3 research outputs found

    Application of Fuzzy Theory for the Analysis of the Risk Grade of Debris Flow

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    土石流的發生一種自然的地質現象,地質災害的發生都具有一定的地質條件,而且同一類型的地質災害有可能在同一地區一再地發生;因此若能完整建立起土石流發生警戒機制,縱使人為的力量無法阻止土石流的發生,也期望能夠藉由評估土石流發生的可能性或預知土石流可能發生的時間與地點,事先發布警戒,做好避難準備,以減少土石流所帶來之災害。 土石流發生的影響因子眾多,前人研究大多取幾個代表性的因子探討分析,無法完整詳細的將危險度完整表達出來。依土石流發生的機制可將其劃分為水文因子與地文因子兩大類。水文因子包括、前期降雨量、總有效累積雨量、降雨強度、降雨延時等;地文因子包括(1)地形條件如︰溪床平均坡度、集水區坡度、形狀因子、有效集水區面積,及(2)地質條件如︰地質岩性、現地植生狀況、開發面積比例等因子,本研究應用模糊集合理論探討發生因子與土石流發生之相關性與權重,並藉由土石流發生危險度隸屬度之選定,建立評價集,進而找出土石流發生和地文、水文之間模糊隸屬函數,推估出土石流危險程度之評判分析模式。 最後,本研究將以921集集大地震後之水文及地質條件進行土石流發生危險度評判之實例驗證,採用之案例為90年桃芝颱風與93年敏督利颱風背景,作為實例驗證之導入條件;另外亦選取前人研究中,經常引用之921集集大地震前花蓮縣銅門村之環境資料,進行土石流發生危險度實例驗證。Abstract Geographic disasters happen because of the specific geographic conditions, and the same type of geographic disasters might be taken placed in the same area again and again. Therefore, establishing a complete warning mechanism of debris flow to evaluate the probability or the location and timing that debris flow might happened, which would made people prepared for preventing disasters beforehand. Although debris flow cannot be prevented, the disasters would be reduced. Many factors result in debris flow. Most of historic perspectives took some representative factors to analysis the risky grade of debris flow. However, the risky grade could not be expressed completely in these studies. The mechanism of debris flow is divided into antecedent precipitation, Effective cumulative rainfall, rainfall intensity, and rainfall duration. On the other hand, geomorphologic factor includes geographic and geologic conditions. Mean slope of gully, slope of watershed, Form factor, and effective watershed area are factors about geographic condition and lithology, the ratio of developmental area and the vegetation characteristics are factors about geologic conditions. In this study, the fuzzy theory was used to discuss the correlation and weighting between factors and probability of debris flow. Besides, choosing risky grade of debris flow, the evaluating set was established and the fuzzy membership function between debris flow found precipitation and physiography. Furthermore, the model of debris flow risky level could be evaluated. Finally, in this study, the hydrologic and physiographic conditions after 921 Chi-Chi earthquakes are taken to verify the assessment of risky grade. Besides, the environmental information of Tong-Men village in Hualien County before 921Chi-Chi earthquake is also used to verify this model.誌謝辭 IV 中文摘要 V 目次 VII 圖目次 X 表目次 XI 第一章 前言 1 1-1研究動機 1 1-2研究目的 1 1-3本文組織 2 第二章 土石流概論 5 2-1 土石流定義 5 2-2土石流之發生條件與類型 5 2-3土石流之流動 7 2-4土石流災例之空間分佈關係 9 第三章 前人研究與文獻回顧 15 3-1 土石流發生機制探討 20 3-2地文因子 20 3-2-1形狀因數: 25 3-2-2溪床平均坡度 25 3-2-3集水區坡度 26 3-2-4集水區內地質之岩性 28 3-2-5開發面積比例 31 3-2-6有效集水區面積 32 3-2-7現地植生狀況 32 3-3水文因子 33 3-3-1雨場切割方式及降雨延時 35 3-3-2前期降雨之計算 42 3-3-3總有效累積雨量之計算方式 46 3-3-4土石流發生歷史事件之降雨參數分析 46 第四章 模糊集合理論概論 51 4-1 模糊集合理論之基本概念 51 4-1-1傳統明確集合 51 4-1-2 模糊集合的基本概念 52 4-1-3模糊集合與隸屬函數 52 4-2模糊集合理論常用之隸屬函數 55 4-2-1升嶺型分佈 57 4-2-2降嶺型分佈 57 4-2-3常態分佈 58 4-2-4梯型分佈 58 4-3模糊基本運算 59 4-3-1模糊向量 59 4-3-2模糊矩陣 59 4-3-3 模糊基本運算 60 第五章 建立土石流發生危險度評估模式 62 5-1 模糊綜合評判分析步驟 62 5-2權重之決定方法 64 5-2-1專家估測法 64 5-2-2頻率統計分析 65 5-2-3指標值法 65 5-2-4定量分析法 65 5-3多級模糊之綜合評判 69 5-4以模糊集合理論建立土石流危險度之評估模式 69 5-4-1土石流危險因子評價集之建立 69 5-4-2土石流危險因子隸屬函數之建立 72 5-4-3確立土石流危險因子之權重 74 5-4-4以模糊集合理論評估土石流發生危險度之實例驗證 76 1、90年桃芝颱風 76 2、93年敏督利颱風 79 3、79年歐菲莉颱風 84 5-5 綜合討論 86 第六章 結論與建議 90 6-1綜合結論 90 6-2 建議 91 參考文獻 92 附錄A: 行政院農委會水土保持局土石流警戒值總表 95 附錄B: 行政院農委會水土保持局土石流警戒區發布時機 106 附錄C: 行政院農委會水土保持局土石流警戒區發布標準作業程序 107 附錄D: 行政院農委會水土保持局土石流警戒區「紅色降為黃色」標準作業程序 108 附錄E: 行政院農委會水土保持局土石流警戒區「紅色直接解除」標準作業程序 10

    Sediment Environment Assessment System for the Tseng-Wen and Baihe Reservoir Watersheds in Taiwan

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    本研究以曾文及白河水庫集水區為例,運用易於量化、取得且能反應現況之指標,並建立指標合理變動範圍,希冀從中瞭解水庫集水區土砂環境遭遇問題及評估現況環境,供作保育治理需求參考應用。分析結果顯示,兩水庫集水區境內涉及山坡地範圍之子集水區中,有37 個子集水區屬整治需求區域,其總面積約佔整體水庫集水區之43.2%;可見莫拉克颱風後之治理工作,雖已加速水庫集水區整體土砂環境復育,但仍需嚴防道路無法抵達或採自然復育等區域,坡面上不穩定土砂造成二次災害。建議應進行集水區整體土砂災害處理策略擬訂之水土保持需求評估工作,避免後續災害的形成與擴大。This study completed the assessment of the sediment environment of the Tseng-Wen and Baihe Reservoirs, considering the factors of sediment-related disasters to evaluate the threat of sediment production and plan the requirements of soil and water conservation works for the reservoir watersheds. Case studies suggest the post-typhoon Morakot sediment environment of the Tseng-Wen and Baihe reservoir watersheds in 2014 has recovered well after remediation, but is still in a relatively poorer condition than pre-typhoon Morakot. Further, to limit the occurrence of secondary disasters in disaster-prone creek watersheds, this study suggests a list of watersheds requiring improvement to their sediment environments under the suggested potential sediment production classification. Consequently, there are 37 areas located in the Tseng-Wen and Baihe reservoir watersheds still requiring soil and water conservation works. These observations can serve as the basis for effectively managing reservoir watersheds, planning of disaster prevention work and reducing the risk of rapid sedimentation in reservoirs during the flood season


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