45,866 research outputs found

    Inverse scattering results for manifolds hyperbolic near infinity

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    We study the inverse resonance problem for conformally compact manifolds which are hyperbolic outside a compact set. Our results include compactness of isoresonant metrics in dimension two and of isophasal negatively curved metrics in dimension three. In dimensions four or higher we prove topological finiteness theorems under the negative curvature assumption.Comment: 25 pages. v3: Minor corrections, references adde

    A Solar-luminosity Model and Climate

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    Although the mechanisms of climatic change are not completely understood, the potential causes include changes in the Sun's luminosity. Solar activity in the form of sunspots, flares, proton events, and radiation fluctuations has displayed periodic tendencies. Two types of proxy climatic data that can be related to periodic solar activity are varved geologic formations and freshwater diatom deposits. A model for solar luminosity was developed by using the geometric progression of harmonic cycles that is evident in solar and geophysical data. The model assumes that variation in global energy input is a result of many periods of individual solar-luminosity variations. The 0.1-percent variation of the solar constant measured during the last sunspot cycle provided the basis for determining the amplitude of each luminosity cycle. Model output is a summation of the amplitudes of each cycle of a geometric progression of harmonic sine waves that are referenced to the 11-year average solar cycle. When the last eight cycles in Emiliani's oxygen-18 variations from deep-sea cores were standardized to the average length of glaciations during the Pleistocene (88,000 years), correlation coefficients with the model output ranged from 0.48 to 0.76. In order to calibrate the model to real time, model output was graphically compared to indirect records of glacial advances and retreats during the last 24,000 years and with sea-level rises during the Holocene. Carbon-14 production during the last millenium and elevations of the Great Salt Lake for the last 140 years demonstrate significant correlations with modeled luminosity. Major solar flares during the last 90 years match well with the time-calibrated model

    Speculation on a Solar Chronometer for Climate

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    Solar activity has been correlated to climatic fluctuations and has been postulated as a major factor in quasi-periodic global climatic change. However, correlations are not explanations of physical mechanisms and do not couple cause with effect. A mechanism for a chronometer for solar output variability is proposed based on relations between properties of thermonuclear fusion, nuclear magnetic moment, and nuclear magnetic resonance. A fundamental oscillation of a nucleus with a net nuclear magnetic moment (NMM) is the precession of its axis of rotation when subjected to a magnetic field. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is the preferred frequency of precession for a nucleus of a particular isotope when placed in a magnetic field of specific intensity. The NMM for those isotopes involved in the proton-proton (p-p) chain pathway for solar fusion varies from strong positive to strong negative. Individual fusion events, for hydrogen and helium isotopes which release varying amounts of energy, may be controlled by NMR frequencies. The pulses of energy from fusion events occurring at NMR frequencies in the solar interior may be transformed into pressure or gravity waves that emerge as gravity or acoustic waves at the surface. Dictated by spherical harmonics, certain wavelengths may be reinforced and reenter the solar interior to modulate the fusion process. Qualitative analysis of solar and climatic data support the interaction of the three basic components of the chronometer, magnetic activity, oscillation frequency, and solar energy output

    Addressing Burnout in Outdoor Education

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    The role of instructors in the field of outdoor education is crucial, and those who aspire to spend their life teaching and helping others experience growth are incredibly drawn to this line of work. According to Two Factor Theory, this industry is rich in growth factors, hence the strong allure, but severely lacks in hygiene factors, causing a high rate of burnout in the industry. For the betterment of both the instructor experience and the industry itself, an emphasis must be paced on providing more of those hygiene factors in order to retain experienced and enthusiastic outdoor educators

    Metabolic analyzer

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    An apparatus is described for the measurement of metabolic rate and breathing dynamics in which inhaled and exhaled breath are sensed by sealed, piston-displacement type spirometers. These spirometers electrically measure the volume of inhaled and exhaled breath. A mass spectrometer analyzes simultaneously for oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor. Computation circuits are responsive to the outputs of the spirometers, mass spectrometer, temperature, pressure and timing signals and compute oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, minute volume and respiratory exchange ratio. A selective indicator provides for read-out of these data at predetermined cyclic intervals

    Observation of high-energy vibrational overtones of molecules in solids: Local modes and intramolecular relaxations

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    In the last few years, the spectra of vibrational overtones (1) (at ~15-20,000 cm^-1) in large molecules have received considerable attention. The focus is on three problems dealing with the origin of relaxation at such high energies, the association of spectral band positions with the local modes (LM) in molecules, and the relevance of these spectra to possible selectivity in laser-induced chemistry