662 research outputs found

    Polymorphism of CsGaS2 - structural characterization of a new two-dimensional polymorph and study of the phase-transition kinetics

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    CsGaS2-mC64 was obtained by reaction of CsN3 with stoichiometric amounts of Ga2S3 and S at elevated temperatures. The crystal structure of the air- and moisture stable compound was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The colourless solid crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (no. 15) with the lattice parameters a = 10.5718(6) angstrom, b = 10.5708(6) angstrom, c = 16.0847(8) angstrom, ss = 99.445(4)degrees, V = 1773.1(2) angstrom(3), and Z = 16. The compound crystallizes in the TlGaSe2 structure type and features anionic layers (2)(infinity)[Ga4S84-] consisting of corner-sharing Ga4S10 supertetrahedra. At temperatures above 600 degrees C an irreversible phase-transition to CsGaS2-mC16 occurs. The phase-transition kinetics were studied using in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction techniques. This transition can only be reversed by using high pressures (> 5 GPa at 500 degrees C). The compound was further characterized using Raman- and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Chemical bonding was analysed by DFT calculations

    Shear viscosity of the A_1-phase of superfluid 3He

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    The scattering processes between the quasiparticles in spin- up superfluid with the quasiparticles in spin-down normal fluid are added to the other relevant scattering processes in the Boltzmann collision terms. The Boltzmann equation has been solved exactly for temperatures just below T_c_1. The shear viscosity component of the A_1- phase drops as C_1(1-T/T_c_1)^(1/2). The numerical factor C_1 is in fairly good agreement with the experiments

    Second wind of the Dulong-Petit Law at a quantum critical point

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    Renewed interest in 3He physics has been stimulated by experimental observation of non-Fermi-liquid behavior of dense 3He films at low temperatures. Abnormal behavior of the specific heat C(T) of two-dimensional liquid 3He is demonstrated in the occurrence of a T-independent term in C(T). To uncover the origin of this phenomenon, we have considered the group velocity of transverse zero sound propagating in a strongly correlated Fermi liquid. For the first time, it is shown that if two-dimensional liquid 3He is located in the vicinity of the quantum critical point associated with a divergent quasiparticle effective mass, the group velocity depends strongly on temperature and vanishes as T is lowered toward zero. The predicted vigorous dependence of the group velocity can be detected in experimental measurements on liquid 3He films. We have demonstrated that the contribution to the specific heat coming from the boson part of the free energy due to the transverse zero-sound mode follows the Dulong-Petit Law. In the case of two-dimensional liquid 3He, the specific heat becomes independent of temperature at some characteristic temperature of a few mK.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    On peak phenomena for non-commutative HH^\infty

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    A non-commutative extension of Amar and Lederer's peak set result is given. As its simple applications it is shown that any non-commutative HH^\infty-algebra H(M,τ)H^\infty(M,\tau) has unique predual,and moreover some restriction in some of the results of Blecher and Labuschagne are removed, making them hold in full generality.Comment: final version (the presentation of some part is revised and one reference added

    Study of the mechanochemical process to crystalline Cu2ZnSnS4 powder

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    Kesterite-type Cu2ZnSnS4 was synthesized from the corresponding binary sulfides by a mechanochemical route in a planetary ball mill. The reaction progress during this milling step was followed within a time range of 10-180 min by powder X-ray diffraction. In addition, the crystallization of the milled material was studied in situ by high-temperature X-ray diffraction methods in the temperature range of 300500 degrees C. Significant disorder (cation distribution) was observed at 500 degrees C, strongly decreasing during cooling down to ambient temperature with a rate of 60K/h. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Behavior of Fermi Systems Approaching Fermion Condensation Quantum Phase Transition from Disordered Phase

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    The behavior of Fermi systems which approach the fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT) from the disordered phase is considered. We show that the quasiparticle effective mass MM^* diverges as M1/xxFCM^*\propto 1/|x-x_{FC}| where xx is the system density and xFCx_{FC} is the critical point at which FCQPT occurs. Such a behavior is of general form and takes place in both three dimensional (3D) systems and two dimensional (2D) ones. Since the effective mass MM^* is finite, the system exhibits the Landau Fermi liquid behavior. At xxFC/xFC1|x-x_{FC}|/x_{FC}\ll 1, the behavior can be viewed as a highly correlated one, because the effective mass is large and strongly depends on the density. In case of electronic systems the Wiedemann-Franz law is held and Kadowaki-Woods ratio is preserved. Beyond the region xxFC/xFC1|x-x_{FC}|/x_{FC}\ll 1, the effective mass is approximately constant and the system becomes conventional Landau Fermi liquid.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, no figure

    Effect of high pressures and high temperatures on the structure of nanostructured titanium monoxide Nanosystems

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    The structure of nanostructured titanium monoxide TiO0.98 containing structural vacancies in two sublattices simultaneously has been modified via thermobaric annealing. Analysis of the experimental data on thermobaric synthesis of nanostructured TiO0.98 with cubic B1 type structure at temperatures 573 – 2273 K and pressure 6 GPa revealed that a transition from the cubic B1 (sp. gr. Fm3m) phase to the trigonal Ti2O3 (sp. gr. R3c) phase takes place in the nanostructured monoxide as a result of high pressures and high temperatures. The first-principle calculations of the cohesive energy and electronic structure show that the trigonal phase with space group R3c is energetically favorable compared to the cubic phase of the same composition TiO3/2 and the orthorhombic ordered Ti2O3 (sp. gr. Immm) phase

    Sequence and annotation of the 288-kb ATCV-1 virus that infects an endosymbiotic chlorella strain of the heliozoon \u3ci\u3eAcanthocystis turfacea\u3c/i\u3e

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    Acanthocystis turfacea chlorella virus (ATCV-1), a prospective member of the family Phycodnaviridae, genus Chlorovirus, infects a unicellular, eukaryotic, chlorella-like green alga, Chlorella SAG 3.83, that is a symbiont in the heliozoon A. turfacea. The 288,047-bp ATCV-1 genome is the first virus to be sequenced that infects Chlorella SAG 3.83. ATCV-1 contains 329 putative protein-encoding and 11 tRNA-encoding genes. The protein-encoding genes are almost evenly distributed on both strands and intergenic space is minimal. Thirty-four percent of the viral gene products resemble entries in the public databases, including some that are unexpected for a virus. For example, these unique gene products include ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase, dTDP-D-glucose 4,6 dehydratase, potassium ion transporter, aquaglyceroporin, and mucindesulfating sulfatase. Comparison of ATCV-1 protein-encoding genes with the prototype chlorella virus PBCV-1 indicates that about 80% of the ATCV-1 genes are present in PBCV-1