496 research outputs found

    Influence of irrigation on land hydrological processes over California

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    In this study, a regional climate model (RCM) is employed to investigate the effect of irrigation on hydrology over California through implementing a “realistic irrigation” scheme. Our results indicate that the RCM with a realistic irrigation scheme commonly practiced in California can capture the soil moisture and evapotranspiration (ET) variation very well in comparison with the available in situ and remote sensing data. The RCM results show significant improvement in comparison with those outputs from the default run and the commonly used runs with fixed soil moisture at field capacity. Furthermore, the model reproduces the observed decreasing trends of the reference ET (i.e., ET0) from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS). The observed decreasing trend is most likely due to the decreasing trend of downward solar radiation shown by models and CIMIS observations. This issue is fundamental in projecting future irrigation water demand. The deep soil percolation rate changes depending on the irrigation method and irrigation duration. Finally, the model results show that precipitation change due to irrigation in California is relatively small in amount and mainly occurs along the midlatitudes in the western United States

    Summertime evaluation of REFAME over the Unites States for near real-time high resolution precipitation estimation

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    Precipitation is the key input for hydrometeorological modeling and applications. In many regions of the world, including populated areas, ground-based measurement of precipitation (whether from radar or rain gauge) is either sparse in time and space or nonexistent. Therefore, high-resolution satellite-based precipitation products are recognized as critical data sources, especially for rapidly-evolving hydrometeorological events such as flash floods which primarily occur during summer/warm seasons. As " proof of concept" , a recently proposed algorithm called Rain Estimation using Forward Adjusted-advection of Microwave Estimates (REFAME) and its variation REFAMEgeo are evaluated over the contiguous United States during summers of 2009 and 2011. Both methods are originally designed for near real-time high resolution precipitation estimation from remotely sensed data. High-resolution Q2 (ground radar) precipitation data, in conjunction with two operational near real-time satellite-based precipitation products (PERSIANN, PERSIANN-CCS) are used as evaluation reference and for comparison. The study is performed at half-hour temporal resolution and at a range of spatial resolutions (0.08-, 0.25-, 0.5-, and 1-degree latitude/longitude). The statistical analyses suggest that REFAMEgeo performs favorably among the studied products in terms of capturing both spatial coverage and intensity of precipitation at near real-time with the temporal resolution offered by geostationary satellites. With respect to volume precipitation, REFAMEgeo together with REFAME demonstrates slight overestimation of intense precipitation and underestimation of light precipitation events. Compared to REFAME, It is observed that REFAMEgeo maintains stable performance, even when the amount of accessible microwave (MW) overpasses is limited. Based on the encouraging outcome of this study which was intended as " proof of concept" , further testing for other seasons and data-rich regions is the next logical step. Upon confirmation of the relative reliability of the algorithm, it is reasonable to recommend the use of its precipitation estimates for data-sparse regions of the world. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Improving Precipitation Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Precipitation process is generally considered to be poorly represented in numerical weather/climate models. Statistical downscaling (SD) methods, which relate precipitation with model resolved dynamics, often provide more accurate precipitation estimates compared to model's raw precipitation products. We introduce the convolutional neural network model to foster this aspect of SD for daily precipitation prediction. Specifically, we restrict the predictors to the variables that are directly resolved by discretizing the atmospheric dynamics equations. In this sense, our model works as an alternative to the existing precipitation-related parameterization schemes for numerical precipitation estimation. We train the model to learn precipitation-related dynamical features from the surrounding dynamical fields by optimizing a hierarchical set of spatial convolution kernels. We test the model at 14 geogrid points across the contiguous United States. Results show that provided with enough data, precipitation estimates from the convolutional neural network model outperform the reanalysis precipitation products, as well as SD products using linear regression, nearest neighbor, random forest, or fully connected deep neural network. Evaluation for the test set suggests that the improvements can be seamlessly transferred to numerical weather modeling for improving precipitation prediction. Based on the default network, we examine the impact of the network architectures on model performance. Also, we offer simple visualization and analyzing approaches to interpret the models and their results. Our study contributes to the following two aspects: First, we offer a novel approach to enhance numerical precipitation estimation; second, the proposed model provides important implications for improving precipitation-related parameterization schemes using a data-driven approach

    An object-based approach for verification of precipitation estimation

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    Verification has become an integral component in the development of precipitation algorithms used in satellite-based precipitation products and evaluation of numerical weather prediction models. A number of object-based verification methods have been developed to quantify the errors related to spatial patterns and placement of precipitation. In this study, an image processing technique known as watershed transformation, capable of detecting closely spaced, but separable precipitation areas, is adopted in the object-based approach. Several key attributes of the segmented precipitation objects are selected and interest values of those attributes are estimated based on the distance measurement of the estimated and reference images. An overall interest score is estimated from all the selected attributes and their interest values. The proposed object-based approach is implemented to validate satellite-based precipitation estimation against ground radar observations. The results indicate that the watershed segmentation technique is capable of separating the closely spaced local-scale precipitation areas. In addition, three verification metrics, including the object-based false alarm ratio, object-based missing ratio, and overall interest score, reveal the skill of precipitation estimates in depicting the spatial and geometric characteristics of the precipitation structure against observations

    Object-based assessment of satellite precipitation products

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    An object-based verification approach is employed to assess the performance of the commonly used high-resolution satellite precipitation products: Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN), Climate Prediction center MORPHing technique (CMORPH), and Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42RT. The evaluation of the satellite precipitation products focuses on the skill of depicting the geometric features of the localized precipitation areas. Seasonal variability of the performances of these products against the ground observations is investigated through the examples of warm and cold seasons. It is found that PERSIANN is capable of depicting the orientation of the localized precipitation areas in both seasons. CMORPH has the ability to capture the sizes of the localized precipitation areas and performs the best in the overall assessment for both seasons. 3B42RT is capable of depicting the location of the precipitation areas for both seasons. In addition, all of the products perform better on capturing the sizes and centroids of precipitation areas in the warm season than in the cold season, while they perform better on depicting the intersection area and orientation in the cold season than in the warm season. These products are more skillful on correctly detecting the localized precipitation areas against the observations in the warm season than in the cold season