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    지지적 간혞쀑재가 가족지지행위와 환자역할 행위에 믞치는 영향에 ꎀ한 연구

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    간혞학곌/박사[영묞] [한Ꞁ] 만성질환 및 장Ʞ 가료륌 요하는 환자는 귞듀의 걎강묞제가 통제는 되지만 완치되지는 못하고, 슝상을 항상 알Ʞ 시킀지는 않윌나 신첎적 슝상읎 없는 겜우에도 자가간혞륌 계 속하여알 하는 행동적읞 얎렀움에 직멎하여 있닀. 읎러한 행동적 얎렀움은 만성질환 환자로 하여ꞈ 환자역할곌 음상의 역할사읎에서 역할 갈등을 음윌킀며 환자역할 행위로부터 쉜게 읎탈하여 질병윌로부터 회복을 지연시킀거나 걎강상태륌 악화시킚닀. 따띌서 읎와 같은 읎탈된 환자역할 행위는 귞듀의 질병회복, 걎 강의 유지 및 슝진을 저핎하는 쀑요한 묞제로 대두되Ʞ에 읎륎렀닀. 귞러므로 의료읞윌로부터 의학적 지시 및 권고에 대한 읎행행위륌 계속 유지하도록 하 êž° 위핎서 최귌에 읎륎Ʞ까지 대부분의 걎강교육곌 환자교육윌로 특징짓고 있는 정볎제공 전략을 시도하였윌나 읎것만윌로는 읎제 충분치 못하닀는 사싀읎 읎믞 지적되고 있닀. 따띌서 정볎제공읎띌는 음방향적읞 환자교육을 수정하여 대상자륌 ê·žê°€ 속한 환겜의 음부 분윌로 간죌하여 간혞 제공자와 가족윌로부터의 지지 정도륌 슝가시쌜죌므로서 환자역할 행위륌 슝가시킬 수 있는 간혞쀑재전략의 개발읎 요망된닀고 볎겠닀. 읎에 볞 연구자는 환자역할 행위에 영향을 믞치는 요읞윌로서 가족지지에 ꎀ심을 갖고 환자역할 행위륌 슝가시킀Ʞ 위한 지지적 간혞쀑재띌는 전략을 고안하여 간혞원-환자, 가 족간의 원활한 상혞작용을 통한 지지적 간혞쀑재가 가족첎제와 간혞첎제의 Ʞ능을 원활히 하게 하여 환자역할 행위륌 슝가시킀며, 환자로 하여ꞈ 자신의 장Ʞ간혞계획에 능동적윌 로 찞여하도록 읎끌얎죌므로서 만성 및 장Ʞ질환 환자의 걎강행위 슝진을 위한 간혞쀑재 안을 제시하고자 볞 연구륌 시도하였닀. 볞 연구는 환자역할 행위와 환자에 대한 가족지지 행위륌 슝가시킬 수 있는 방법읎띌고 가정한 환자교육곌 사회적지지로 구성된 지지적 간혞쀑재륌 만성질환 환자에게 싀시하고 ê·ž 횚곌륌 평가하였닀. 연구목적은 환자역할행위에 영향을 믞치는 요읞을 확읞하고 가족지지행위와 환자역할 행위에 믞치는 지지적 간혞쀑재의 횚곌륌 확읞하는 것읎었닀. 연구방법은 1983년 5월 5음부터 8월까지 볎걎소 결핵ꎀ늬싀에 등록된 결핵환자 87명곌 ê·žê°€ 의믞있고 쀑요하게 여Ʞ는 가족을 대상윌로 싀험군곌 대조군윌로 나누얎 가정방묞을 통한 멎접곌 질묞지, 볎걎소 의묎Ʞ록을 통핎 자료륌 수집하였닀. 연구도구는 묞헌조사륌 통핎 저자가 제작하였고 사전에 신뢰도와 타당도 검정을 거친 죌ꎀ적 읎행행위읞 지각된 환자역할행위, 객ꎀ적 환자역할행위읞 투앜지연음수, 가족지지 행위, 지각된 믌감성·심각성, 지각된 읎익성, 지각된 장애성, 지각된 가족지지, 환자의 성격, 환자의 지식 등의 잡정도구와 싀험처치륌 위핎 지지적 간혞쀑재자료륌 사용하였닀. 수집된 자료의 분석은 환자역할 행위와 읞구학적 제특성, 가족특성 및 맀개변수간의 ꎀ 계 및 영향의 강도륌 확읞하Ʞ 위핎 t검정, 분산분석, ω**2 을 산출하였고 환자역할행위 의 예잡읞자 확읞을 위핎 플얎선 상ꎀ분석, 닚계적 쀑회귀 분석을 하였윌며 변수간의 읞 곌ꎀ계륌 확읞하Ʞ 위하여 PATH분석등을 하였닀. 지지적 간혞쀑재의 횚곌륌 확읞하Ʞ 위 하여 싀험군곌 대조군간의 맀개변수, 읞구학적변수, 가족특성변수의 유사성 검정은 t검정 , X**3 검정을 읎용하여 분석하였고, 가섀검정윌로서 지지적 간혞쀑재 전후의 환자역할 행위와 가족지지행위 찚읎륌 규명하Ʞ 위하여 paired-t검정을 읎용했윌며 싀험군곌 대조 군간의 유의한 찚읎가 있었던 변수는 공변량분석을 싀시하였닀. 연구결곌륌 요앜하멎 닀음곌 같닀. 1) 환자역할행위에 영향을 믞친 제요읞 환자역할행위에 영향을 믞친 제요읞은 읞구학적 특성 9개항곌 가족특성 4개항, 맀개변 수 7개항을 종속변수읞 객ꎀ적 읎행행위, 죌ꎀ적 읎행행위 각각에 대한 ꎀ계륌 분석하였 ë‹€. 객ꎀ적, 죌ꎀ적 읎행행위에 유의한 찚읎가 있는 읞구학적 및 가족특성변수는 대상자 의 성별, 가족지지자의 성별읎었닀. 객ꎀ적 읎행행위와 상ꎀ성읎 있는 맀개변수는 지각된 가족지지, 환자의 성격특성, 지각된 믌감성·심각성, 지각된 읎익성, 질병에 ꎀ한 지식 읎었고 귞쀑 가장 영향력읎 큰 것은 지각된 읎익성읎었닀. 죌ꎀ적 읎행행위와 맀개변수는 몚두 유의한 수쀀윌로 상ꎀ성읎 있었고, 가장 큰 영향을 끌치는 변수는 지각된 가족지지 였닀. 제변수간의 읞곌ꎀ계륌 확읞한 로정계수 분석결곌, 종속변수읞 읎행행위와 맀개변 수와의 읞곌ꎀ계에서는 첫짞 환자의 성격읎 낎적통제위음수록 지각된 읎익읎 높고 읎에따 띌 죌ꎀ적 읎행행위는 높았윌며, 객ꎀ적 읎행행위로서 투앜지연음수의 감소현상을 나타냈 ë‹€. 둘짞 낎적통제위음수록 지식읎 높고 읎에따띌 객ꎀ적 읎행행위로서 투앜지연음수의 감소현상을 볎였닀. ì…‹ì©š, 낎적통제위음수록 지각된 가족지지가 높았고 읎에따띌 죌ꎀ적 읞 읎행행위가 높았닀. 넷짞 지각된 믌감성·심각성읎 높윌멎 읎에따띌 죌ꎀ적읞 읎행행 위가 높은 현상을 나타냈닀. 따띌서 낎·왞적통제위 성격은 읎행행위에 직접적읞 읞곌ꎀ 계륌 볎읎지 않았윌나 위의 3가지 변수륌 통하여 읞곌ꎀ계륌 형성하고 있었닀. 귞러므로 개읞의 통제위 성격은 환자역할 행위에 영향을 믞치는 선행변수로서 간혞원은 뚌저 환자 의 낎적통제위륌 확읞한 닀음 읎에따띌 귞듀읎 가진 걎강신념쀑 읎익성에 대한 지각을 높 여죌고 또한 가족지지에 대한 지각을 높여죌며 환자의 지식을 높여죌는 간혞계획곌 간혞 수행을 하므로서 바람직한 환자역할로 유도할 수 있음을 나타낎죌었닀. 2) 지지적 간혞쀑재의 횚곌분석 결곌 지지적 간혞쀑재의 횚곌륌 확읞하Ʞ 위하여 싀험전후 싀험군곌 대조군간에 환자역할행 위와 가족지지의 잡정치륌 비교분석하여 가섀검정한 결곌는 닀음곌 같닀. 제 1 가섀읞 「지지적 간혞쀑재는 환자역할행위륌 슝가시킬것읎닀」는 지지되었닀 (객 ꎀ적 읎행행위 t =4.19, d.f =85, p<.001) 죌ꎀ적 읎행행위 t =16.74, d.f= 85, p<.001). 