43 research outputs found


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    利用資料庫建構資訊系統來分析非創傷緊急救護到院前緊急救護的相關因素- 以105年臺中市政府消防局沙鹿分隊為例

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    [[abstract]]為了使緊急救護技術員執行非創傷緊急救護時能方便查詢與過敏史,創傷處置,心肺復甦術,呼吸道處置,過去病史,藥物處置,求救原因,其他處置,送醫條件,性別等相關資訊,因此本研究利用資料庫建立了一個非創傷緊急救護資訊查詢系統,結合雲端運算提供緊急救護技術員執行非創傷緊急救護時,可用手機來查詢相關的參考依據。本研究採取系統建構依臺中市政府消防局沙鹿分隊105年的非創傷緊急救護案件資料為研究樣本。針對發生區域, 年齡, 過敏史, 創傷處置, CPR, 心肺復甦術, 呼吸道處置, 過去病史, 藥物處置, 求救原因, 送醫條件, 性別等項進行詳細的資訊分析及彙整統計

    A study of the location problem decision-an example of a food company in Mainland China

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    在中國政府政策的加持及看好兩岸食品市場需求下,增加投資及選擇符合企業及顧客需要的最佳生產據點是公司所採取的必要措施。大陸地區幅員遼闊,沿海與內陸或東南西北之間投資條件差異極大 如何選擇適當的廠址以求事半功倍,是在設廠前應謹慎考慮的重要課題。廠址一旦決定後,在日後實際營運中若發生環保或供電不足、生產過程不順暢、運輸成本過高、原料供應出現短缺以及薪資水準過高、員工與人才難以招募等問題時,不但無法立即採取有效的改善措施,往往也會付出很高代價。正確的廠址選擇會影響企業在的品牌與產品的經營績效外,也會使企業的成本降低增加利潤。本研究以一家在大陸積極佈局的食品公司已投資設廠的資料為基礎進行研究,探討分析在投資新廠時,廠址選擇的考量的重要因素,并期望建構一個合理及有效廠址選擇預測模型,因應未來市場規模擴大时,做為公司選擇設廠地點決策參考依據。 本研究結果顯示所建構的 3 個預測模型,包括營業額預測模型、利潤預測模型及綜合指標預測模型 預測出來的結果與實際情況具有一定的可靠性與準確性,相關係數皆非常顯著且 P<0.01。依據預測模型,模擬預測 10 個新設廠地點,結果顯示 3 個模型預測的建廠排名較靠前的幾個城市也都都集中在東部沿海地區,該區域整體經濟發展較佳,人口眾多且消費力強,政府的政策比較靈活、優惠,而且招商很積極,政府服務好、效率高,與模型篩選出 3 項顯著影響因子高度吻合,也符合案例公司在中國投資經營的發展策略,代表預測模型準確度很高,以上實證結果可應用在企业投資設廠的案例,提供未來在選擇設廠地點決策參考。Due to the strong support from Chinese government and growing China-Taiwan food market demand, it is necessary for the company to increase investment and select an appropriate production location where can best match the needs between company and client. The territory of China is huge. Consequently, the investment condition is completely different from the coast area to the inner regions. How to choose the best-fit factory site is the great deal for the entire situation. The location selection is extremely important. Without the holistic plan and research, the operation after the factory is set will encounter all kinds of difficulties such as environmental protection, electricity supply, eco-system, transportation, raw material, wage, labor recruiting, etc. The company will pay for the tremendous price. The right location will affect both branding and product operation efficiency. It will consequently reduce the capital expense and increase the profit. This research is based on a food company that has aggressively established factories in Mainland China. It analyses the important facts that can be used to build a reasonable factory along with the predictable model on selecting the factory location in the future when market demands go up. This research summarizes the most remarkable facts that generally affect the factory set-up. The facts accommodate transportation hub, easy accessibility to raw material production place, and local government support with efficiency. The research also illustrates three predictable models: revenue, profit model and overall indexes. The predictable results are very close to the actual situations. It shows certain reliability and accuracy. The related collaterals are obvious and P < 0.01. According to the predictable model, it simulated the predicted ten new factory locations. The outcome suggests that top three are located in the eastern coast areas where the economy has well developed, more population with strong consuming power, flexible and aggressive local governments offering better policies, high efficiency, and better service. Those factors highly match three factors chosen by predictable models, and meet company's strategies in China. It concludes that the model is highly accurate and provides the good reference to select the factory location as well.第一章緒論 ......................1 第一節中國食品市場發展趨勢 ......................1 第二節 研究背景與動機 ......................2 第三節 研究目的 ......................3 第四節 研究步驟及流程 ......................4 第二章文獻探討 ......................5 第一節區位選擇......................5 第二節台商投資設廠探討......................6 第三節小結 ......................11 第三章 研究架構及方法......................12 第一節 A 公司大陸投資概況 ......................12 第二節 設廠重要因子的選取......................13 第三節研究範圍與分析方法 ......................17 第四章 研究分析與結果......................19 第一節敘述性統計與相關分析 ......................19 第二節實證結果 ......................22 第三節模擬預測......................23 第五章 研究結論及建議......................25 第一節 研究結論......................25 第二節研究限制......................26 第三節研究建議 ......................26 參考文獻 ......................27 一、中文部分 ......................27 二、英文部分 ......................28 附錄 A:營業額其衡量變數相關係數表 ......................29 附錄 B:利潤與相關係數表 ......................3

