455 research outputs found


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    Weave, yarn density, yarn count, fiber material and so on of woven fabrics greatly affect their surface characteristics. Surface characteristics of a fabric are important factor for consumers and textile producers in order to evaluate its fabric hand. However, there is no simple system to easily measure its surface characteristics. This study uses a simple tactile sensor that can measure the friction coefficients of fabric surfaces and tries to evaluate their surface characteristics from obtained values. We traced surfaces of plural fabrics that differ in yarn, weave and yarn density with the tactile sensor, and measured variation of the friction coefficients with respect to the trace distance. This study introduces some evaluation values from the measured variation of the friction coefficients and compares them with results by KES, which is the ordinary system to evaluate surface characteristics of a fabric. As a result, the study confirmed that proposed method easily evaluates the geometrical and frictional properties of woven fabrics as their fabric hand, and also can estimate the yarn density of woven fabric by analyzing the oscillation period of variation of friction coefficient


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    A Case of Rectum-Infiltrating Prostate Cancer Mimicking Prostate-Infiltrating Rectal Cancer

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    A 71-year-old man was admitted to the department of general surgery at our hospital due to constipation. A large bowel endoscopic examination revealed a stenosis of the rectum near the anus. The pathological diagnosis of the biopsy was poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. After a computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging examination, rectal cancer infiltrating the prostate was the diagnosis. External beam radiation therapy and chemotherapy were performed. After those neoadjuvant therapies, an abdominoperineal resection of the rectum (Miles) and a retropubic radical prostatectomy were performed. The final pathological diagnosis was prostate cancer infiltrating the rectum. Prostate cancer infiltrating the rectum is rare because of the Denonvillier's fascia barrier. However, it is difficult to distinguish prostate cancer infiltrating the rectum from rectal cancer infiltrating the prostate. Thus, when we see rectal cancer infiltrating the prostate, prostate cancer infiltrating the rectum should be suspected, serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) level should be determined, and PSA immunostaining should be performed

    Clinical evaluation of rifampicin for urinary tract infection

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    Clinical evaluation of rifampicin for urinary tract infection was made by means of a double blind method with aminobenzylpenicillin as a control drug. The following results were obtained. Rifampicin was administered to 72 cases and aminobenzylpenicillin to 67 cases. Clinical effects of both were comparatively studied, and there was no statistical difference between both groups. Both groups were proVed to consist of similar grade of urinary tract infection as to symptOms and signs. No serious side effects were observed. From the above results, this new antibiotic, rifampicin, may be entitled to join in the battle against urinary infection


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    The epitopes of four anti-vWF monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs), which inhibit antibiotic ristocetin induced vWF binding to GPⅠb, were investigated and compared with each other. MoAb NMC-4 completely inhibited both the vWF bindings to GPⅠb expressed by ristocetin and snake venom botrocetin at the final concentrations of 10 μg/ml. Another MoAb RFF-VⅢ RAG : 1 also completely inhibited ristocetin-induced vWF binding at the IgG concentration of 10 μg/ml, but showed a partial inhibition (75% at the IgG concentlation of 100 μg/ml) on botrocetin-induced binding. Two other MoAbs, RG46 and 52-K8, inhibited ristocetin-induced vWF binding at the inhibition constant by 50% of 90 μg/ml and 30 μg/ml respectively, but without effect on botrocetin-induced vWF binding. Using the radiolabelled NMC-4 and its binding to vWF immobilized to plastic tubes, the competitive binding assay was performed. In this assay, cold NMC-4 clearly displaced (¹²⁵Ⅰ) NMC-4 binding to solid-phase vWF, and RFF-VⅢRAG : 1 partially blocked the binding (60% at the IgG concentration of 100 μg/ml), whereas neither RG46 nor 52K-8 blocked this binding. These results indicated that the epitopes of NMC-4 and RFF-VⅢRAG : 1 are in close proximity, but those of RG46 and 52K-8 are different, suggesting the epitope heterogeneity of anti-vWF MoAbs which inhibit ristocetin-induced vWF binding


