24 research outputs found


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    中国式\"交叉提供\"模式是对中国特色社会产品提供的现实提炼,既体现初级阶段重要特征,又反映国体政体本质要求。本文运用中国式\"交叉提供\"中\"私人部门可以参与部分公共产品提供\"的观点,解释我国公共产品(服务)市场化提供中的两个实例(政府购买服务与PPP(Public-Private Partnership,PPP)模式),深化其认识,总结其本质,辨析其异同,为实践运用提供理论依据与政策思路


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    Coordination Research Between Redevelopment of Chinese Special Economic Areas and Development of Western China After China’s entry into WTO

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    本文针对中国区域经济(尤其是特殊经济区与西部地区经济)长期非均衡发展的现状,结合中国加入世贸组织对SEA和西部地区带来的新的挑战与机遇,运用区域经济协调发展理论提出了中国SEA与西部地区协调发展的政策建议。 文章在引言中对整篇文章的理论基础做了一个说明。首先界定了本文所讨论的特殊经济区的内涵与范畴。然后对比区域经济均衡发展理论和非均衡发展理论,引出了区域经济协调发展理论的观点。 鉴于SEA(19个城市)与西部地区(中国三大地带之一,含10省(市)——基于资料的衔接性与可比性,本文采用“七五”计划划分方法,不将内蒙和广西纳入西部地区进行考虑。)的非直接可比性,在第一章中,本文根据数学中不等式...Focusing on the long-term unbalanced development of Chinese Regional Economy (especially between those of the Special Economic Areas, in short SEA,and Western China), combined with the new environment in these two regions created by China’s entry into WTO, this dissertation puts forward some suggestions on promoting the economy coordinated development of SEA and Western China according to the coor...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:20001300

    Terms Relate to Competitive Advantage:Analysis and Distinguish

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    本文针对目前学术界竞争优势相关概念使用混乱的现状 ,提出作者的观点。文中首先分析了该现状出现的原因 ,然后对于学术界中常用的几个相关概念———竞争优势、竞争力、国际竞争优势、企业竞争优势、产品竞争优势、产业竞争优势、国家竞争力和对外贸易竞争优势分别进行了解释与分析。There is a confusion of terms relate to competitive advantage at present, the article analyzes this situation and tends to find the reasons, and finally the author give an explanation and analysis of the following terms relate to competitive advantage: competitive advantage, competitiveness, international competitive advantage, corporate competitive advantage, product competitive advantage, industry competitive advantage, national competitiveness, and foreign trade competitive advantage


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    On the budege for China Social insurance:From Socialist State Finance with Chinese Charateristics for a New Era

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    邓カ平,厦门大学经济学院/厦门国家会计学院教授;邓秋云,厦门国家会计学院讲师,经济学博士。【中文摘要】社会保险基金预算是中国特色预算体系的重要组成部分,体现着我国财政独有的国家性、公共性、发展性和改革性之統一。在中国特色社会主义进入新时代的背景下,社会保险基金预算是中国特色财政四大特性的一般关系在新时代中的表现形式,这是其自身所体现的“本质”要求。新时代社会保险基金预算编制应努力体现“民生与发展”“效率与公平”“补短与建制”这三个重要的新时代维度。此外,新时代全国人民代表大会及其常委会对社会保险基金预算的审査应重点把握“收支平衡”原则,依法审査,把握社会保险基金预算发展的新特点和发展进程,进一步加强各级人大及其委员会对社会保险预算的审査监督エ作。 【Abstract】As an organic carrier of socialist state finance with the Chinese characteristics,the budget for social insurance funds integrates all these significances of socialist state finance: state significance,public significance,development significance,and reform significance. In order to testify and support further reform of the budget for social insurance,this paper first interpreted the relationship of those four significances of this budget. And then,with the guidance of the major political determination’ socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era',it analyzed several dilemma questions which include people's livelihood and development, efficiency and equality,strengthening areas of weakness and constructing mechanism from the perspective of socialist state finance with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Finally,it proposed four suggestions for budget supervision from the perspective of the National People's Congress

    Study on the Sensing Vlembrane of Piezoelectrie Crystal Sensor of Organophosphorous Toxicans Ⅰ.Preparation and Response Behaviors of Long-chain Oxime Complex

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    测定了新型长链络合物1—(2—吡啶)—1—十二烷酮肟锌络合物(120Xzn)压电晶体敏感膜对有机磷毒物二甲基甲膦酸酯(dMMP)的响应性能,结果表明12OXzn敏感膜能检测1PPM以下的dMMP,性能显著优于一般表面活性剂及小分子络合物。The response behaviors of a novel long-chaim oxime complex, 12OXZu-based piezoelecric crystal membrane on.organophosphorous toxicant of DMMP is reported.The tested results show that the sensitivity of titled membrane is down to 1 ppm of DMMP and is better than reported surFactant and smaller complex obviously.国家自然科学基