21 research outputs found

    Redressing Factors Parity Distortion, Resource Misallocation and Development Transformation

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    压低要素价格有助于实现低成本下的高增长,但也会加剧经济结构失衡。新常态下,构建统一开放、竞争有序市场体系的一个重要前提即是理顺价格形成机制,发挥矫正要素价格扭曲对经济结构的调整效应。本报告围绕这一主题,从微观视角着眼,测度要素价格扭曲的程度,剖析其中的原因,在此基础上,为降低资源错配,实现经济健康持续发展提供一条可行的路径选择。 首先,梳理国内外相关文献发现,要素比价扭曲加剧了资源错配和效率损失,并阻碍经济增长方式的转变。劳动力、资金、土地以及能源等要素市场的二元结构特征扭曲了这些生产要素的价格,导致厂商在隐性补贴的成本体系中,弱化了自主创新和推进产品优化升级、节能环保的动力,固化了对要素比...Despite low factor prices benefit to achieve a higher growth rate by reducing production costs, but aggravates imbalance in economic structure as well. Under new normal state, straightening the pricing mechanism, playing the adjusting effect of economic structure stemmed from redressing distorted factors’ price is one of the premises which related to construct a unified, open, and competed orderly...学位:博士后院系专业:经济学院_产业经济学学号:201317003

    The Study on Determinants of China’s Labor Share

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    针对社会再生产过程中生产、分配、交换、消费等领域失衡这一当前中国宏观经济运行的显著特征,本文追根溯源,从国民收入分配着眼,围绕中国国民收入分配格局在二十世纪九十年代中期出现的拐点——劳动者报酬占初次分配的比重和居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重逐年降低这一主题,研究拐点如何出现,主要决定因素及其导致的后果。 梳理中国国民收入分配格局演变发现,政府部门和企业部门收入比重在初次分配中双双上升,居民部门收入比重迅速下降。与美、日等典型国家相近发展阶段的国民收入分配格局相比,中国居民劳动和经营收入份额较低,政府生产税净额比重较高;中国政府收入占GDP的比重较高;典型国家居民部门可支配收入占可支配总收入的...Aiming at unbalance of social reproduction included production, distribution, exchange, consumption, the distinct feature of Chinese macroeconomic, this paper traces to its source, focuses on distribution of national income, revolves on the inflexion appeared since mid-1990s, that is decreases at labor’s remuneration in proportion of primary distribution and resident income in proportion of nation...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_政治经济学学号:2902008015030


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    在对经济制度变迁研究文献回顾的基础上,以我国少数民族地区经济制度变迁为研究对象,从文化视角分析了当前我国少数民族地区经济制度变迁的动力产生的原因、来源和作用方式。1)基于民族...国家社科基金(16CJL011);; 陕西师范大学2016年研究生创新基金项目(2016CBY008);; 陕西师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资


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    Tax Burden and Chinese Share of Labor Remuneration:an Investigation from Provincial Perspective

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    文章利用财政体制改革后1994-2007年省级面板数据,系统地分析劳动报酬份额变化的整体趋势及其影响因素。发现固定资产投资、政府相对居民的消费结构对劳动报酬份额产生显著的反向作用力。其中,源于投资方面的负面影响更强。与成本费用利润率的负向作用相比,资本的有机构成短期内更不利于改善劳动报酬;引资竞争对劳动报酬份额间接的负面影响弱于消费结构的负面影响,最终消费结构的失衡进一步凸显了劳动报酬份额在初次分配被弱化的趋势;劳动收入份额与宏观税负的反向关系强于劳动收入份额与教育支出的正向关系。控制了经济结构转型的因素后,宏观税负的提高是阻碍劳动报酬份额改善的重要原因。Using 29 provinces' panel data from 1994 to 2007,this paper analyzes the tendency and factors of China's labor remuneration share at three observation levels systematically.The empirical results indicate that the fixed asset investment and the ratio of government expenditure to resident expenditure have negative impacts on labor remuneration share.Especially,the effect of investment is stronger.Compared with the ratio of profits to cost,the organic composition of capital makes more negative effect on the labor remuneration share in short run; the negative impact originated from the competition for FDI is weaker than the structure of consumption.Furthermore,the unbalanced structure of final consumption reveals the decreasing labor remuneration share in prima-ry distribution.The opposite relationship between the labor remuneration share and the tax burden is stronger than the positive relationship between the labor remuneration share and the education expenditure.When the structural transformation of the economy has been controlled,the tax burden is the significant reason which hampers the improvement of the labor remuneration share.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目:“十一五”期间我国宏观调控方式转变的问题研究(07JJD630226)的阶段性成果之

    Correction of Factor Price Parity Distortion,Resource Mispairing and Development Transformation