    紀錫蘭七指蕨(Helminthostachys zeylanica)在臺灣之一新分布

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    本文介紹錫蘭七指蕨在臺灣的新分布地區-惠蓀林場,並描述其生長環境之各樣特徵及伴生植物。A new distribution area of Helminthostachys Rhizoma (Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook.) in Taiwan was found at Hue-Sun Experimental Forest Station, NCHU. The characters on its habitat and companions are described

    A Taxonomic Study of the Symplocaceae of Taiwan

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    The morphological taxonomy of the Symplocaceae in Taiwan was studied according to the characters of pollen, venation, and wood. According to pollen morphology and sculpture, the Symplocaceae was classified into two types and seven subtypes. The results of the wood anatomy indicated that all species divided into two groups in terms of the existence of the spiral thickening on vessel walls and fiber-tracheids. The results of numerical taxonomy based on the 127 morphological characters were coincident with the morphological methods. Among the 28 species of Symplocaceae in Taiwan, 11 species have been found in mainland China, 8 species in Ryukus, 4 species in Japan, and 1 species in Philippines. This study concluded that there was one genus(Symplocos), including two subgenus and 28 species(including variety), in the family in Taiwan. Only one species(S. sonoharae var. formosana) was classified to subgen. Symplocos, and the other 27 species were categorized as to subgen. Hopea. The species of subgen. Hopea were further classified into eight sections: sect. Palura, sect. Lodhra, sect. Bobua, sect. Lancifoliae, sect. Glaucae, sect. Glomeratae, sect. Palaeosymplocos, sect. Wikstroemifoliae C. C. Wang sect. nov.. The key, note on habitat, general distribution maps, synonyms, and description for each species and variety were presented in this paper.本研究檢視臺灣產灰木科植物之標本,並觀察各分類群之形態特徵,包括花粉粒形態與表面雕紋、葉脈特徵分析及木材顯微構造觀察,並描述本科植物與鄰近地區之關係及在臺灣的分布模式。 根據花粉粒特徵之研究結果,可將臺灣產灰木科植物區分為2型7亞型;依木材導管是否具有螺旋狀增厚特徵可區分為2型。根據各分類群之127個性狀資料,以數據分類所得之歸群結果和形態分類之結果頗為一致。就臺灣自生的灰木科28種植物種類而言,其中有11種與中國大陸的種類相同,琉球次之(8種亦見於琉球),再次為日本(4種),僅有蘭嶼灰木(S. cochinchinensis var. philippensis)1種亦產於菲律賓。 本研究主張將臺灣的灰木科植物區分為灰木屬 (Symplocos) 1屬;灰木亞屬(subgen. Symplocos)、深裂灰木亞屬(subgen. Hopea) 2亞屬及28種(含變種),其中臺灣南嶺灰木歸於灰木亞屬,其餘27種歸於深裂灰木亞屬。並可進一步將深裂灰木亞屬劃分為錐序節(sect. Palura)、光頂山礬節(sect. Lodhra)、球果山礬節(sect. Bobua)、披針葉山礬節(sect. Lancifoliae)、山羊耳節(sect. Glaucae)、團繖節(sect. Glomeratae)、古山礬節(sect. Palaeosymplocos)及蕘花葉山礬節(sect. Wikstroemifoliae C. C. Wang sect. nov.)等8節,其中蕘花葉山礬節為本研究所新增。本科各種類的檢索表、學名考證、地理分布圖及引證標本亦於文中提出。封面 授權書 摘要 英文摘要 目次 表目次 圖目次 本文所使用之臺灣產灰木科植物學名及中名對照表 壹、前言 貳、前人研究 一、分類處理 二、演化及親緣關係 三、化石紀錄及分布 四、染色體 五、花粉形態特徵 六、葉部形態 七、木材解剖特徵 八、用途及生化特性 參、研究材料及方法 一、形態分類 二、花粉粒特徵觀察 三、木材解剖特徵觀察 四、葉片特徵 五、數據分類 肆、結果與討論 一、形態觀察結果 二、臺灣產灰木屬的花粉形態特徵 三、葉片形態觀察分析 四、木材解剖構造觀察 五、數據分類結果 六、臺灣灰木科植物的變異模式及其在臺灣植物地理學上之意義 七、分類處理 其他 圖 附錄 參考文