제 2 가섀읞 「지지적 간혞쀑재는 가족지지행위륌 슝가시킬 것읎닀」는 지지되었닀 (t= 8.70, d.f=85, p<.001). 제 3 가섀읞「가족지지 정도가 높을수록 환자의 역할행위의 읎행정도는 높을 것읎닀」 는 지지되었닀. (객ꎀ적읎행행위 r=-.3207, p<.05, 죌ꎀ적읎행행위 r=.7535, p<.001) 싀험군곌 대조군 두집닚간의 유사성 검정에서 찚읎가 있었던 대상자의 성별, 가족지지 자의 성별, 지각된 믌감성·심각성의 읎 섞변수륌 조정하여 닀시 가섀검정핎 볞 결곌 지 지적 간혞쀑재는 역시 가족지지행위와 환자역할행위륌 변화시킬 수 있는 것윌로 나타났닀 . 귞러므로 지지적 간혞쀑재가 가족지지행위와 환자역할행위륌 얎느정도 변화시킬 수 있 는 것윌로 나타났윌며 간혞원은 뚌저 대상자 가족의 지지정도륌 확읞한 닀음 간혞쀑재륌 통핎 가족지지도륌 높여죌므로 환자역할행위의 읎행정도륌 높여쀄 수 있음을 제시핎 죌었 ë‹€. 지지적 간혞쀑재의 맀개변수에 대한 횚곌분석을 한결곌 지지적 간혞쀑재가 환자의 걎강 신념, 환자의 지식, 지각된 가족지지등을 얎느정도 변화시킬수 있는 것윌로 나타났닀. 따 띌서 대상자의 걎강신념곌 지식정도륌 확읞하여 읎에따띌 지지적 간혞쀑재륌 통핎 대상자 의 걎강신념의 변화륌 시도하고 대상자의 질병에 ꎀ렚된 지식을 슝가시쌜죌므로서 환자역 할행위륌 바람직한 방향윌로 유도할수 있닀. 읎상의 결곌륌 Ʞ반윌로 만성질환의 만성적읞 특성곌 대부분의 치료가 가정에서 읎룚얎 진닀는 특성때묞에 치료에 대한 환자의 요구는 환자의 환겜윌로서의 간혞원에 의한 환자 교육곌 사회적지지, 가족낎 의믞있는 가족에 의한 사회적지지읎며 읎륌 슝가시킀는 것읎 바람직하닀는 결론을 낎늎수 있닀. 또한 환자의 낎적통제위성격읎 지식습득을 높게하고 읎익성에 ꎀ한 걎강신념을 높읎며 가족의 지지륌 더높읎 지각하게하여 환자역할행위륌 잘 수행하도록하는 변수간에 읞곌ꎀ계륌 볎여죌므로서 원읞적 요읞통제륌 가능하게 했닀고 결론을 낮멮 수 있닀. 볞 연구결곌륌 바탕윌로 닀음곌같은 제얞을 하고자 한닀. 1) 지지적 간혞쀑재의 횚곌는 3번의 가정방묞읎 가젞였는 attention placebo effect 때 묞읞가륌 볎Ʞ위핎 4 group experimental research륌 통하여 간혞쀑재횚곌륌 재확읞할 필 요가 있닀. 2) 지지적 간혞쀑재가 읎행행위에 영향을 믞칚곌 동시에 대상자의 걎강결곌 (Health ou tcome)에도 영향을 믞치는가륌 확읞하는 연구가 필요하닀. 3) 장Ʞ간의 읎행행위륌 요하는 여러상황에 가족구성원의 지지전략을 적용하는 연구가 필요하닀. 4) 닀음곌같은 질병상태의 환자역할행위 귞늬고 예방적 걎강행위륌 위핎 지지적 간혞쀑 재 전략을 적용하는 연구가 필요하닀. 만성 질병상태 : 궀양, 고혈압상태 예방적 걎강행위 : 예방적 치아ꎀ늬, 혈압 자가검진 등 5) 만성질환 환자륌 위한 지지적 간혞쀑재의 개발곌 적용읎 간혞현장에서 충분히 적용 될 수 있얎알 ê² ë‹€. 6) 왞적통제위 성격을 갖읞 환자의 역할행위륌 낎적통제위로의 전환을 위한 연구가 요 망된닀. An Experimental Study of the Effects of Supportive Nursing Intervention on Family Support Behavior and Sick Role Behavior Choi, Young-Hee Department of Nursing The Graduate School Yonsei University (Directed by Prof. Cho-Ja Kim, Ph.D. in Nursing Science) This study examined the effects of supportive nursing intervention on chronic patients' sick role behavior. The purpose was to increase patient compliance and family support. The study objectives were to determine factors influencing sick role behavior and the effect of supportive nursing intervention on sick role behavior and family support. The subjects, consisting of 87 tuberculosis patients who were registered in the tuberculosis clinic in a seoul City District Public Health Center and their significant family member, were divided into experimental and control groups. Data were collected from May to August, 1983 through interviews during home visits, questionaires and medical records. The supportive nursing intervention proctocol and the measurement tools were developed by the investigator from the ilterature review; the instruments to measure patients' knowledge, percieved family support, barriers and benefits of health care, susceptibility and severity of illness, family support behavior, delayed medication days-objective compliance. and percieved sick role behaviors-subjective compliance, were tested for reliability and validity. Personality characteristics (Internal and External Locus of control) was measured by Wallston's Health Locus of Control instrument. T-test, ANOVA and ω**2 were used in analyzing the data to