27 research outputs found

    Deconstructed Hypercharge: A Natural Model of Flavour

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    The flavour puzzle is one of the greatest mysteries in particle physics. A `flavour deconstruction' of the electroweak gauge symmetry, by promoting at least part of it to the product of a third family factor (under which the Higgs is charged) times a light family factor, allows one to address the flavour puzzle at a low scale due to accidentally realised U(2)5U(2)^5 flavour symmetries. The unavoidable consequence is new heavy gauge bosons with direct couplings to the Higgs, threatening the stability of the electroweak scale. In this work, we propose a UV complete model of flavour based on deconstructing only hypercharge. We find that the model satisfies finite naturalness criteria, benefiting from the smallness of the hypercharge gauge coupling in controlling radiative Higgs mass corrections and passing phenomenological bounds. Our setup allows one to begin explaining flavour at the TeV scale, while dynamics solving the large hierarchy problem can lie at a higher scale up to around 10 TeV - without worsening the unavoidable little hierarchy problem. The low-energy phenomenology of the model is dominated by a single Zā€²Z' gauge boson with chiral and flavour non-universal couplings, with mass as light as a few TeV thanks to the U(2)5U(2)^5 symmetry. The natural parameter space of the model will be probed by the HL-LHC and unavoidably leads to large positive shifts in the WW-boson mass, as well as an enhancement in Br(Bs,dā†’Ī¼+Ī¼āˆ’)\text{Br}(B_{s,d} \to \mu^+ \mu^-). Finally, we show that a future electroweak precision machine such as FCC-ee easily has the reach to fully exclude the model.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 1 appendix. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Toric 2-group anomalies via cobordism

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    2-group symmetries arise in physics when a 0-form symmetry G[0] and a 1-form symmetry H[1] intertwine, forming a generalised group-like structure. Specialising to the case where both G[0] and H[1] are compact, connected, abelian groups (i.e. tori), we analyse anomalies in such ā€˜toric 2-group symmetriesā€™ using the cobordism classiļ¬cation. As a warm up example, we use cobordism to study various ā€™t Hooft anomalies (and the phases to which they are dual) in Maxwell theory deļ¬ned on non-spin manifolds. For our main example, we compute the 5th spin bordism group of B|G| where G is any 2-group whose 0-form and 1-form symmetry parts are both U(1), and |G| is the geometric realisation of the nerve of the 2-group G. By leveraging a variety of algebraic methods, we show that ā„¦Spin 5 (B|G|) āˆ¼= Z/m where m is the modulus of the Postnikov class for G, and we reproduce the expected physics result for anomalies in 2-group symmetries that appear in 4d QED. Moving down two dimensions, we recap that any (anomalous) U(1) global symmetry in 2d can be enhanced to a toric 2-group symmetry, before showing that its associated local anomaly reduces to at most an order 2 anomaly, when the theory is deļ¬ned with a spin structur

    An epistemic community comes and goes? Local and national expressions of heart health promotion in Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this study is to examine the existence and shape of epistemic communities for (heart) health promotion at the international, national, provincial and regional levels in Canada. Epistemic community may be defined as a network of experts with an authoritative claim to policy relevant knowledge in their area of expertise.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An interpretive policy analysis was employed using 60 documents (48 provincial, 8 national and 4 international) and 66 interviews (from 5 Canadian provinces). These data were entered into NUD*IST, a qualitative software analysis package, to assist in the development of codes and themes. These codes form the basis of the results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A scientific and policy epistemic community was identified at the international and Canadian federal levels. Provincially and regionally, the community is present as an idea but its implementation varies between jurisdictions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The importance of economic, political and cultural factors shapes the presence and shape of the epistemic community in different jurisdictions. The community waxes and wanes but appears robust.</p

    Deconstructed hypercharge: a natural model of flavour

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    The flavour puzzle is one of the greatest mysteries in particle physics. A ā€˜flavour deconstructionā€™ of the electroweak gauge symmetry, by promoting at least part of it to the product of a third family factor (under which the Higgs is charged) times a light family factor, allows one to address the flavour puzzle at a low scale due to accidentally realised U(2)5^{5} flavour symmetries. The unavoidable consequence is new heavy gauge bosons with direct couplings to the Higgs, threatening the stability of the electroweak scale. In this work, we propose a UV complete model of flavour based on deconstructing only hypercharge. We find that the model satisfies finite naturalness criteria, benefiting from the smallness of the hypercharge gauge coupling in controlling radiative Higgs mass corrections and passing phenomenological bounds. Our setup allows one to begin explaining flavour at the TeV scale, while dynamics solving the large hierarchy problem can lie at a higher scale up to around 10 TeV ā€” without worsening the unavoidable little hierarchy problem. The low-energy phenomenology of the model is dominated by a single Zā€² gauge boson with chiral and flavour non-universal couplings, with mass as light as a few TeV thanks to the U(2)5^{5} symmetry. The natural parameter space of the model will be probed by the HL-LHC and unavoidably leads to large positive shifts in the W-boson mass, as well as an enhancement in B \mathcal{B} (Bs,d_{s,d} ā†’ Ī¼+^{+}Ī¼āˆ’^{āˆ’}). Finally, we show that a future electroweak precision machine such as FCC-ee easily has the reach to fully exclude the model

    Numerical and Experimental Design of Aluminium-Composite Light Manipulators for Space Activities

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    Numerical and experimental design of aluminum-composite light manipulators for various space activities are discussed. The induced disturbances from EXPA and the motion actuators require active vibration control to ensure the correct positioning of a payload mass at the link's free-end. Two manipulators have been designed to have the same frequencies and mode shapes with aluminum and composite arms of the same length. It is suggested that control system should combine piezoelectric and servo motor actuation to achieve trajectory tracking with large angle slews and very accurate end point positioning

    Deconstructed hypercharge: a natural model of flavour

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    Abstract The flavour puzzle is one of the greatest mysteries in particle physics. A ā€˜flavour deconstructionā€™ of the electroweak gauge symmetry, by promoting at least part of it to the product of a third family factor (under which the Higgs is charged) times a light family factor, allows one to address the flavour puzzle at a low scale due to accidentally realised U(2)5 flavour symmetries. The unavoidable consequence is new heavy gauge bosons with direct couplings to the Higgs, threatening the stability of the electroweak scale. In this work, we propose a UV complete model of flavour based on deconstructing only hypercharge. We find that the model satisfies finite naturalness criteria, benefiting from the smallness of the hypercharge gauge coupling in controlling radiative Higgs mass corrections and passing phenomenological bounds. Our setup allows one to begin explaining flavour at the TeV scale, while dynamics solving the large hierarchy problem can lie at a higher scale up to around 10 TeV ā€” without worsening the unavoidable little hierarchy problem. The low-energy phenomenology of the model is dominated by a single Zā€² gauge boson with chiral and flavour non-universal couplings, with mass as light as a few TeV thanks to the U(2)5 symmetry. The natural parameter space of the model will be probed by the HL-LHC and unavoidably leads to large positive shifts in the W-boson mass, as well as an enhancement in B B \mathcal{B} (B s,d ā†’ Ī¼ + Ī¼ āˆ’). Finally, we show that a future electroweak precision machine such as FCC-ee easily has the reach to fully exclude the model