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    ‘Haruhi’ is a new citrus cultivar that was released in 2011 by the Okitsu Citrus Research Station, National Institute of Fruit Tree Science (presently the Division of Citrus Research, Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science), National Agriculture and Research Organization, Japan. ‘Haruhi’ originated from a cross between Kankitsu Okitsu No.46[‘Sweet spring’ (Citrus unshiu Marcow. × C. hassaku hort. ex Tanaka) × ‘Trovita’ orange (C.sinensis Osbeck)] and ‘Awa orange’[hyuganatsu (C. tamurana hort. ex Tanaka) × ’Trovita’ orange]. This cross was made in 1991 at Okitsu Branch, Fruit Tree Research Station, Shizuoka, Japan. From 2001, when it was designated Kankitsu Okitsu No.55, it was included in the ninth citrus selection national trial, which conducted at 28 experimental station in Japan. The cultivar was ultimately selected and released as ‘Haruhi’ in 2009, and was registered as No. 20679 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on March 18, 2011.The tree has medium vigor, and a spreading shape. The average fruit weight is about 150g and the fruits are oblate in shape. The rind is yellow-orange in color, about 3mm in thickness, with a moderately smooth surface. Peeling is moderately easy. The soluble solids content and acidity in the ripe fruit are about 13% and 1.0g/100mL, respectively. The average number of seeds per fruit is 14. The fruit of ‘Haruhi’ generally mature after late January in the Kyushu region and after late February in the Kanto and Tokai region of Japan. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ guidelines, it is desirable to cultivate ‘Haruhi’ in areas where the temperature does not fall below -3℃ in winter, to avoid cold injury to the fruit. Excessive fruiting results in a tendency toward smaller fruit and may weaken or wither the trees. ‘Haruhi’ has a medium degree of alternative bearing, and thus it is necessary to carry out proper fruit set management.‘はるひ’は1991年に農林水産省果樹試験場興津支場(現(国研)農研機構果樹茶業研究部門カンキツ研究拠点)において,オレンジタイプのカンキツ興津46号を種子親とし,‘阿波オレンジ’を花粉親として作出した品種である.2001年よりカンキツ第9回系統適応性・特性検定試験にカンキツ興津55号として供試した.同試験には28の公設試験研究機関が参加し,その結果,ヒュウガナツ様の芳香と鮮やかな果皮色を持ち,かつヒュウガナツに比べ高糖度で収穫期が1か月以上早いこと,剥皮性に優れること等が評価され新品種候補にふさわしいとの合意が得られた.これを受け,2009年10月13日に品種登録出願を行い,2011年3月18日付けで種苗法に基づき第20679号として品種登録された.本品種の樹勢は中で,樹姿は開張となる.枝梢は太く,長い.葉は紡錘形で葉身の幅は広い.かいよう病とそうか病に強く,カンキツトリステザウイルス(CTV)によるステムピッティングの発生は中程度である.果実は150g程度で,扁球形である.果皮は黄橙色であり,果面はやや滑らかである.果皮厚は3mm程度でやや薄く,剥皮は比較的容易である.成熟期(2月下旬)における果汁の糖度は13%程度と高く,酸度は1.0g/100mL程度になる.種子数は平均14粒程度とやや多い.成熟期は九州地方では1月下旬以降,関東・東海地方では2月下旬以降と評価されているため,農林水産省の栽培に適する自然的条件に関する基準に従い果実の寒害を避けるため冬期の最低気温が-3℃以下とならない温暖な地域での栽培が望ましい.また,着果が過多になると小玉傾向になるほか,樹が衰弱し,枯れ込むことがある.中程度の隔年結果性があることから,適正な着果管理に努める必要がある

    Effects of lipid metabolism by amazake intake in mice

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    長崎大学教育学部紀要:自然科学 通巻 第90号(Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University: Natural Science, Vol.90