confirm the intensity of the influence and the relation between intervening variables and family characteristics, demographic characteristics and sick role behavior, Pearson's corrlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression, to confirm the predictors of sick role behavior, and PATH analysis and others, to confirm the causal relationship among variables. Family characteristics, demographic and intervening variables were compaired by means of t-test and X**2-test to confirm the effect of supportive nursing intervention; paired-t test was used to examine the difference between family support behavior and sick role behavior before and after supportive nursing intervention; ANOCOVA was used to test for significant differences between the experimental and the control groups. The results of the study may be summarized as follows: 1) Factors influential on sick role behavior: The study analyzed the relationship of seven demographic characteristics, four family characteristics and seven intervening variables with subjective and objective compliance, the dependent variables. The demographic and family characteristic variables which had a significant relationship with objective and subjective compliance was the sex of the subjects and their supportive family members. The intervening variables which correlated with objective compliance were perceived family support, personality characteristics of patients, perceived susceptibility, severity, perceived benefits and the knowledge about their disease, of which the most influential was perceived benefit. Subjective compliance and intervening variables correlated to a significant degree and the most influential variable was perceived family support. Path analysis showed causal relationships between compliance and intervening variables: Internal Locus of Control(I.L.0.C) influenced percieved benefit which increased objective compliance(the decrease of delayed medication days) : I.L.0.C increased a high degree of knowledge which increased objective compliance : I.L.0.C increased percieved benefit which increased subjective compliance (the increase of perceived sick role behavior) : I.L.0.C increased percieved family support which increased subjective compliance : percieved high susceptibility and severity increased subjective compliance. 2) Results from analyzing the effect of supportive nursing intervention : Comparative analysis of the measurement of intervening variables between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiment to confirm the effect of the supportive nursing intervention resulted in a significant difference among all the intervening variables except for the personality of the patient. A hypothetical test by comparative analysis of the measurement of sick role behavior and family support between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiment to confirm the effect of supportive nursing intervention resulted in the following : The first hypothesis that supportive nursing intervention will increase sick role behavior was supported. The second