4 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study on the economic development of typical cities of southern Jiangsu and the Pearl River Delta region under the difference of factor endowment

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    近年来,国内经济增速逐步下滑,“珠三角”和“长三角”等局部地区保持了相对稳定和较高的经济增速,成为了当前国内区域经济发展的亮点;与此同时,发展经济学相关理论依据经济发展的实践不断创新,新结构主义综合发展经济学现有的理论成果,以要素禀赋为出发点,肯定市场作为资源配置的根本机制,同时强调政府也应发挥因势利导的作用,在一定程度上很好的解释过去经济发展的实践,成为了当前发展经济学的重要理论成果。本文从新结构主义经济学的视角研究苏南地区和“珠三角”经济区典型城市的发展,将要素禀赋作为区域经济研究的出发点,考察政府与市场对区域经济发展的影响。构建计量模型进行系统性的实证检验和分析,扩宽了新结构主义经济学的...In recent years, the domestic economic growth rate has gradually declined, some areas of "Pearl River Delta" and "Yangtze River Delta" maintain a relatively stable and high economic growth, and it has become a highlight of the current domestic regional development. At the same time, The theory of development economics based on economic development practice constantly bring forth new ideas. The ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532014115212


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    基于核主成分元胞模型的城市演化重建与预测. Kernel principal components analysis based cellular model for restructuring and predicting urban evolution

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    Simulating and restructuring complex non-linear process of urban evolution with cellular automata plays a significant role in urban land use planning and decision-making. By using conventional methods, it is difficult to retrieve reasonable CA transition rules to capture the dynamic process of urban expansion and evolution. Based on kernel principal components analysis approaches (KPCA), non-linear dimension reduction can be executed on spatial variables with multi-collinearity by kernel method projection in the high-dimensional feature space, therefore, a novel CA model based on KPCA with explicit CA parameters is built which can well reflect the nonlinear nature of urbanization. In a geographical modelling framework called as SimUrban developed in a GIS environment, a fast growing area, Jiading District of Shanghai Municipality, is successfully simulated from 1989 to 2006, and the spatial pattern of the urban areas of 2010 is predicted. The simulation results demonstrate that the urban expansion occurred on the fringe areas of urban center and main roads, which reflects the impacts of the first two components extracted from KPCA approaches and highly accords with the actual development. To evaluate the performances of the KPCA-CA model, confusion matrix and area control indexes are used to assess the accuracies of the simulation results. The overall accuracy 80.67% and Kappa coefficient 61.02% illustrate that the simulation results produced by the KPCA-CA model are well matched with the actual urban evolution of Jiading District. Compared with a cellular model based on linear PCA approach, the simulated results generated by the cellular model based on KPCA have higher accuracies