24 research outputs found

    The Pupils\u27 Opinion of the Examination and Grading Process in the Classroom

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    U članku se oslikava kompleksnost nastavnog provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja učenika kroz eksplikaciju značenja i zadataka ove etape nastavnog procesa te isticanje poteškoća koje se pojavljuju prilikom njene realizacije. Naznačeni su i zakonski okviri provedbe provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja učenika u osnovnim i srednjim školama.Praksa nastavnog provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja prikazana je kroz analizu i interpretaciju rezultata ispitivanja mišljenja skupine osnovnoškolskih i srednjoškolskih učenika (N=147) o navedenoj problematici. Utvrđeni su najčešći i preferirani oblici te mišljenja učenika o ne/korektnosti i transparentnosti provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja znanja i sposobnosti učenika u nastavnoj praksii prilikama za samoevaluaciju. Prikupljeni podaci upućuju na to da se u provođenju navedene etape nastavnog procesa ostvaruje nedovoljna raznovrsnost u oblicima njene realizacije, da učenicima nisu uvijek pružene adekvatne povratne informacije o rezultatima njihova rada te da je provjeravanje i ocjenjivanje dominantno nastavnikova aktivnost prilikom koje učenici najčešće nisu u prilici da samostalno ocijene svoj napredak u učenju i ostvarivanju zadataka nastave. Iz navedenog logično proizlazi često prisutan dojam učenika da su nekorektno ocijenjeni. Nastavno bi provjeravanje i ocjenjivanje trebalo uvažavati kompleksnost učenikove osobnosti i njen originalni doprinos u nastavi. Dijelom je to moguće ostvariti uporabom različitih oblika realizacije, pružanjem jasnih informacija o rezultatima učenja te većim stupnjem uključenosti učenika u ocjenjivanje svojeg napretka u učenju.The article portrays the complexity of classroom examination and grading of pupils via theexplication of the meaning and tasks of this stage of the teaching process and by stressingthe difficulties that arise during its realization. The legal framework for the conducting of theexamination and grading of pupils in elementary and high schools is also outlined.The practice of classroom examination and grading is shown through the analysis andinterpretation of the results of a survey of a group of elementary and highschool pupils (N=147)about the said process. The most common and the preferred types and the pupils\u27 opinion of thein/correctness and transparency of the testing and grading of pupils\u27 knowledge and abilities inclassroom practice were determined, as well as the opportunities for self-evaluation. The gathereddata indicate a lack of variety in the ways of conducting this stage of the teaching process, thepupils aren\u27t always given adequate feedback information about the results of their work andthe examination is predominantly a teachers activity during which the pupils most often aren\u27tgiven a chance to independently evaluate their progress in learning and carrying out classroomassignments. The above mentioned logically leads to the impression, commonly present amongpupils, that they were incorrectly graded.Classroom examination and grading should take into consideration the complexity of the pupil\u27spersonality and her original contribution in class. It is partially possible to achieve that by usingdifferent methods of realization, by giving clear information about the results of their studying,and by a greater degree of inclusion of the pupils in evaluating the progress of their studying.</p


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    Generation of functional scFv intrabody to abate the expression of CD147 surface molecule of 293A cells-2

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Generation of functional scFv intrabody to abate the expression of CD147 surface molecule of 293A cells"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6750/8/5</p><p>BMC Biotechnology 2008;8():5-5.</p><p>Published online 29 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2258298.</p><p></p>roxidase-conjugated mAb anti-HA (lane 1) and anti-His mAb (lane 2). The immunoreactive bands were visualized by ECL substrate detection system. The molecular weight is indicated. CD147-BCCP (open columns) or SVV-BCCP (black columns) was captured on the avidin-coated wells. Soluble scFv-M6-1B9 was subsequently added and the bound scFv was detected by peroxidase-conjugated mAb anti-HA. CD147-BCCP (lane 1) or SVV-BCCP (lane 2) proteins were separated on 12% SDS-PAGE, electroblotted onto a PVDF membrane, and then probed with soluble scFv-M6-1B9. The scFv was detected using peroxidase-conjugated mAb anti-HA. The positions of molecular mass markers are shown on the left. CD147 on U937 cells was stained with soluble scFv-M6-1B9 and then probed by mouse anti-HA-biotin. Subsequently, FITC-conjugated sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulins antibody was added. Monoclonal antibody M6-1B9 was used as a control system for detecting CD147 on U937 cells. The immunofluorescence on cells stained with soluble scFv-M6-1B9 (bold line) or mAb M6-1B9 (thin line) is shown. The dashed line represents background fluorescence of negative control mAb. The axis represents the number of events on a linear scale; the axis shows the fluorescence intensity on a logarithmic scale