16,127 research outputs found

    Angular Momentum of the BTZ Black Hole in the Teleparallel Geometry

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    We carry out the Hamiltonian formulation of the three- dimensional gravitational teleparallelism without imposing the time gauge condition, by rigorously performing the Legendre transform. Definition of the gravitational angular momentum arises by suitably interpreting the integral form of the constraint equation Gama^ik=0 as an angular momentum equation. The gravitational angular momentum is evaluated for the gravitational field of a rotating BTZ black hole.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, v2: some misprints corrected, Ref.s added, Eq.s revised, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Absolute Calibration of the Radio Astronomy Flux Density Scale at 22 to 43 GHz Using Planck

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    The Planck mission detected thousands of extragalactic radio sources at frequencies from 28 to 857 GHz. Planck's calibration is absolute (in the sense that it is based on the satellite's annual motion around the Sun and the temperature of the cosmic microwave background), and its beams are well characterized at sub-percent levels. Thus Planck's flux density measurements of compact sources are absolute in the same sense. We have made coordinated VLA and ATCA observations of 65 strong, unresolved Planck sources in order to transfer Planck's calibration to ground-based instruments at 22, 28, and 43 GHz. The results are compared to microwave flux density scales currently based on planetary observations. Despite the scatter introduced by the variability of many of the sources, the flux density scales are determined to 1-2% accuracy. At 28 GHz, the flux density scale used by the VLA runs 3.6% +- 1.0% below Planck values; at 43 GHz, the discrepancy increases to 6.2% +- 1.4% for both ATCA and the VLA.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures and 4 table

    Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows

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    Baraviera and Bonatti proved that it is possible to perturb, in the c^1 topology, a volume-preserving and partial hyperbolic diffeomorphism in order to obtain a non-zero sum of all the Lyapunov exponents in the central direction. In this article we obtain the analogous result for volume-preserving flows.Comment: 10 page

    Using zeros of the canonical partition function map to detect signatures of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition

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    Using the two dimensional XY(S(O(3))XY-(S(O(3)) model as a test case, we show that analysis of the Fisher zeros of the canonical partition function can provide signatures of a transition in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKTBKT) universality class. Studying the internal border of zeros in the complex temperature plane, we found a scenario in complete agreement with theoretical expectations which allow one to uniquely classify a phase transition as in the BKTBKT class of universality. We obtain TBKTT_{BKT} in excellent accordance with previous results. A careful analysis of the behavior of the zeros for both regions Re(T)TBKT\mathfrak{Re}(T) \leq T_{BKT} and Re(T)>TBKT\mathfrak{Re}(T) > T_{BKT} in the thermodynamic limit show that Im(T)\mathfrak{Im}(T) goes to zero in the former case and is finite in the last one

    Electromagnetic Fields of Slowly Rotating Magnetized Gravastars

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    We study the dipolar magnetic field configuration and present solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal background spacetime of a a slowly rotating gravastar. The shell of gravastar where magnetic field penetrated is modeled as sphere consisting of perfect highly magnetized fluid with infinite conductivity. Dipolar magnetic field of the gravastar is produced by a circular current loop symmetrically placed at radius aa at the equatorial plane.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Form factors of descendant operators in the massive Lee-Yang model

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    The form factors of the descendant operators in the massive Lee-Yang model are determined up to level 7. This is first done by exploiting the conserved quantities of the integrable theory to generate the solutions for the descendants starting from the lowest non-trivial solutions in each operator family. We then show that the operator space generated in this way, which is isomorphic to the conformal one, coincides, level by level, with that implied by the SS-matrix through the form factor bootstrap. The solutions we determine satisfy asymptotic conditions carrying the information about the level that we conjecture to hold for all the operators of the model.Comment: 23 page

    OGSA/Globus Evaluation for Data Intensive Applications

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    We present an architecture of Globus Toolkit 3 based testbed intended for evaluation of applicability of the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) for Data Intensive Applications.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the XIX International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC'2003), Bulgaria, Varna, 15-20 September, 200

    Towards absolute calibration of optical tweezers

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    Aiming at absolute force calibration of optical tweezers, following a critical review of proposed theoretical models, we present and test the results of MDSA (Mie-Debye-Spherical Aberration) theory, an extension of a previous (MD) model, taking account of spherical aberration at the glass/water interface. This first-principles theory is formulated entirely in terms of experimentally accessible parameters (none adjustable). Careful experimental tests of the MDSA theory, undertaken at two laboratories, with very different setups, are described. A detailed description is given of the procedures employed to measure laser beam waist, local beam power at the transparent microspheres trapped by the tweezers, microsphere radius and the trap transverse stiffness, as a function of radius and height in the (inverted microscope) sample chamber. We find generally very good agreement with MDSA theory predictions, for a wide size range, from the Rayleigh domain to large radii, including the values most often employed in practice, and at different chamber heights, both with objective overfilling and underfilling. The results asymptotically approach geometrical optics in the mean over size intervals, as they should, and this already happens for size parameters not much larger than unity. MDSA predictions for the trapping threshold, position of stiffness peak, stiffness variation with height, multiple equilibrium points and `hopping' effects among them are verified. Remaining discrepancies are ascribed to focus degradation, possibly arising from objective aberrations in the infrared, not yet included in MDSA theory.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure