210 research outputs found

    A Revised Checklist of Mongolian Mammal Species

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    A revised annotated checklist of Mongolian mammals is presented, supplemented with comments on modifications in species- and genus-level taxonomy introduced over the last 30 years. The checklist includes 140 species compared to 124 species recognized three decades ago by SOKOLOV & ORLOV (1980). Since then, four species were newly described; seven species were registered for the first time on Mongolian territory. Names for more than 20 taxa have changed, on most occasions this change occurred not for purely nomenclatural reasons but rather as a result of taxonomic revisions at the species level which have elevated the rank of many nominal taxa treated previously as subspecies. Recent molecular studies have shown that many widespread Central Asian species, in fact, consist of several highly divergent phylogenetic lineages the taxonomic status of which is yet unclear. Therefore, further updates to our knowledge of mammal biodiversity in Mongolia are expected

    Neural parameters estimation for brain tumor growth modeling

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    Understanding the dynamics of brain tumor progression is essential for optimal treatment planning. Cast in a mathematical formulation, it is typically viewed as evaluation of a system of partial differential equations, wherein the physiological processes that govern the growth of the tumor are considered. To personalize the model, i.e. find a relevant set of parameters, with respect to the tumor dynamics of a particular patient, the model is informed from empirical data, e.g., medical images obtained from diagnostic modalities, such as magnetic-resonance imaging. Existing model-observation coupling schemes require a large number of forward integrations of the biophysical model and rely on simplifying assumption on the functional form, linking the output of the model with the image information. In this work, we propose a learning-based technique for the estimation of tumor growth model parameters from medical scans. The technique allows for explicit evaluation of the posterior distribution of the parameters by sequentially training a mixture-density network, relaxing the constraint on the functional form and reducing the number of samples necessary to propagate through the forward model for the estimation. We test the method on synthetic and real scans of rats injected with brain tumors to calibrate the model and to predict tumor progression


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    This article is devoted to research of such concept of the organization of production, as Quick Response Manufacturing or Quick-response production, at the center which, time of implementation of the order is put. Today domestic producers are compelled to function in new conditions, competing with a great number of players of the global market, as a result the emphasis on timely implementation of orders and a tendency of reduction of time of production will allow to reach competitive advantages. Fundamental aspects of Quick Response Manufacturing within functioning of the enterprise of branch are considered, and also the essential lack of this concept is revealed.The purpose / objectives. The purpose of article is research of the economic contents of the concept of the organization of production Quick Response Manufacturing and area of its use at the modern industrial enterprises. Article tasks: to investigate economic contents of the concept of Quick Response Manufacturing, to reveal its features and scopes in the modern industry.Methods. A methodical basis of this article are comparative methods of the analysis.Results. The economic contents of the concept of Quick Response Manufacturing are investigated. Four main key aspects which are the cornerstone of this concept are investigated: time force, organizational structure of the enterprise, system dynamics and possibilities of its application in scales of all enterprise. Components of positive work of system dynamics of the industrial enterprise are revealed, the trend of critical process of production is built. Considering that modern conditions demand from the enterprises to react, adapt quickly for the changing conditions, the factor of time plays an important role. Therefore the concept of QRM has rather perspective character, focusing attention on time of implementation of the order, in that communication that this parameter is one of key both for the enterprise, and for increase of its competitiveness.Conclusions and Relevance. It is necessary to expand practical use of instruments of controlling in activity of the industrial enterprises as they allow to increase management efficiency as a result of the accounting of opportunities and threats of environment and current state of the enterprise, its strong and weaknesses. Practical application of results of this work will allow to improve procedures of functioning of the industrial enterprises taking into account current economic and social trends.Данная статья посвящена исследованию такой концепции организации производства, как Quick Response Manufacturing или Быстрореагирующее производство, во главу угла которой, ставится время выполнения заказа. На сегодняшний день отечественные производители вынуждены функционировать в новых условиях, конкурируя с множеством игроков глобального рынка, в результате акцент на своевременном выполнении заказов и тенденции сокращения времени производства позволят достичь конкурентных преимуществ. Рассмотрены основополагающие аспекты Quick Response Manufacturing в рамках функционирования предприятия отрасли, а также выявлен существенный недостаток данной концепции. Целью статьи является исследование экономического содержания концепции организации производства Quick Response Manufacturing и области ее использования на современных промышленных предприятиях. Задачи статьи: исследовать экономическое содержание концепции Quick Response Manufacturing, выявить ее особенности и области применения в современной промышленности.Методология. Методической основой данной статьи являются сравнительные методы анализа.Результаты. Исследовано экономическое содержание концепции Quick Response Manufacturing. Исследованы четыре основные ключевые аспекты, лежащие в основе данной концепции: сила времени, организационная структура предприятия, системная динамика и возможности ее применения в масштабах всего предприятия. Выявлены составляющие положительной работы системной динамики промышленного предприятия, выстроен тренд критического процесса производства. Учитывая, что современные условия требуют от предприятий быстро реагировать, адаптироваться к меняющимся условиям, фактор времени играет важную роль. Поэтому концепция QRM носит достаточно перспективный характер, акцентируя внимание на времени выполнения заказа, в той связи, что данный параметр является одним из ключевых как для предприятия, так и для повышения его конкурентоспособности.Выводы / значимость. Необходимо расширить практическое использование инструментов контроллинга в деятельности промышленных предприятий, так как они позволяют повысить эффективность управления в результате учета возможностей и угроз внешней среды и текущего состояния предприятия, его сильных и слабых сторон. Практическое применение результатов данной работы позволит совершенствовать процедуры функционирования промышленных предприятий с учетом современных экономических и социальных тенденций

    Quantum Phase Stability in Human Cognition

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    Quantum approach to human cognition and behavior suffers from a so-called phase problem—lack of means to determine the phase parameter of quantum models before the experiment, which deprives them of predictive power and most of their potential practical impact. We report an empirically supported hypothesis which can help to resolve the issue. According to the hypothesis, the quantum phase between unresolved cognitive alternatives in a family of similar decision making situations is nearly constant across national, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds of subjects. If confirmed, the quantum phase stability phenomenon supplements the quantum model of decision making endowing it with predictive power. This possibility is demonstrated in the testing experiment where irrational behavior within previously unexplored social group could be probabilistically predicted with high accuracy


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    Line breeding is often used in purebred animal husbandry, although the combination of lines may affect undesirable result. Therefore, it is very important for animal breeders to know which lines of animals can be combined to produce highly productive offspring with high meat and wool properties. This article studies the influence of interline selection of Russian meat merino breed on wool productivity, quality and skin histostructure. We found that the highest clipping was in the animals of group III obtained from ME-50 line rams and AS-30 line ewes. Ewes exceeded their peers of group II from the intraline AC-30 selection and peers of group IV from AS-30 line rams and ME-50 line queens. At the same time, ewes of group III insignificantly exceeded peers of group I from intraline selection of ME-50 line animals by 2.0% (P>0.05). Animals of group III had rather high fleece indices in terms of the wool condition due to the influence of ME-50 rams. Moreover, they had the highest ratio of “fat:sweat” (0.84), which confirms the high technological wool properties of this genotype. The quality of sheepskins depends on the nature of the connection of collagen fibers in the reticular layer. In terms of the thickness of the skin reticular layer young ewes of the group III exceeded their peers in groups I, II and IV by 5.3% (P> 0.05), 21.9% ( P<0.01) and 12.0% (P<0.05) respectively


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    Line breeding is a difficult but effective zootechnical process in purebred sheep husbandry. Linear sheep consistently transmit their characteristics to offspring in order to increase and identify the most promising genotypes, characterized by high productivity and breeding efficiency, by detecting interline selection. The main purpose of the work was to identify the most suitable options for intra- and interline selection of the Russian meat merino breed. The article studies the early development of animals’ growth and physique, the high rates of animals, live weight in different age periods, slaughter and meat qualities. We established that young animals obtained by mating between the animal lines VK-40 and ME-50 were characterized by more proportional body shapes, better slaughter and meat qualities. The increase in live weight of lambs obtained by mating queens of the VK-40 line and rams of the ME-50 line (group III) was more intense than their peers from the intraline selection of the VK-40 line (I group) and of queens of the line AC- 30 with ME-50 rams (group II). The heaviest carcasses were in lambs obtained from the mating of queens of the VK-40 line and rams of the ME-50 line (13.26 kg), the weight of the carcass was greater, compared with the same indicator of the peers of groups I and II, respectively, by 7.7% and 4.0%, by internal fat mass – by 21.8% and 9.8%, by slaughter weight – by 8.3% and 4.3%

    Kayexalate Intake (in Sorbitol) and Jejunal Diverticulitis, a Causative Role or an Innocent Bystander?

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    Small intestine diverticulosis is a rare entity that is asymptomatic in the majority of cases. However, it may cause serious complications, such as infection, hemorrhage, intestinal obstruction and diverticulitis. Kayexalate (sodium polystyrene sulfonate) in sorbitol has been associated with colonic necrosis and less frequently with upper gastrointestinal injuries in a subset of uremic patients treated for hyperkalemia. We report a case of jejunal diverticulosis with mucosal injury and diverticulitis in a uremic patient treated with Kayexalate and discuss the potential role of Kayexalate in the pathogenesis of diverticulitis