2 research outputs found

    Хирургическое лечение «раннего» рака молочной железы: что изменилось? (опыт международного сотрудничества)

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    The study included patients with noninvasive cancer and stage T1a-b-cN0M0 invasive breast cancer who were treated between 1985 to 2009 in Russia (at the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center and at the Clinic of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training, 1036 patients), and in the Netherlands (LUMC, 560 patients, National Cancer Register, 22196 patients). The comparative analysis of surgery types between countries was carried out. The frequency of organ-preserving surgeries for early breast cancer in Russian and in the Netherlands was identical (53.7 % and 52.5 %). The percentage of organ-preserving surgeries over the past 20 years in Russia was not significantly changed, whereas the decrease in the rate of organ-preserving treatment from 56.2 % to 41.2 % was observed in the Netherlands.This is most likely due to an increase in the number of patients in postmenopause (>60 years) from 53.1 % to 63.8 %. The main type of organ-preserving treatment in Russia is radical resection of the breast. In the Netherlands, lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymphodissection is the most common form of breast-conserving surgery today.В исследование включены пациентки с неинвазивным раком и раком молочной железы c T1a-b-cN0M0 стадией, получившие лечение с 1985 по 2009 г. в России (РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН и Клиника РМАПО – 1036 больных) и в Нидерландах (LUMC – 560 пациенток, Национальный Канцрегистр – 22196 больных). Проведен сравнительный анализ типов выполненных операций по странам, а также во временных подгруппах. Частота органосохраняющего лечения при «раннем» раке молочной железы вРоссии и Нидерландах идентична – 53,7 % и 52,5 %. Доля органосохраняющих операций в течение 20 лет в России существенно не изменилась, тогда как в Нидерландах отмечено уменьшение доли органосохраняющего лечения с 56,2 % до 41,2 %, что, вероятнее всего, объясняется увеличением числа пациенток, находящихся в постменопаузе (>60 лет) с 53,1 % до 63,8 %. Основным вариантом органосохраняющего лечения в России является радикальная резекция молочной железы, в Нидерландах – лампэктомия с БСЛУ или аксиллярной лимфодиссекцией, причем БСЛУ и в настоящее время не является «рутинной» операцией во всей стране


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    The study included patients with noninvasive cancer and stage T1a-b-cN0M0 invasive breast cancer who were treated between 1985 to 2009 in Russia (at the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center and at the Clinic of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training, 1036 patients), and in the Netherlands (LUMC, 560 patients, National Cancer Register, 22196 patients). The comparative analysis of surgery types between countries was carried out. The frequency of organ-preserving surgeries for early breast cancer in Russian and in the Netherlands was identical (53.7 % and 52.5 %). The percentage of organ-preserving surgeries over the past 20 years in Russia was not significantly changed, whereas the decrease in the rate of organ-preserving treatment from 56.2 % to 41.2 % was observed in the Netherlands.This is most likely due to an increase in the number of patients in postmenopause (>60 years) from 53.1 % to 63.8 %. The main type of organ-preserving treatment in Russia is radical resection of the breast. In the Netherlands, lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymphodissection is the most common form of breast-conserving surgery today