11b и  CD66b. Интактные и  активированные нейтрофилы обрабатывали раствором даларгина в  концентрациях 50 и 100 мкг/мл.Результаты. Даларгин в концентрации 100 мкг/мл в 5,5 раза (р=0,008) снижает уровень экспрессии молекул CD11b на поверхности интактных нейтрофилов, а ЛПС в дозе 100 нг/мл, напротив, увеличивает экспрессию тех же молекул на 46% (р=0,08). Добавление даларгина в  концентрации 50  мкг/мл к  нейтрофилам, активированным ЛПС, уменьшает экспрессию молекул CD11b (р=0,016). Добавление даларгина в  концентрациях 50  мкг/мл к  активированным fMLP нейтрофилам значимо (р=0,008) уменьшает экспрессию молекул CD11b и  возвращает ее практически к  уровню контроля. Даларгина, добавленный в концентрации 100 мкг/мл к нейтрофилам, активированным fMLP в дозе 10 мкМ, уменьшает экспрессию CD11b на их поверхности до уровня ниже контроля на 23% (р=0,08).Заключение. Даларгин в  исследованных концентрациях оказывает противовоспалительное действие как на интактные, так и на предактивированные бактериальными компонентами нейтрофилы, ингибируя процесс активации и дегрануляции дозозависимым образом.

    Трансплантация печени в Московской области: региональный проект и реализация

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    Rationale: Liver transplantation is the only curative treatment for diffuse end-stage liver disease and some liver neoplasms. The amount of these interventions in the Moscow Region is very low.Aim: To analyze the results of the first series of liver transplantations done in the Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI), to compare it with those done currently in Russia and worldwide, and to establish the optimal volume and trend of development for this new regional center.Materials and methods: More than 200 patients with liver cirrhosis, polycystosis and alveococcus invasion have been examined from May 2016 to August 2018; 70 of them were eligible for liver transplantation and were put on the waiting list. From October 2016 to July 2018, 29  liver transplantations from deceased donors (including 2  retransplantations) and one living related transplantation of the right lobe have been performed. Among the indications to the transplantation, the leading one was viral (HCV or HBV-related) cirrhosis. Four patients were diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma.Results: The waitlist mortality was 19%. Median waiting time was 5.5 [3; 9] (0 to 27) months. Until now, the results were followed till 22 months, with median follow-up of 7  [2; 13] months. The survival rate of the recipients was 96.4%, of the grafts 93.3%. In-patient mortality was 3.6%. Early allograft dysfunction was seen in 33%  of cases. Median length of the in-hospital stay was 22 [19; 25] days.Conclusion: The successful implementation of the liver transplant program at its initial stage demonstrates the results that meet current efficacy criteria. Achieved level of organ procurement from deceased donors in the Moscow Region could ensure at least 30  liver transplantations annually, with current facilities and a potential for further growth. An increase in the transplantation number would depend on the improvement of transplantation service facilities in MONIKI and on the stable financial support of the program. Finally, it would promote increased availability of this transplantation technology in the region, lower waitlist mortality and shorter waiting times.Актуальность. Трансплантация печени – единственный радикальный метод лечения многочисленных диффузных заболеваний печени в терминальной стадии и некоторых опухолей печени. Жителям Московской области этот вид помощи оказывается в крайне недостаточном объеме.Цель  – провести анализ результатов первой серии операций трансплантации печени, проведенных в  ГБУЗ МО МОНИКИ им.  М.Ф.  Владимирского (МОНИКИ), оценить их в сравнении с современными показателями мировой и отечественной практики, дать обоснование оптимальной мощности и тренда развития нового регионального центра.Материал и методы. В период с мая 2016 по август 2018 г. обследованы более 200  пациентов с  циррозом печени, поликистозом и альвеококкозом, у 70 установлены показания к трансплантации печени, они включены в лист ожидания. С октября 2016 по июль 2018 г. выполнены 29 трансплантаций печени от доноров с  диагнозом смерти мозга 27 реципиентам, включая 2 ретрансплантации, и  1  трансплантация правой доли печени от живого родственного донора. В структуре показаний к трансплантации на первом месте по частоте находился цирроз печени вирусной (HCV, HВV) этиологии. У  4  больных имелся гепатоцеллюлярный рак.Результаты. Смертность в листе ожидания составила 19%. Медиана длительности ожидания трансплантации – 5,5 месяца, 25-й и 75-й процентили – [3; 9], минимальное и  максимальное значения  – (0–27). Отдаленные результаты прослежены до 22  месяцев, медиана сроков наблюдения составила 7 [2; 13] месяцев. Выживаемость реципиентов  – 96,4%, трансплантатов  – 93,3%, госпитальная летальность – 3,6%. Ранняя дисфункция трансплантата отмечена в 33% случаев. Медиана длительности пребывания в стационаре – 22 [19; 25] дня.Заключение. Успешная реализация программы трансплантации печени на начальном этапе демонстрирует результаты, соответствующие современным критериям эффективности. Достигнутый уровень посмертного органного донорства в Московской области уже сегодня может обеспечить выполнение не менее 30 операций в год при сохраняющихся резервах и обладает потенциалом для дальнейшего роста. Увеличение объема операций будет определяться совершенствованием инфраструктуры службы трансплантации МОНИКИ и  устойчивым финансированием программы, способствуя в  конечном итоге повышению доступности этой трансплантационной технологии в  региональном масштабе, снижению смертности в  листе ожидания и  сокращению срока ожидания