20 research outputs found


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    Front Face Contour Extraction Based on Skin Color Model and Gradient Operator

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    摘 要: 文章提出了一种新的正面人脸封闭轮廓提取方法, 首先采用肤色模型对肤色区域进行初定位, 然后经过筛选去除非人脸区域, 最后提取人脸初步轮廓, 并结合梯度算子提取下巴轮廓, 进而得到一个连续、封闭的人脸轮廓。该算法基本克服了下巴轮廓难以从颈部提取的问题, 满足了人脸轮廓特征提取的要求, 同时具有较高的时效性。 Abstract : A new extraction method for front face contour is proposed by this paper. Firstly, we locate the skin color regions by using the skin color model. Then, we filter the false face regions and extract the preliminary face contour.Finally, the whole continuous and close face contour is obtained by extracting upper face contour in the face region and by extracting chin contour through a gradient operator. The proposed algorithm basically overcomes the difficulty of extracting the chin contour from the neck, satisfies the demand of face contour feature extraction, and also it has a high time- effectiveness.国家高技术研究发展计划 ( 863 计划) 资助项目, 项目编号: 2006AA01Z12

    Sniffer and Windows 2000

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    介绍了网络嗅探器 (Sniffer)的基本原理 ,并阐述了Windows 2 0 0 0下Sniffer的基本实现 ,重点阐述了Windows2 0 0 0下新的实现方法This paper briefly introduces the principle of Sniffers and the network security problems caused by Sniffers; And, two methods to implement Sniffers under Windows 2000 are presented

    Geometric features of 3D face and recognition of it by PCA

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    The extraction algorithms for geometric features of 3D face and recognition of the face by PCA (Principal Component Analysis) is proposed. Firstly, by normalizing the original scattered 3D face point cloud, much less amount of the points is acquired, which still contains the main characteristics of the face. Secondly, by calculating and analyzing the curvatures of pre-processed 3D face profiles, which are extracted from the normalized point cloud, the facial feature points are located. And then the 3D geometric features are obtained by the facial feature points. Finally, some merging strategies are performed to recognize the face, where we use the 3D geometric features and implement the scheme of 2D PCA. The experimental results on 3DFACEXMU and ZJU-3DFED databases showed that, the merging strategy which uses the identification results via the geometric features then to screen out the candidates for there cognition by PCA performed on 2D equalized gray image improves recognition accuracy, and the strategy is more robust on expression changes


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    Vehicle Detection under Night Illumination

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    论文提出了夜间运动车辆检测的一种有效的算法。首先对原始图像做“浮雕”处理,消除车灯对检测结果的影响,再通过两帧差分检测出运动区域,最后利用形态学腐蚀消除孤立噪声点,计算连通域面积去除大的噪声区域,从而提取出准确的运动目标。An effective approach of vehicle detection at night is proposed in this paper.In order to eliminate the influence of headlights and their beams,the original video sequences have been embossed firstly.Then motion area has been detected by two-frame difference.Finally,the isolated noises have been eliminated by morphological erosion and the scattering noise blobs have been removed according to their areas.The moving objects have been properly extracted at last

    An Algorithm for Extraction and Update of Background

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    摘要: 针对几种传统算法运算复杂、实时性差、得到的背景易失真等不足,本文给出了一种实用的背景提取及更新算 法. 通过平均法求系列图像的均值和平均差值,之后去除差异大的点,然后再次求平均得到初始背景. 背景更新时,利用 三帧差分和自适应阈值法得到当前帧的二值图像,并考虑前景目标后更新得到新的背景. 实验表明,上述算法所取得的 背景效果良好,并可快速有效地对背景进行更新.Abstract : In view of the complex computation ,the real2time problem ,and the distortional background in the several commonly2 used algorithms ,a practical algorithm for ext raction and update of background is presented in this paper. For a series of f rames in vid2 eo ,we calculated the average value and the average difference for each pixel ,then excluded those pixels that have large differences. Af2 ter that ,we averaged the values again on the remained pixels to obtain the initial background. During background updating ,we first used three2f rame differences and adaptive threshold methods to get the binary image of current f rame ,then by considering the fore2 ground moving target s in the f rame we obtained the new background. Our experiment s show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can be used to ext ract backgrounds effectively and quickly when the scene changes.基金项目:国家863 计划(2006AA01Z129) 资

    Feature description and image retrieval based on visual attention model

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    Based on the bottom-up human visual attention model, a procedure for feature description and image retrieval is proposed. In the procedure, an integrated saliency map for a given image, which reflects the significance of regions in the image, is generated first, then two region segmentation methods, the image segmentation using the maximum entropy of the one-dimensional histogram and the region growing based on the focus of attention, are defined and used to separate the image into different regions. Here, the focus of attention is obtained from the saliency map and the secondary or uncorrelated regions can be filtered then. Hereafter, combining the saliency map and the segmented image, the first three most salient regions, defined as the salient region set, are obtained in terms of the average saliency of the regions. Radius entropy and angle entropy are also defined and performed to describe the global features and a shape feature for saliency regions is used to describe the local feature. Finally, the distances between the features are calculated to measure the similarity between images. Experimental results showed that our method can reflect the semantic feature of a given image to a certain extent, and the method is beneficial for content-based image retrieval. ? 2011 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    Application of OLE Technique in MIS

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    开发出新一代城市交通流控制系统即STC,它采用先进的分布式多任务并发实时在线系统的体系桔构,具有分布式多AgEnT计算模型的特性,在系统实用性、实时性、可靠性、可维护性、可扩充性等方面具有更高的性能,能支持多种自适应实时控制策略.实际运行结果表明,该系统与国内外同类系统相比更能适应我国的城市交通情况,取得了很好的综合效益.OLE, which is a important technique in WINDOWS, is used to extend application program in FOXPRO For WINDOWS.By analyzing the program UPDATEGRPH in GENGRAPH,a method For enhancing graph to MIS is given.This method has the advantages in easy use and can also improve the system saFety and eFFiciency


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