764 research outputs found

    Situated Learning with Bebras Tasklets

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    A Bebras short task, a tasklet, is designed to provide a source for exploring a computational thinking concept: at the end of the contest it could be used as a starting point to delve deeper into a computing topic. In this paper we report an experience which aims at taking full advantage of the potential of Bebras tasklets. A math teacher asked her pupils to act as Bebras \u201ctrainers\u201d for younger mates. The pupils, in pairs, were assigned to design and prepare a tangible game inspired by a Bebras tasklet, devised for the younger pupils to practice. They also had to explain the game to the younger pupils, make them play and support them in solving it. In carrying out this assignment the pupils acting as trainers had to deeply explore the Bebras tasklet and face its computational thinking challenge, and also practiced soft skills as collaborating with peers towards a common goal, adapting language and communicative style to engage with younger mates, devising and designing a tangible object, and planning its creation. The experience proved that using Bebras tasklets as the social and cultural context for situated learning of computational thinking competencies is indeed quite productive

    Trattamento dell’ipertensione arteriosa nel paziente nefropatico

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    Stadtarchiv Solingen, Bergische Arbeiterstimme 16. Mai 1917 Gräfraths Bürgermeister Bartlau nimmt Stellung zu den Unterschieden der Versorgung in Gräfrath und der Stadt Solingen     Gräfrath. Die Versorgung im Stadkreise und im Landkeise Solingen. Zu dieser in unserer Samstagsnummer ausführlich besprochenen Angelegenheit nahm in der gestrigen Sitzung des Lebensmittelausschusses, zu der zum ersten Male auch Vertreter der Firmen Gottl[ieb] Hammesfahr, F. W. Rauh und Karl Engels, so- wie Ve..
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