hypothesis that supportive nursing intervention will increase family support behavior was supported. The third hypothesis that the higher the degree of family support, the higher the compliance of sick role behavior was supported. As an additive analysis, the three variables, i.e. the sex of the subjects and their supportive family members, perceived susceptibility, and severity, which showed differences in the tests between the experimental and the control groups, were controled and retested. AS a result, it was shown that supportive nursing intervention increased family support behavior and sick role behavior, and the hypotheses were supported. It was concluded that support by significant family rembers and support by the nurse are important to patient compliance. Patients need are increased supportive system. There is a causal relationship between patient's personality characteristics and sick role behavior. Although there are no direct relationships, there are indirect causal relationships with most of the intervening variables, of which the most influential variables are patient knowledge, percieved benefit and percieved family support. Nusing assessment should identify the patient's internal locus of control, then predict and control the above three variables for improved patient compliance.restrictio

    Prostaglandin읎 임신쀑절에 믞치는 영향에 대한 묞헌적 ê³ ì°°

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    볎걎학곌/석사[영묞] [한Ꞁ] LITERATURE REVIEW ON EFFECT OF PROSTAGRANDIN FOR SUSPENSION OF CONCEPTION Young Hie Choi Departments of Public Health, Graduate School, Yonsei University The rapid increasing population growth is becoming as one of the urgent problems in the world, especially in the developing countries. Solving this problem, several contraceptive methods and suspension of conception have been adoped in many countries. However, when some women had an unwanted pregnancy they would try to have an induced abortion which accompanies many dangerous side-effects such as perforation of uterus, hemorrhage, infection, and death etc. The author reviewed through literatures for the studies on prostaglandin, that appear to be one of safe methods for induced labor and conception control. The prostagladin is a family of lipids originally was discovered over 40 years ago in seminal plasma. The substance has a wide striking of biological action. Prostaglandin has a chemical structure being 20-carbon fatty acid containing a cyclopentane ring from the essential unsaturated fatty acid. Prostaglandin is distributed in tissue and body fluid o of human and animals. High concentration of prostaglandin is particularly presented in the seminal plasma and tissue of female reproductive tract. This suggests that the prostaglandin is intimatly associated with reproductive physiology. The responses of prostaglandin to reproductive tract for non-pregnant human uterus are studied. PGE compounds inhibit the contraction of non-pregnant uterus and PGF compounds stimulate it. However, the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandin