237 research outputs found

    ATF2-3 hardware upgrade and new experimental results to maximize luminosity potential of linear colliders

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    The ATF2-3 beamline is the only facility in the world for testing the Final Focus Beamline of linear colliders and is essential for the ILC and the CLIC projects. A vertical electron beam size of 41 nm (within 10% of the target), a closed-loop intra-bunch feedback of latency 133 ns, and direct stabilization of the beam position at the Interaction Point to 41 nm (limited by IP BPM resolution) have all been achieved at ATF2. These results fulfilled the two main ATF2 design goals, but were obtained with reduced aberration optics and a bunch population of approximately 10% of the nominal value of 10^10 electrons. Recent studies indicate that the beam degradation with the beam intensity is due to the eïŹ€ects of wakeïŹelds. To overcome this intensity limitation, hardware upgrades including new vacuum chambers, magnets, IP-Beam Size Monitor laser, cavity BPMs, wakefield mitigation station, as well as a comprehensive R&D program to maximize the luminosity potential are being pursued in the framework of the ILC Technology Network. This new R&D program focuses on the study of wakefield mitigation techniques, correction of higher-order aberrations, tuning strategies, including AI techniques, as well as beam instrumentation issues, such as the BPMs, advanced Cherenkov Diffractive Radiation monitors, and fast feedback systems, among others. This paper summarizes the hardware upgrades, the R&D program and the results of the Fall 2023-Winter 2024 experimental campaign performed in ATF2-3

    Optics Studies for Diffractive Physics at the LHC

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    Forward protons with momenta close to the beam-momentum arise either from elastic scattering or from single or double diffraction. These protons are very close to the beamline and can only be measured downstream using "beam close detectors". In this paper we present a complete study of the optics (low, medium and high beta), possible locations of the detectors and running scenarios for these measurements at insertions IR1 and IR5 of the LHC. These optics are compatible with the latest layout of the LHC insertions and the commissioning beam parameters

    Precise measurement of the total cross section and the Coulomb scattering at the LHC

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    A precise measurement of the total cross section and the coulomb scattering at the LHC requires the observation of elastically scatteredparticles at extremely small angles (14 microrad, -t < 0.01 GeV**2 for the first case; 3 microrad, -t<0.0006 GeV**2 for the second one). In this paper a very high-beta insertion optics is presented. A feasibility study, including the acceptance of the detectors, for an experiment to be installed in IR1 or IR5, is also presented.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, 7th European Particle Accelator Conferenc

    Measurement of Driving Terms

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    In 2000 a series of MDs has been performed at the SPS to measure resonance driving terms. Theory predicts that these terms can be determined by harmonic analysis of BPM data recorded after applying single kicks at various amplitudes. Strong sextupoles were introduced to create a sizeable amount of nonlinearities. Experiments at injection energy (26 GeV) with single bunch as well as one experiment at 120 GeV with 84 bunches were carried out. The expected nonlinear content is compared to the experimenteal observation

    Limits of chromaticity correction

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    The LHC luminosity upgrade supposes from the point of view of the optics the upgrade of the Interaction Regions (IR) of the main experiments ATLAS and CMS. This upgrade is expected to provide a of 25 cm instead of the 50 cm of the nominal one. This decreasing in implies an increasing of the maximum in the low-quadrupoles and subsequently a more dif cult chromaticity correction. In this report we analyze ÂĄthe limits and possible strategies on the chromaticity correction for the different optics proposed for the upgrade of the IR

    Luminosity, beamstrahlung energy loss and beam-beam deflections for e+e−e^+e^- collisions at the ILC with 500 GeV and varying transverse beam sizes

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    At the interaction point of the International Linear Collider, beam-beam effects due to the strong electromagnetic fields that the bunches experience during collisions cause a mutual focusing called pinch effect, which enhances the luminosity in the case of e+e−e^+e^- collisions. The opposite is true for e+e−e^+e^- collisions. In this case the luminosity is reduced by mutual defocusing, or anti-pinching. The resulting beamstrahlung energy loss and beam-beam deflection angles as function of the vertical transverse offset are also different for both modes of operation. The dependence of these quantities with transverse beam sizes are presented for the case of e+e−e^+e^- collisions

    Optimization of the e-e- option for the ILC

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    The e-e- running mode is one of the interesting physics options at the International Linear Collider (ILC). The luminosity for e-e- collisions is reduced by the beam-beam effects. The resulting beamstrahlung energy loss and beam-beam deflection angles as function of the vertical transverse offset are different compared to the e+e- collisions. In this paper, the dependence of these observables with the offset for different beam sizes has been analyzed to optimize performances for the e-e- mode, taking into account the requirements of the beam-beam deflection based intra-train feedback system. A first study of the implications for the final focus and extraction line optics is also presented for the cases of the 20 mrad and 2 mrad ILC base line crossing angle geometries

    Luminosity, beamstrahlung energy loss and beam-beam deflections for e+e- and e-e- collisions at the ILC with 500 GeV and varying transverse beam sizes

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    At the interaction point of the International Linear Collider, beam-beam effects due to the strong electromagnetic fields that the bunches experience during collisions cause a mutual focusing called pinch effect, which enhances the luminosity in the case of e+e−e^+e^- collisions. The opposite is true for e+e−e^+e^- collisions. In this case the luminosity is reduced by mutual defocusing, or anti-pinching. The resulting beamstrahlung energy loss and beam-beam deflection angles as function of the vertical transverse offset are also different for both modes of operation. The dependence of these quantities with transverse beam sizes are presented for the case of e+e−e^+e^- collisions

    Decreasing the LHC impedance with a nonlinear collimation system

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    A two-stage nonlinear collimation system based on a pair of skew sextupoles is presented for the LHC.We show the details of the optics design and study the halo cleaning efficiency of such a system. This nonlinear collimation system would allow opening up collimator gaps, and thereby reduce the collimator impedance, which presently limits the LHC beam intensity. Assuming the nominal LHC beam at 7 TeV, the transverse coherent tune shifts of rigid-dipole coupled-bunch modes are computed for both the baseline linear collimation system and the proposed nonlinear one. In either case, the tune shifts of the most unstable modes are compared with the stability diagrams for Landau damping
