177 research outputs found

    Linguistic and Didactic Adapttion of Educational Mecal Texts for Foreign Students

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    The principles of selecting educational texts of a medical profile for practical classes in Russian as a foreign language are considered. The ways of their linguodidactic adaptation for foreign students who speak Russian in the volume of the basic and first certification levels are described. The novelty of the research lies in the application of the methodology of corpus linguistics and the modeling method in the preparation of educational material for the lesson. The author presents examples of adaptation of the educational text in the discipline “Anatomy” in order to prepare students for further study of the subject and successful communication in this subject area. It has been determined that for foreign students with a basic level of Russian language proficiency, it is necessary to apply non-linguistic and linguistic adaptation of the text, while for students with a B1 language proficiency level, non-linguistic text adaptation should be carried out, aimed at preserving the meaning of the original text of the textbook. It has been established that the Latin version of the terms makes it difficult to perceive the Russian-language text and, therefore, necessitates the creation of a terminological dictionary on the subject with parallel translation into Russian and English

    A solution to the problem of clustered objects compact partitioning

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    The urgency of the study consists in the fact that an object arrangement topology of a distributed system is often nonuniform. Objects can be placed at different distances from each other, thus forming clusters. That is why solving the problem of compact partitioning into sets containing thousands of objects requires the most effective way to a better use of natural structuring of objects that form clusters. The aim of the study is the development of methods of compact partitioning of sets of objects presented as clusters. The research methods are based on applied theories of sets, theory of compact sets and compact partitions, and linear programming methods with Boolean variables. As a result, the paper offers the method necessary to analyze composition and content of clusters. It also evaluates cluster compactness, which results in the decision to include clusters into the sets of partitions. It addresses the problem of optimizing the rearrangement of objects between compact sets that form clusters, which is based on the criteria of maximizing the total compactness of sets. The problem is formulated in the class of objectives of linear programming methods with Boolean variables. It introduces the example of object rearrangement

    Проблемы организации судебных экспертиз при расследовании экологических преступлений

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    The growing role of forensic examinations in establishing the circumstances of the disruption of human or natural habitats prompts the development of environmental forensics as anindependent branch of forensic practice. Special considerations when commissioning and conducting such examinations have to do with the temporal progression of the latency period of environmentalcrimes, which in turn affects investigative performance. A survey conducted among environmental forensics practitioners provided the basis for the analysis of situations in which an environmentalforensics examination may be requested; specific questions relating to case processing and types of evidence submitted for examination are also discussed. The most serious operational obstacle in themajority of environmental crime investigations is the extended lead time required for the completion of forensics inquiry. The author proposes specific solutions to the organizational and methodologicalproblems arising in the course of these investigationsВозрастание роли судебно-экспертного исследования для установления фактических обстоятельств нарушений среды обитания человека, животных и растений делают необходимым  развитие судебно-экологической экспертизы (СЭЭ) как самостоятельного направления экспертной деятельности. Назначение и проведение данных экспертиз имеет ряд  особенностей, обусловленных спецификой протекания во времени скрытой стадии развития экологических преступлений, которые влияют и на практику экспертных исследований. На основе данных анкетирования судебных экспертов-экологов проанализированы ситуации назначения СЭЭ; рассмотрены отдельные вопросы организации их производства и объекты, направляемые на исследование. Выявлено, что самой серьезной проблемой организационно-технического характера, возникающей при расследовании практически каждого экологического преступления, является длительность сроков проведения судебно-экологических экспертиз. Предложены  конкретные меры устранения организационных и методических проблем, возникающих при производстве СЭ

    Peculiarities of formation of socially oriented strategy of economic growth of national economy

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    Effective development of national economy of Russia, as of any other country, is possible only under the conditions of clever use of strategic planning tools. Therefore, the authors of the article deem it expedient to characterize peculiarities of socially oriented strategy of economic growth of national economy. Thus, the article views stages of development of national economy, conducts analysis of reasons of change of economic growth rates, characterizes problems which hinder economic growth, and views variants of economic growth strategies.peer-reviewe

    Hexa-μ-chlorido-hexa­chlorido(η6-hexa­methyl­benzene)trialuminium(III)lanthanum(III) benzene solvate

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    In the title compound, [Al3LaCl12(C12H18)]·C6H6, all mol­ecules are located on a mirror plane. Three chloridoaluminate groups and a hexa­methyl­benzene mol­ecule are bound to the central lanthanum(III) ion, forming a distorted penta­gonal bipyramid with the η6-coordinated arene located at the apical position. The hexa­methyl­benzene ligand disordered between two orientations in a 1:1 ratio is also involved in parallel-slipped π–π stacking inter­molecular inter­actions with a benzene solvent mol­ecule [centroid–centroid distance 3.612 (4) Å]


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    Study the possibility of applying cloud technologies for the control of knowledge and the certification of specialists has been studied in the framework of realization of educational programs of internship and residency training in dental specialties. It was found that the management of the educational process in online mode is possible on the basis of distance education technologies using cloud technology