changes during the menstrual cycle. Non-pregnant uterus is 3 to 5 times more sensitive to inhibition by PGE compounds at mid-cycle near ovulation time this inhibition of prostaglandin on non-pregnant uterus in ovulation time may facilitate sperm and ovum migration and play role in promoting capacitation and fertilization. Responses of prostaglandin on the pregnant human uterus are differ from the each phase of pregnancy. Namely, responses of uterus at the first and mid-pregnancy to prostaglandin are the stimulation of the uterine contraction and then cause the intra-uterine fetal death. The threshold dose of PGE^^2 for the uterine contraction is 5 ㎍/min. and that of PCG^^2 varies from 100㎍/min. to 300 ㎍/min. In late pregnancy at near or term, the responses of uterurs are characterized by increasing the frequency and amplitude of contraction with PGF^^2α (0.025 ㎍/㎏/min.) and PGF^^2(0.5㎍/min). As increasing of contraction, the labor is induced and parturition is promoted. Though, it is not widely known and has not been developed for practing suspension of conception. PGE^^2(5㎍/min.) or PGF^^2α(100-300 ㎍/min.) are developing under clinical bases and they will be available in near future. As it was mentioned, there have been few side effects and dangers in using them. Therefore, it is recommendable as one of the most effective and safe methods for a suspension of conception. consequently, it will greatly contribute to the population control in the future.restrictio

    묎알부믌혈슝 랫튞에서 5-fluorouracil륌 정맥 죌사시 앜묌 역학적 변화에 ꎀ한 연구

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    Thesis(master`s)--서욞대학교 대학원 :앜학곌 앜묌학전공,2005.Maste

    (A) study on relationship between self-concept, adjustment, and academic achievement in nursing cadet

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    간혞학곌/석사[한Ꞁ] 볞 연구는 간혞사ꎀ생도의 학업성췚에 영향을 믞칠 수 있는 자아개념곌 적응에 ꎀ한 분석을 싀시하여 ê·ž 결곌륌 학교생활지도에 활용하므로서 간혞사ꎀ생도듀읎 좀 더 자Ʞ의 학묞 또는 직업에 ꎀ한 확고한 신념을 가지고 지적읞 행동윌로 사회에 공헌할 수 있도록 하Ʞ 위핎 시도되었닀. 연구대상은 K간혞사ꎀ학교에 재학쀑읞 259명을 대상윌로 하였윌며 연구도구로는 표쀀화된 정원식의 자아개념 검사와 김혞권의 표쀀적응 검사륌 사용하였닀. 자료분석 방법윌로는 산술평균, t-test, 변량분석, 플얎슚 상ꎀ계수분석법을 사용하였닀. 연구의 결곌륌 요앜하멎 닀음곌 같닀. 1. 가섀검슝 제1가섀 : 자아개념점수가 높은 학생음수록 적응점수가 높을 것읎닀가 채택되었닀(r = .2625 P<.001). 제2가섀 : 자아개념점수가 높은 학생음수록 학업성췚가 높을 것읎닀는 Ʞ각되었닀(r = -.0276 P>.05). 제2가섀은 Ʞ각되었윌나 자아개념의 하위요읞곌 학업성췚간의 ꎀ계륌 삎펎볞 결곌 자아평가, 자아동음성, 쎝 자아변산, 낎적변산, 왞적변산, 분포점수는 학업성췚와 유의한 ꎀ계가 있는 것윌로 나타났닀. 제3가섀 : 적응점수가 높은 학생음수록 학업성췚가 높을 것읎닀는 Ʞ각되었닀(r = -.0995 P>.05). 제3가섀은 Ʞ각되었윌나 적응영역곌 학업성췚간의 ꎀ계륌 삎펎볞 결곌 사회, 장래 및 읎성의 적응영역은 학업성췚와 ꎀ렚된 것윌로 나타냈닀. 2. 대상자의 자아개념은 대상집닚읎 규쀀집닚볎닀 Ɥ정적읞 자아개념을 지닌 것윌로 나타났닀( t = 9.046 P<.01). 읎왞에 자아개념의 하위요읞을 삎펎볎멎, 자아동음성, 자아수용, 자아행동,신첎적 자아, 도덕적 자아, 성격적 자아, 가정적 자아 및 사회적 자아에서 대상집닚읎 규쀀집닚에 비핎 자아개념점수가 높게 나타났닀. 3. 대상자의 적응은 대상집닚읎 규쀀집닚볎닀 학교, 사회 및 장래의 영역에서 적응점수가 높은 것윌로 나타났윌며 읎성묞제 영역에서는 적응점수가 낮은 것윌로 나타났닀. 4. 대상자의 자아개념곌 음반적 특성읞 학년, 부몚생졎여부 및 성장지와의 ꎀ계륌 분석한 결곌 유의한 ꎀ계륌 볌 수 없었닀. 5. 대상자의 적응곌 음반적 특성읞 학년, 부몚생졎여부 및 성장지와의 ꎀ계륌 분석한 결곌 유의한 ꎀ계륌 볌 수 없었닀. 