425 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of investigation of solid interplanetary matter in the vicinity of the moon

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    Density of matter near moon found to be greater than that of interplanetary spac

    Synchrotron Self-Compton Model for Rapid Nonthermal Flares in Blazars with Frequency-Dependent Time Lags

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    We model rapid variability of multifrequency emission from blazars occurring across the electromagnetic spectrum (from radio to gamma-rays). Lower energy emission is produced by the synchrotron mechanism, whereas higher energy emission is due to inverse Compton scattering of the synchrotron emission. We take into account energy stratification established by particle acceleration at shock fronts and energy losses due to synchrotron emission. We also consider the effect of light travel delays for the synchrotron emission that supplies the seed photons for inverse Compton scattering. The production of a flare is caused by the collision between a relativistic shock wave and a stationary feature in the jet (e.g., a Mach disk). The collision leads to the formation of forward and reverse shocks, which confine two contiguous emission regions resulting in complex profiles of simulated flares. Simulations of multifrequency flares indicate that relative delays between the inverse Compton flares and their synchrotron counterparts are dominated by energy stratification and geometry of the emitting regions, resulting in both negative and positive time delays depending on the frequency of observation. Light travel effects of the seed photons may lead to a noticeable delay of the inverse Compton emission with respect to synchrotron variability if the line of sight is almost perfectly aligned with the jet. We apply the model to a flare in 3C 273 and derive the properties of shocked plasma responsible for the flare. We show that the pronounced negative time delay between the X-ray and IR light curves (X-rays peak after the maximum in the synchrotron emission) can be accounted for if both forward and reverse shocks are considered.Comment: 48 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa


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    Conversion of Eastern Europe countries and RF to market economics causes many organizational, legal and infrastructural problems to rise. By the degree of «innovativeness», minor and medium enterprises are classified to three categories: «leader», «successor» and «outsider». Minor enterprises to whom different support may be extended by regional powers are grouped to 4 types.Переход стран Восточной Европы и Российской Федерации к рыночному типу экономики порождает много организационно-правовых и инфраструктурных проблем. По степени инновационности МСП относятся к категориям «лидер», «последователь» и «аутсайдер». Малые инновационные предприятия, которым может быть предоставлена различная поддержка региональных органов власти, разделены на 4 типа


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    Small-scale entrepreneurship is not given sufficient attention on the part of the Russian Federation Government. Ways and instruments of maximum effective stimulation of this important business field are discussed. Lack of well-thought governmental policy is main problem in this respect.В Российской Федерации развитию малого предпринимательства со стороны государства уделяется недостаточно внимания. Показаны направления и инструменты максимально эффективного стимулирования этой важной сферы бизнеса. Главной проблемой здесь является отсутствие четко продуманной государственной политики


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    Minor enterprises do not have resources sufficient for investment. Present experience of venture financing and attraction of funds from finance markets is poor in Russia. Main minor entrepreneurship financing sources are state allocations in the form of subsidies, subventionsand donations. This support promotes economics diversification and increases jobs. The state becomes client of innovations and provides for business environment favorable for minor entrepreneurship and for subsequent diffusion of innovations. One of most efficient innovationactivity stimulation methods (applied to minor enterprises as well) is provision for tax privileges, favorable state bank credits and preferences to innovation activity supporting commercial banks.Малые предприятия достаточными средствами для инвестиций не обладают. Опыт венчурного финансирования малого предпринимательства и привлечение для этой цели средств на финансовом рынке в России пока мал. Основной источник финансирования – государственные ассигнования в форме субсидий, субвенций и дотаций. Эта поддержка способствует также диверсификации экономики и повышению занятости. Государство выполняет роль заказчика инноваций и обеспечивает формирование бизнес-среды для возникновения малых предприятий и для последующей диффузии инноваций. Одним из наиболее действенных методов стимулирования инновационной деятельности, в том числе малых предприятий, является предоставление налоговых льгот и льготных кредитов государственных банков или преференций коммерческим банкам, кредитующим инновационную деятельность

    Comptonization of Infrared Radiation from Hot Dust by Relativistic Jets in Quasars

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    We demonstrate the importance of near-infrared radiation from hot dust for Compton cooling of electrons/positrons in quasar jets. In our model, we assume that the non-thermal radiation spectra observed in OVV quasars are produced by relativistic electrons/positrons accelerated in thin shells which propagate down the jet with relativistic speeds. We show that the Comptonization of the near-IR flux is likely to dominate the radiative output of OVV quasars in the energy range from tens of keV up to hundreds of MeV, where it exceeds that produced by Comptonization of the UV radiation reprocessed and rescattered in the Broad Emission Line region. The main reason for this lies in the fact that the jet encounters the ambient IR radiation over a relatively large distance as compared to the distance where the energy density of the broad emission line light peaks. In the soft - to mid energy X-ray band, the spectral component resulting from Comptonization of the near-IR radiation joins smoothly with the synchrotron-self-Compton component, which may be responsible for the soft X-ray flux. At the highest observed gamma-ray energies, in the GeV range, Comptonization of broad emission lines dominates over other components.Comment: 23 pages, including 5 Postscript figures and 3 tables, uses aastex. Astrophysical Journal, accepted for publication in the December 20, 2000 issu

    Contemporary long-term trends in water discharge, suspended sediment load, and erosion intensity in river basins of the North Caucasus region, SW Russia

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    For the first time, contemporary trends in water discharge, suspended sediment load, and the intensity of overall erosion in the river basins of the North Caucasus region, as one of Russia’s most agriculturally developed geographic areas, were identified. The study was carried out using monitoring data of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the country for 21 rivers by comparing two periods: 1963-1980 and 2008-201