23 research outputs found

    Tunneling current between graphene layers

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    The physical model that allows to calculate the values of the tunneling current be-tween graphene layers is proposed. The tunneling current according to the pro-posed model is proportional to the area of tunneling transition. The calculated value of tunneling conductivity is in qualitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 page

    Magnetically operated nanorelay based on two single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with endofullerenes Fe@C20

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    Structural and energy characteristics of the smallest magnetic endofullerene Fe@C20 have been calculated using the density functional theory approach. The ground state of Fe@C20 is found to be a septet state, and the magnetic moment of Fe@C20 is estimated to be 8 Bohr magnetons. Characteristics of an (8,8) carbon nanotube with a single Fe@C20 inside are studied in the framework of the semiempirical approach. The scheme of a magnetic nanorelay based on cantilevered nanotubes filled with magnetic endofullerenes is elaborated. The proposed nanorelay is turned on as a result of bending of nanotubes by a magnetic force. Operational characteristics of such a nanorelay based on (8,8) and (21,21) nanotubes fully filled with Fe@C20 are estimated and compared to the ones of a nanorelay made of a (21,21) nanotube fully filled with experimentally observed (Ho3N)@C80 with the magnetic moment of 21 Bohr magnetons. Room temperature operation of (21,21) nanotube based nanorelays is shown.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Structure and energetics of carbon, hexagonal boron nitride and carbon/hexagonal boron nitride single-layer and bilayer nanoscrolls

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    Single-layer and bilayer carbon and hexagonal boron nitride nanoscrolls as well as nanoscrolls made of bilayer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructure are considered. Structures of stable states of the corresponding nanoscrolls prepared by rolling single-layer and bilayer rectangular nanoribbons are obtained based on the analytical model and numerical calculations. The lengths of nanoribbons for which stable and energetically favorable nanoscrolls are possible are determined. Barriers to rolling of single-layer and bilayer nanoribbons into nanoscrolls and barriers to nanoscroll unrolling are calculated. Based on the calculated barriers nanoscroll lifetimes in the stable state are estimated. Elastic constants for bending of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride layers used in the model are found by density functional theory calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    AA stacking, tribological and electronic properties of double-layer graphene with krypton spacer

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    Structural, energetic and tribological characteristics of double-layer graphene with commensurate and incommensurate krypton spacers of nearly monolayer coverage are studied within the van der Waals-corrected density functional theory. It is shown that when the spacer is in the commensurate phase, the graphene layers have the AA stacking. For this phase, the barriers to relative in-plane translational and rotational motion and the shear mode frequency of the graphene layers are calculated. For the incommensurate phase, both of the barriers are found to be negligibly small. A considerable change of tunneling conductance between the graphene layers separated by the commensurate krypton spacer at their relative subangstrom displacement is revealed by the use of the Bardeen method. The possibility of nanoelectromechanical systems based on the studied tribological and electronic properties of the considered heterostructures is discussed

    Геометрия двухслойного нанорулона из zigzag нанополосок графена и нитрида бора

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    Herein, an algorithm is proposed for calculating the Cartesian coordinates of a bilayer nanoscroll rolled from a zigzag graphene nanoribbon (nzGNR) and a commensurate boron nitride nanoribbon (nzBNNR) into two Archimedean spirals. The distance between the layers and the inner radius of the nanoscroll, the length and width of nzGNR, and the length of the chemical bond between the atoms in the ribbon are the parameters used in the algorithm. It is assumed that these parameters are equal both for nzGNR and nzBNNR.Предложен алгоритм вычисления декартовых координат двухслойного нанорулона, свернутого из зигзагообразной графеновой нанополоски (nzGNR) и соразмерной нанополоски нитрида бора (nzBNNR) в две архимедовы спирали. Используемые в алгоритме параметры: расстояние между слоями и внутренний радиус нанорулона, длина и ширина nzGNR, длина химической связи между атомами в нанополоске (для nzGNR и nzBNNR они приняты равными)