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    This study is a part of vascularplant inventory of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station, according to the investigated record from authors, herbarium and other investigators, a total number of 37 Gymnospermae species belonging to 21 genera and 9 families,本研究為筆者之前發表之惠蓀林場維管束植物名錄(一)之後續資料,乃筆者數年來對國立中興大學惠蓀林場植物相調查及採集所得之結果,並蒐集整理歷年研究者之成果及各大標本館所藏之標本及紀錄所得。本文列出惠蓀林場轄區內經紀錄之維管束植物裸子植物部分共計有9科20屬37種(含以下階級),雙子葉植物計45科146屬299種(以臺灣植物誌第二版第二冊所列),文中之植物經考據異名後,以臺灣植物誌第二版、臺灣樹木誌(劉業經等,1994)及臺灣樹木圖誌第一卷(呂福原等,2000)內所採用之學名為主


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    本文針對臺灣產之25種灰木科植物之花粉形態進行研究,利用光學顯微鏡及掃描式電子顯微鏡,進行各項特徵的觀察。根據觀察結果,可將其花粉形態依花粉壁之特徵區分為2型(Type A和Type B)。而依據花粉粒表面雕紋形態可將Type B區分7個亞型,其部分結果和傳統分類上的組頗為一致。Pollen grains of all 25 species of Symplocos from Taiwan were observed under light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), in the paper. Based on the observed pollen characters, two type were distinguished (Type A and Type B). Within Ty


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    本文發表臺灣產灰木科灰木屬(Symplocos)一新種植物,瑞岩灰木(S. juiyenensis),本種植物特產於臺灣中部南投瑞岩一帶森林,海拔高度介於1,800至2,400m之間。A new species of Symplocos, S. juiyenensis C. C. Wang & C. H. Ou, from Taiwan presented in this paper described. This species is fpund on the forest at Juiyen, Nantou Hsien. ca. 1800-2400m in elevation and known only from the type locality


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    This study is a part of Flora of Hue-Sun Experimental Forest Station, According to the investigation recorded from writers, specimens deposited in the herbaria and other investigators, a total number of 222 species, 4 subspecies, and 15 varieties of the p本研究為筆者數年來對國立中興大學惠蓀林場植物相調查及採集所得之結果,並蒐集整理歷年研究者之成果及各大標本館所藏之標本及紀錄,可知惠蓀林場轄區內經記錄之維管束植物蕨類部份共計有30科84屬222種4亞種15變種,文中之植物經考據異名後,以臺灣植物誌第二版內所採用之學名為主


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    本文針對臺灣產灰木科植物木材解剖形態進行研究。結果除了屬錐序節(Palura G. Don.)的落葉性種類:灰木(Symplocos chinensis (Lour.) Druce)以外,其他的27個常綠種類皆具有木材導管螺旋狀增厚及導管直徑較小(34.12?65.29 μm)的特徵。而由最寬的多列木質線細胞列數、多列木質線高度、導管直徑及形狀、導管穿孔板柵數特徵,可將28種加以劃分,其結果和傳統分類的主張相似。本文亦列出所有分類群觀察研究的木材解剖特徵及區別的檢索表。This study aims to investigate the wood anatomy of the plants of Symplocaceae in Taiwan. The results of the wood anatomy indicated that all species divided into two groups. Except the deciduous species Symplocos chinensis (Lour.) Druce belonging to Palur