읎상의 결곌륌 종합핎 볌때, 자아개념곌 적응은 학업성췚에 ꎀ계가 없는 것윌로 나타났윌나 자아개념곌 적응곌는 순상ꎀꎀ계륌 볎여 자아개념읎 Ɥ정적읞 학생음수록 적응을 잘하는 것을 알 수 있었닀. A STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-CONCEPT, ADJUSTMENT, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN NURSING CADET. Choi, Young Hee Department of Nursing, The Graduate School, Yonsei University (Directed by Professor Chung, Hyun Sook) The goal of this study was to analyze self-concept, adjustments which influence academic achievement. Utilizing academic guidance, this study attempts of show the relationship between self-concept, adjustment and academic achievement in the life, society and professional contribution of the cadet nurse. The subjects of this study were 259 nursing cadet at Armed Forces Nursing Academy of Korea. The instruments used for this study were Chung Won Sik's standardized self-concept test and Kim Ho Kwon's standardized adjustment test. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Analysis of Variance and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The findings were as follows: 1. Test of hypothesis. 1) The first hypothesis : "The higher self concept score, the higher adjustment". For testing this hypothesis a calculation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient was made. The result of this test supported the hypothesis (r=.2625 p<.001). 2) The second hypothesis : "The higher self-concept score, the higher academic achievement". was rejected (r=-.0276 p>.05). Looking over relationship between subcategories of self-concept and academic achievement, it was noticed that self-criticisms self-identity, total variability, colomn variability, raw variability, distribution score are not related to academic achievement. 3) The third hypothesis : "The higher adjustment score, the higher adjustment". was rejected by (r=-.0995 p>.05). Therefore, the third hypothesis was not supported. When the author examined relationship between subcategories of adjustmental area and academic achievement, adjustment to the society, future, and sexual are related to academic achievement. 2. Self-concept of subjects showed that the subject group has more positive self-concept that the normative group. (t=9.046 p<.001). In addition, looting over the subcategory of self-concept, self-identity, self-satisfaction, self-bahavior, physical self, moral ethical self, personal self, family self and social self the author noticed a higher self-concept scone in the subject group than in the normative group. 3. The study showed that the subject group was revealed higher adjustment score than normative group in the area of school, society find future. The subject group also, had lower adjustment scone than normative group in the area of sexual and personal problem. 4. Relationship between self-concept of the subjects, and their parent's living status, and size of the community in which they grew up was not significant. 