235 research outputs found

    Internal transitions of quasi-2D charged magneto-excitons in the presence of purposely introduced weak lateral potential energy variations

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    Optically detected resonance spectroscopy has been used to investigate effects of weak random lateral potential energy fluctuations on internal transitions of charged magneto-excitons (trions) in quasi two-dimensional GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well (QW) structures. Resonant changes in the ensemble photoluminescence induced by far-infrared radiation were studied as a function of magnetic field for samples having: 1) no growth interrupts (short range well-width fluctuations), and 2) intentional growth interrupts (long range monolayer well-width differences). Only bound-to-continuum internal transitions of the negatively charged trion are observed for samples of type 1. In contrast, a feature on the high field (low energy) side of electron cyclotron resonance is seen for samples of type 2 with well widths of 14.1 and 8.4 nm. This feature is attributed to a bound-to-bound transition of the spin-triplet with non-zero oscillator strength resulting from breaking of translational symmetry.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Online tracking and retargeting with applications to optical biopsy in gastrointestinal endoscopic examinations

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    With recent advances in biophotonics, techniques such as narrow band imaging, confocal laser endomicroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and optical coherence tomography, can be combined with normal white-light endoscopes to provide in vivo microscopic tissue characterisation, potentially avoiding the need for offline histological analysis. Despite the advantages of these techniques to provide online optical biopsy in situ, it is challenging for gastroenterologists to retarget the optical biopsy sites during endoscopic examinations. This is because optical biopsy does not leave any mark on the tissue. Furthermore, typical endoscopic cameras only have a limited field-of-view and the biopsy sites often enter or exit the camera view as the endoscope moves. In this paper, a framework for online tracking and retargeting is proposed based on the concept of tracking-by-detection. An online detection cascade is proposed where a random binary descriptor using Haar-like features is included as a random forest classifier. For robust retargeting, we have also proposed a RANSAC-based location verification component that incorporates shape context. The proposed detection cascade can be readily integrated with other temporal trackers. Detailed performance evaluation on in vivo gastrointestinal video sequences demonstrates the performance advantage of the proposed method over the current state-of-the-art

    Interaction of an electron gas with photoexcited electron-hole pairs in modulation-doped GaAs and CdTe quantum wells

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    The nature of the correlated electron gas and its response to photo-injected electron-hole pairs in nominally undoped and modulation-doped multiple quantum-well (MQW) structures was studied by experiment and theory, revealing a new type of optically-active excitation, magnetoplasmons bound to a mobile valence hole. These excitations are blue-shifted from the corresponding transition of the isolated charged magnetoexciton X-. The observed blue-shift of X- is larger than that of two-electron negative donor D-, in agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, EP2DS-14 manuscript, to be published in Physica

    Infected Necrosis in Severe Pancreatitis - Combined Nonsurgical Multi-Drainage with Directed Transabdominal High-Volume Lavage in Critically Ill Patients

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    Background: Infection of pancreatic necrosis is a life-threatening complication during the course of acute pancreatitis. In critically ill patients, surgical or extended endoscopic interventions are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Minimally invasive procedures on the other hand are often insufficient in patients suffering from large necrotic areas containing solid or purulent material. We present a strategy combining percutaneous and transgastric drainage with continuous high-volume lavage for treatment of extended necroses and liquid collections in a series of patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Patients and Methods: Seven consecutive patients with severe acute pancreatitis and large confluent infected pancreatic necrosis were enrolled. In all cases, the first therapeutic procedure was placement of a CT-guided drainage catheter into the fluid collection surrounding peripancreatic necrosis. Thereafter, a second endosonographically guided drainage was inserted via the gastric or the duodenal wall. After communication between the separate drains had been proven, an external to internal directed high-volume lavage with a daily volume of 500 ml up to 2,000 ml was started. Results: In all patients, pancreatic necrosis/liquid collections could be resolved completely by the presented regime. No patient died in the course of our study. After initiation of the directed high-volume lavage, there was a significant clinical improvement in all patients. Double drainage was performed for a median of 101 days, high-volume lavage for a median of 41 days. Several endoscopic interventions for stent replacement were required (median 8). Complications such as bleeding or perforation could be managed endoscopically, and no subsequent surgical therapy was necessary. All patients could be dismissed from the hospital after a median duration of 78 days. Conclusion: This approach of combined percutaneous/endoscopic drainage with high-volume lavage shows promising results in critically ill patients with extended infected pancreatic necrosis and high risk of surgical intervention. Neither surgical nor endoscopic necrosectomy was necessary in any of our patients. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel and IA

    An image retrieval framework for real-time endoscopic image retargeting

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    Purpose Serial endoscopic examinations of a patient are important for early diagnosis of malignancies in the gastrointestinal tract. However, retargeting for optical biopsy is challenging due to extensive tissue variations between examinations, requiring the method to be tolerant to these changes whilst enabling real-time retargeting. Method This work presents an image retrieval framework for inter-examination retargeting. We propose both a novel image descriptor tolerant of long-term tissue changes and a novel descriptor matching method in real time. The descriptor is based on histograms generated from regional intensity comparisons over multiple scales, offering stability over long-term appearance changes at the higher levels, whilst remaining discriminative at the lower levels. The matching method then learns a hashing function using random forests, to compress the string and allow for fast image comparison by a simple Hamming distance metric. Results A dataset that contains 13 in vivo gastrointestinal videos was collected from six patients, representing serial examinations of each patient, which includes videos captured with significant time intervals. Precision-recall for retargeting shows that our new descriptor outperforms a number of alternative descriptors, whilst our hashing method outperforms a number of alternative hashing approaches. Conclusion We have proposed a novel framework for optical biopsy in serial endoscopic examinations. A new descriptor, combined with a novel hashing method, achieves state-of-the-art retargeting, with validation on in vivo videos from six patients. Real-time performance also allows for practical integration without disturbing the existing clinical workflow