    Changes of Asphaltenes' Structural Phase Characteristics in the Process of Conversion of Heavy Oil in the Hydrothermal Catalytic System

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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.The composition of heavy crude oil from the Ashal'cha field (Volga-Ural Basin, Republic of Tatarstan) and the peculiarities of the changes of its asphaltenes' structural phase characteristics in the model hydrothermal-catalytic system have been studied very thoroughly. It has been established that in the water vapor media the process of destruction of the heavy crude oil high-molecular-weight components with the new light fraction formation in the presence of a natural catalyst, namely, hematite, containing iron oxide and at the temperatures of 210, 250, and 300 °C respectively, takes place which has an effect on the changes in its component hydrocarbon, fractional, and structural group composition as well as in the structural parameters of its asphaltenes. As the experiments temperature increases and the water content in the reaction system decreases, the general tendency of growth the asphaltene associates aromaticity factor revealed that in turn it is accompanied by the extension (increase) of the distance between the aromatic layers and polymethylene chain fragments under the reduction of the size of associates and the number of their aromatic layers; this results from the destructive processes course, taking place along/on the most stable asphaltene heteroatomic bonds with/accompanied by further peripheral alkyl fragments breaking off, which has been confirmed by the molecular mass of the fragments above as well as destruction of vanadyl-porphyrin complexes and increase of free radicals concentration. A significant ability of asphaltene associates to immobilize their maltenes has been revealed. Within the process of oxidation cracking at the temperature of 300°C and under the low water content in the reaction system, the increase in aromaticity and in the degree of association asphaltenes transform to carben-carboids and then to coke and are precipitated out of the oil in the solid form

    A solution to the problem of clustered objects compact partitioning

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    The urgency of the study consists in the fact that an object arrangement topology of a distributed system is often nonuniform. Objects can be placed at different distances from each other, thus forming clusters. That is why solving the problem of compact partitioning into sets containing thousands of objects requires the most effective way to a better use of natural structuring of objects that form clusters. The aim of the study is the development of methods of compact partitioning of sets of objects presented as clusters. The research methods are based on applied theories of sets, theory of compact sets and compact partitions, and linear programming methods with Boolean variables. As a result, the paper offers the method necessary to analyze composition and content of clusters. It also evaluates cluster compactness, which results in the decision to include clusters into the sets of partitions. It addresses the problem of optimizing the rearrangement of objects between compact sets that form clusters, which is based on the criteria of maximizing the total compactness of sets. The problem is formulated in the class of objectives of linear programming methods with Boolean variables. It introduces the example of object rearrangement

    Transformations of hydrocarbons of Ashal’hinskoe heavy oil under catalytic aquathermolysis conditions

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The influence of temperatures of 250, 300, and 350°C on the character of changes in the group and hydrocarbon compositions of heavy oil from the Ashal’chinskoe field in laboratory experiments on the simulation of oil aquathermolysis processes under reservoir conditions has been revealed. The experiments have been carried out in the presence of kaolin as a rock-forming mineral, using oil-soluble iron carboxylate and tetralin as a proton donor. It has been shown that temperature elevation to 300 and 350°C increases the amount of saturated fractions by factors of 1.5 and 1.75, respectively, and decreases the resin content almost by half in comparison with the initial oil. The proportion of n-alkanes and light alkylcyclohexane and trimethylalkylbenzene homologues in the saturated fractions increases as a result of cracking reactions involving the preferential degradation of high-molecular-weight resins. A noticeable increase in the amount of newly formed hydrocarbons and asphaltenes at the temperature of 350°C indicates that not only intensive cracking processes, but also condensation processes occur under these conditions. Changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the proton donor tetralin by its dehydrogenation to form naphthalene and hydrogenation to yield the cis- and trans-isomers of decalin have been revealed

    Conversion processes for high-viscosity heavy crude oil in catalytic and noncatalytic aquathermolysis

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    © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media. We have conducted experiments on noncatalytic and catalytic aquathermolysis of high-viscosity heavy crude oil from the Ashal'cha field (Tatarstan) in the presence of a crude oil-soluble nickel- and cobalt-containing catalyst, a proton donor, and a rock-forming mineral. We have identified the characteristic features of the change in the constituent composition, the hydrocarbon composition, and the fractional composition, the rheological properties of the crude oils, the average molecular weight of the asphaltenes for catalytic and noncatalytic conversion processes. For catalytic aquathermolysis, we established significant de novo formation of light 70°C-250°C fractions (by 23 wt.%), n-alkylbenzenes, an increase in the oil content by a factor of 1.3, a decrease in the resin content by a factor of 1.7, and a decrease in the viscosity by 98 rel.%. The major difference between the conversion of crude oil in the presence of the catalyst and the proton donor involves activation of degradation reactions at C-C, C-N, C-O, C-S bonds and blocking of polymerization reactions and accordingly less coke formation. We observed sorption of the catalyst components on rock