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    Minimizing dependency distance in understanding of ambiguous structure

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    用依存句法分析汉语歧义结构发现人脑在句法加工时倾向选择最小化依存距离的句法结构。该发现从依存理论角度解释了以往依照短语结构句法分析潜在歧义结构“VP+n1+的+n2“无法说明心理学实验结果的原因,找到了歧义结构实时阅读过程中倾向选择特定句法结构的语言学依据。最小化依存距离的认知机制是降低言语工作记忆成本的有效方法,是言语理解过程中的重要机制之一。Human beings tend to choose the structure with the minimum dependency distance during ambiguous structure understanding in order to reduce the burden on working memory.This paper reanalyzes the psychological experimental results within the framework of dependency grammar.The measurement of dependency distance provides the linguistic criteria for why is the potential ambiguity structure"VP + N1 + the + N2"considered as the Modifier-Noun Construction(MNC)rather than Narrative-Object Structure(NOS).Minimizing dependency distance is an important mechanism during natural language understanding and an effective way to reduce the memory cost.国家社会科学基金重大项目(No.11&ZD188

    A Comparative Study on the Language Networks Based on Co-occurrence,Syntax,Semantics

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    网络方法应用于语言研究是语言研究大数据时代的新趋势。语言是一个多层级的符号系统,选择哪种语言单位作为网络节点,选择哪种语言单位间的关系作为网络联结,影响到语言网络的结构和功能。该文梳理了以汉语词为单位,以同现、句法、语义关系为联结依据的几类网络构造方法,并针对同一文本构造三类网络发现:句法网络的网络直径、平均路径长度远小于同现网络,实词在语义网络中占据中心节点位置。这提示我们网络分析方法的应用仍要以可靠的语言学理论为指导,从语言学内部出发才能更好解释各类语言网络的差异。Network structure has been wildely applied in language studies with the coming of the big data era.Since language is a multi-level system of symbols,different language units will exhibit networks of different structure and function.This paper surveys the construction methods for the word co-occurrence network(on the basis of the adjacency of words),the syntactic network(on the basis of syntactic theory-dependency grammar)and the semantic network(on the basis of conceptual relation)for the same text.It is revealed that the syntactic network's diameter and average path length are much smaller than those of the co-occurrence network,and the content words in the semantic network occupy central node locations.This suggests that the linguistic theory is to be applied in the network analysis,and will contribute to better explain the differences of various language networks.国家社会科学基金(11&ZD188;14CYY046

    A View of Language System as Networks

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    赵怿怡,厦门大学人文学院助理教授;刘海涛,浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院教授、博士生导师。【中文摘要】语言是一种复杂动态系统。语言系统的复杂性体现在各类语言符号相互联系和演变的过程中。支持这一论断的可靠证据是语言以复杂的神经网络为生理基础,这一基础也为从网络结构角度认知语言复杂系统提供了现实依据。语言网络观具备从语言学内部到语言学外部多学科理论的支撑:语言学内部有较完整的以语言网络为基础的语言学理论——神经认知语言学与词语法;语言学外部有以认知科学为主导的神经、生理、心理学实验证据;复杂网络技术的发展革新了语料库语言学的分析方法,为建立语言的统计模型提供了新思路。现有语言网络研究成果证明了基于网络观的语言研究具备充分的有效性与可行性。 【Abstract】 Language is a kind of dynamic network. The complexity of language system embodies the interaction and evolution of various languages symbols. Language takes the neural network as a physiological basis,which provides the basis to researches on language systems by adopting complex network technology and social network analysis. This paper reviews the concept of interdisciplinary language network theory,focusing on linguistic theory to explain the language theory based on networks-Neurocognitive Linguistics and Word Grammar. We also show a statistical model of two sentences in corpus linguistics network in order to demonstrate the feasibility of approaching human language with complex networks.国家社科基金青年项目“基于同一文本的句法网络语义网络关系研究”(14CYY046);国家社科基金重大项目“现代汉语计量语言学研究”(11&ZD188