5. Relationship between adjustment of the subjects and general characteristics such as grade, parent's living status, size of the community in which they grew up was not significant. In conclusion, self-concept and adjustment were not relationship academic achievement. However, self-concept and adjustment showed positive relationship. [영묞] The goal of this study was to analyze self-concept, adjustments which influence academic achievement. Utilizing academic guidance, this study attempts of show the relationship between self-concept, adjustment and academic achievement in the life, society and professional contribution of the cadet nurse. The subjects of this study were 259 nursing cadet at Armed Forces Nursing Academy of Korea. The instruments used for this study were Chung Won Sik's standardized self-concept test and Kim Ho Kwon's standardized adjustment test. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Analysis of Variance and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The findings were as follows: 1. Test of hypothesis. 1) The first hypothesis : "The higher self concept score, the higher adjustment". For testing this hypothesis a calculation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient was made. The result of this test supported the hypothesis (r=.2625 p<.001). 2) The second hypothesis : "The higher self-concept score, the higher academic achievement". was rejected (r=-.0276 p>.05). Looking over relationship between subcategories of self-concept and academic achievement, it was noticed that self-criticisms self-identity, total variability, colomn variability, raw variability, distribution score are not related to academic achievement. 3) The third hypothesis : "The higher adjustment score, the higher adjustment". was rejected by (r=-.0995 p>.05). Therefore, the third hypothesis was not supported. When the author examined relationship between subcategories of adjustmental area and academic achievement, adjustment to the society, future, and sexual are related to academic achievement 2. Self-concept of subjects showed that the subject group has more positive self-concept that the normative group. (t=9.046 p<.001). In addition, looting over the subcategory of self-concept, self-identity, self-satisfaction, self-bahavior, physical self, moral ethical self, personal self, family self and social self the author noticed a higher self-concept scone in the subject group than in the normative group. 3. The study showed that the subject group was revealed higher adjustment score than normative group in the area of school, society find future. The subject group also, had lower adjustment scone than normative group in the area of sexual and personal problem. 4. Relationship between self-concept of the subjects, and their parent's living status, and size of the community in which they grew up was not significant. 5. Relationship between adjustment of the subjects and general characteristics such as grade, parent's living status, size of the community in which they grew up was not significant. In conclusion, self-concept and adjustment were not relationship academic achievement. However, self-concept and adjustment showed positive relationship.restrictio

    H.264 부혞화 성능 향상을 위한 였찚은폐 Ʞ법에 Ʞ반한 몚드 확장 방법

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    학위녌묞(석사) --서욞대학교 대학원 :ì „êž°. 컎퓚터공학부,2008.2.Maste