4,853 research outputs found

    New Solvable Singular Potentials

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    We obtain three new solvable, real, shape invariant potentials starting from the harmonic oscillator, P\"oschl-Teller I and P\"oschl-Teller II potentials on the half-axis and extending their domain to the full line, while taking special care to regularize the inverse square singularity at the origin. The regularization procedure gives rise to a delta-function behavior at the origin. Our new systems possess underlying non-linear potential algebras, which can also be used to determine their spectra analytically.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiparticle interference in multiband superconductors with strong coupling

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    We develop a theory of the quasiparticle interference (QPI) in multiband superconductors based on strong-coupling Eliashberg approach within the Born approximation. In the framework of this theory, we study dependencies of the QPI response function in the multiband superconductors with nodeless s-wave superconductive order parameter. We pay a special attention to the difference of the quasiparticle scattering between the bands having the same and opposite signs of the order parameter. We show that, at the momentum values close to the momentum transfer between two bands, the energy dependence of the quasiparticle interference response function has three singularities. Two of these correspond to the values of the gap functions and the third one depends on both the gaps and the transfer momentum. We argue that only the singularity near the smallest band gap may be used as an universal tool to distinguish between s++s_{++} and s±s_{\pm} order parameters. The robustness of the sign of the response function peak near the smaller gap value, irrespective of the change in parameters, in both the symmetry cases is a promising feature that can be harnessed experimentally.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure

    Coordinate Realizations of Deformed Lie Algebras with Three Generators

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    Differential realizations in coordinate space for deformed Lie algebras with three generators are obtained using bosonic creation and annihilation operators satisfying Heisenberg commutation relations. The unified treatment presented here contains as special cases all previously given coordinate realizations of so(2,1),so(3)so(2,1),so(3) and their deformations. Applications to physical problems involving eigenvalue determination in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figure

    Squeezing lepton pairs out of broken symmetries

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    We discuss two possible signatures of symmetry breaking that can appear in dilepton spectra, as measured in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The first involves scalar-vector meson mixing and is related to the breaking of Lorentz symmetry by a hot medium. The second is related to the breaking of Furry's theorem by a charged quark-gluon plasma. Those signals will be accessible to upcoming measurements to be performed at the GSI, RHIC, and the LHC.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, talk given at the INPC 2001 (International Conference on Nuclear Physics), 30 July - 3 August 2001, Berkeley, C

    Meson Mixing and Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We study the possibility of ρa0\rho-a_0 mixing via N-N excitations in dense nuclear matter. This mixing is found to induce a peak in the dilepton spectra at an invariant mass equal to that of the a0a_0. We calculate the cross section for dilepton production through mixing and we compare its size with that of ππ\pi-\pi annihilation. In-medium masses and mixing angles are also calculated. Some preliminary results of the mixing effect on the dilepton production rates at finite temperature are also presented.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of CIPANP 200

    Analytical parametrization of fusion barriers using proximity potentials

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    Using the three versions of proximity potentials, namely proximity 1977, proximity 1988, and proximity 2000, we present a pocket formula for fusion barrier heights and positions. This was achieved by analyzing as many as 400 reactions with mass between 15 and 296. Our parametrized formula can reproduced the exact barrier heights and positions within an accuracy of ±1\pm1%. A comparison with the experimental data is also in good agreement.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Algebraic Shape Invariant Models

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    Motivated by the shape invariance condition in supersymmetric quantum mechanics, we develop an algebraic framework for shape invariant Hamiltonians with a general change of parameters. This approach involves nonlinear generalizations of Lie algebras. Our work extends previous results showing the equivalence of shape invariant potentials involving translational change of parameters with standard SO(2,1)SO(2,1) potential algebra for Natanzon type potentials.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Almost-zero-energy Eigenvalues of Some Broken Supersymmetric Systems

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    For a quantum mechanical system with broken supersymmetry, we present a simple method of determining the ground state when the corresponding energy eigenvalue is sufficiently small. A concise formula is derived for the approximate ground state energy in an associated, well-separated, asymmetric double-well-type potential. Our discussion is also relevant for the analysis of the fermion bound state in the kink-antikink scalar background.Comment: revised version, to be pubilshed in PR

    Relativistic shape invariant potentials

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    Dirac equation for a charged spinor in electromagnetic field is written for special cases of spherically symmetric potentials. This facilitates the introduction of relativistic extensions of shape invariant potential classes. We obtain the relativistic spectra and spinor wavefunctions for all potentials in one of these classes. The nonrelativistic limit reproduces the usual Rosen-Morse I & II, Eckart, Poschl-Teller, and Scarf potentials.Comment: Corrigendum: The last statement above equation (1) is now corrected and replaced by two new statement