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    The results of study at room temperature in the air of influences of the nonresonant absorption of microwave electromagnetic radiation by coal samples of different masses in the center of H102-resonator on the electron spin resonance (ESR) signal of a standard sample (spin label) of a ruby crystal, permanently mounted on the side wall of the resonator, are presented. Quantitative evaluation of the microwave conductivity of the studied coal samples based on the ESR measurements of ruby are made. Results can be applied for monitoring of electrical parameters of coals in the microwave range.Представлены результаты исследования при комнатной температуре на воздухе влияния нерезонансного поглощения сверхвысокочастотного (СВЧ) электромагнитного излучения образцами каменных углей различной массы в центре резонатора типа H102 на сигнал электронного спинового резонанса (ЭСР) эталона (спин-метки) в виде кристалла рубина, постоянно закрепленного на боковой стенке резонатора. Проведены количественные оценки СВЧ электропроводности исследованных образцов угля по данным ЭСР рубина. Результаты работы могут быть использованы для контроля электрических параметров углей в СВЧ диапазоне

    Модель электромагнитного излучателя на основе потока одиночных электронов внутри изогнутой углеродной нанотрубки

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    The problems of elaboration and application of microand nanometer sized antennas for the generation and reception of electromagnetic radiation is still relevant in both fundamental and applied aspects. With decreasing antenna size, the frequency of electromagnetic radiation increases, and its power decreases. To increase the radiation power, the periodic (in space) electrodynamic structures are used. The aim of the work is to find the possibility of application of injection and (quasi)ballistic drift of single electrons inside curved carbon nanotubes for emission of electromagnetic waves in the microwave range and to determine the parameters of the radiating system that affect the radiation power.By the calculation within the framework of classical electrodynamics it is shown the possibility in principle of generation of electromagnetic radiation of the gigahertz range by a stream of single electrons inside a hollow curved dielectric carbon nanotube.It was found that the spectrum and power of this radiation can be controlled by varying the electron flux density, length and curvature of the hollow nanotube.The results of the work can be applied for elaboration of a microminiature emitter of microwave electromagnetic radiation based on a curved carbon nanotube in the engineering of contactless probe microscopy.Вопросы создания и использования микрои нанометровых антенн для генерации и приема электромагнитного излучения все еще актуальны как в фундаментальном, так и в прикладном аспектах. С уменьшением размеров антенны частота электромагнитного излучения увеличивается, а мощность – падает. Для увеличения мощности излучения обычно применяются периодические (в пространстве) электродинамические структуры. Цель работы – найти возможность применения инжекции и (квази)баллистического дрейфа одиночных электронов внутри изогнутых углеродных нанотрубок для излучения электромагнитной волны в микроволновом диапазоне и определить параметры излучательной системы, которые влияют на мощность излучения.Расчетным способом в рамках классической электродинамики показана принципиальная возможность генерации электромагнитного излучения гигагерцового диапазона потоком одиночных электронов внутри полой изогнутой диэлектрической углеродной нанотрубки.Установлено, что спектром и мощностью этого излучения можно управлять, варьируя плотность потока электронов, длину и кривизну полой нанотрубки.Результаты работы могут быть использованы при разработке микроминиатюрного источника микроволнового электромагнитного излучения на основе изогнутой углеродной нанотрубки в технике бесконтактной зондовой микроскопии

    Модель автоэлектронной эмиссии из торца плоского графена в вакуум

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    Graphene-based nanostructures are the promising materials for applications as electron emitters.The aim of the work is to study the field electron emission from the edge of a single graphene plane.In the semi-classical approximation, a model of field electron emission from the edge of a rectangular graphene sheet has been developed.The current density of field electron emission into vacuum from the edge of a flat graphene sheet was calculated depending on the magnitude of the pulling electric field strength.The analysis and comparison of limiting emission currents from graphene and from bulk systems have been carried out.The results of the work can be used in the development of graphene-based field effect cathodes.Наноструктуры на основе графеновых лент являются перспективными материалами для использования в качестве эмиттеров электронов.Цель работы – исследовать автоэлектронную эмиссию электронов из торца одиночной графеновой плоскости.В квазиклассическом приближении разработана модель автоэлектронной эмиссии из торца прямоугольного графенового листа.Рассчитана плотность тока автоэлектронной эмиссии в вакуум из торца плоского графенового листа в зависимости от величины напряженности тянущего электрического поля.Проведен анализ и сравнение предельных токов эмиссии из графена и из объемных систем. Результаты работы могут быть использованы при разработк