411 research outputs found

    Development of data-analyses software for infrasound observation

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    第33回極域気水圏シンポジウム11月30日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Characteristic atmosphere-ocean-solid earth interactions in the Antarctic coastal and marine environment inferred from seismic and infrasound recording at Syowa Station, Antarctica

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    第4回極域科学シンポジウム横断セッション:[IP] 極域における多圏融合物理現象11月13日(水)統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室2(D304

    Infrasound Observations in the Lützow-Holm Bay region, Antarctica - Observation Report and Initial Results by JARE-54 -

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    第4回極域科学シンポジウム横断セッション:[IP] 極域における多圏融合物理現象11月13日(水)国立極地研究所 3階 ラウン

    Transurethral incision and fulguration of the bladder diverticulum: radicality and clinical efficacy

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    6症例8膀胱憩室に対して施行した。1)1例は経尿道的前立腺切除術を, 1例は経尿道的膀胱砕石術を併用した。2)手術時間は1憩室当り平均32分で, 手術による合併症は認められなかった。3)憩室の縮小率は62~100%で, 全憩室は縮小し1憩室は消失したが, 7憩室は残存した。4)膀胱憩室による症状を術後に認めたものは1例もなかったWe performed transurethral incision and fulguration of the bladder diverticulum (TUIFBD) for 8 diverticula in 6 patients. In combination with TUIFBD, one patient received transurethral resection of the prostate and another one transurethral lithotripsy of bladder stones. TUIFBD has been easily performed without any operative complications. All 8 diverticula had shrunken from one to two months after the operation but only one diverticulum had disappeared. Symptoms related to the bladder diverticulum had disappeared postoperatively in all cases. In conclusion, TUIFBD can be easily and safely performed in combination with other transurethral surgical procedures. TUIFBD may be insufficient for radicality, but is clinically effective

    Infrasound observation in Syowa station and sorrounding sites -interesting scientific targets for its 2nd stage-

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    第4回極域科学シンポジウム横断セッション:[IP] 極域における多圏融合物理現象11月13日(水)統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室2(D304

    Classification of ice tremor recorded at Syowa Station in Antarctica

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    第7回極域科学シンポジウム:[OG] 地圏11月29日(火)国立極地研究所 1階 交流アトリウ