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    要素比价扭曲是政府主导型市场经济的微观基础,它已成为制约我国经济发展方式转变的根本性原因。劳动力、资金、土地以及能源等要素市场的二元结构特征扭曲了这些生产要素的价格,导致厂商在隐性补贴的成本体系中,弱化了自主创新和推进产品优化升级、节能环保的动力,固化了对要素比价负向扭曲的路径依赖;居民受劳动报酬占比下降的影响,消费占gdP比例不断下降。要素比价扭曲加剧了资源错配和效率损失,并阻碍经济增长方式的转变。因此,提出矫正要素比价扭曲是转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构的微观基础保障这一结论。Factor Price Parity Distortion is the micro-basis of government leading market economy,which is the basic reason for the restriction of the change of direction of our economy.The dual structural feature such as labor force,capital,land and energy distort the price of the factor,leading to the weakening of automatic innovation and updating of product and the motivation of environment protection in the cost system of the enterprise with a recessive subsidy as well as the consolidation of reliability on way of negative distortion of factor price parity;citizens' consumption occupies less in GDP influenced by the decrease of percentage of pay.Factor Price Parity Distortion aggravates resource mispairing and low-efficiency and hinders change of economic increase pattern.Therefore,correction of Factor Price Parity Distortion is a micro basis to guarantee the change of economic increase pattern and adjustment of economic structure.国家社科基金重大项目“经济持续健康发展与收入倍增计划的实现路径研究”;项目编号:13&ZD029; 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“矫正要素比价扭曲;推进经济发展方式转变问题研究”;项目编号:13JJD79002

    Exemplary research of industrial colony and the growth of regional economies:Based on comparative analysis of Zhejiang and Shaanxi

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    为了论证区域经济增长的产业集群效应,以浙江和陕西两省2000—2006年经济发展和产业集群的相关指标为变量,在迪克希特—斯蒂格利茨框架下,运用向量自回归(VAr)模型、grAngEr因果检验等方法,建立多元线性回归模型、对数线性模型(lOg-lInEAr)和误差修正模型(ECM),对两省专业化分工和产业集群的经济效应进行了实证研究后认为:无论是从绝对量还是相对量看,城镇居民可支配收入是促进浙江、陕西两省经济增长的共同原因。专业化分工水平在陕西省经济增长中的作用不如固定资产投资增长的作用显著。浙江、陕西两省的地方化优势产业及其经济发展的实践,验证了区域经济增长和产业集群成长正相关假设的正确性。因此,陕西经济的振兴,必须高度重视产业集群,尤其是中小企业集群的发展,继续拓展区域创新体系,进一步提升以创新为主的知识密集型产业的发展。In order to probe the relationship between industrial cluster and the growth of regional economy,the interrelated index of economic development and industrial cluster in Zhejiang and Shaanxi from 2000 to 2006 was taken as variables under the frame of Dick Hyatt-Stieglitz,utilizing the model of VAR and Granger test,establishing the multi-dimensional linear regression model and the log-linear model and the error correction model(ECM).After the empirical research it is urgued that regardless of look from the absolute value or the relative quantity,the common reason shows that control income of town dwellers will promote economic growth in Zhejiang and Shaanxi.Besides,the growth of the fixed assets investment makes more important role in the economic growth of Shaanxi province than the growth of regional specialization index((location quotient).The location quotient of the Shaanxi Province economic growth′s function is inferior to the investment in the fixed assets grows.The localization superiority industries and regional economies′ development in Zhejiang and Shaanxi has confirmed that the regional economies growth and the industrial cluster is being related.Therefore,paying attention to the development of industrial cluster,particularly the medium-sized enterprises' cluster,continues to develop the region innovation system,further promotes the development of knowledge intensity industry,in order to promote Shaanxi's economic development.陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目(2009KRM014);陕西省(高校)哲学社科基地重点项目(09JZ029);国家社科基金重大招标项目(08&ZD027);西北大学研究生重点课程建设项目(YC07041

    Evaluation on competitiveness of Chinese aluminium industry:based on three companies which have appeared on market

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    以中国铝工业竞争力为研究对象,遵循目的性、实用性、可比性、适应性、科学性和可操作性的原则,构建由每股指标、利润构成与盈利能力、经营与发展能力、资产与负债和现金流量等5个一级指标和每股收益、每股净资产等23个二级指标组成的铝工业竞争力指标评价体系,用以测度铝工业的运营能力、经营安全能力、盈利能力、创新发展能力以及组织管理能力,进而判别企业竞争力的强弱,目的在于为处于经济全球化下的中国铝工业持续、稳定、健康发展提供借鉴。The competitiveness of Chinese aluminium industry is taken as the research object.The index system on competitiveness of Chinese aluminium industry should be built according to some principles such as orientation,practicability comparableness,adaption,science-oriented and operation.An index analysis model was made for evaluating competitiveness of Chinese aluminium industry which includes five first class indexes,and twenty-three second class indexes comprised of earnings per share,net asset value,etc,in order to measure capacities of working,safe operation,payoff,innovative development and management of organization.Furthermore,the purpose is to distinguish the competiveness of companies so as to provide reference for developing of Chinese aluminium industry sustainably,stably and healthily.陕西省哲学社会科学基金项目(06D001Z