16 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Students Loan Management System

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    随着信息技术的不断发展及网络技术的普遍化,各行各业的企事业单位在处理各种业务时,都已经普遍采用高度信息化、网络化的业务流程管理系统,传统的纯手工处理或低效的面向功能的事务处理系统已经因无法满足企事业单位业务处理的需求而逐渐被淘汰[1]。为了适应信息技术发展的脚步,鉴于目前办理贷款都是采用传统的手工操作、手工管理的方式,容易出现工作效率低,业务繁琐,容易出错等问题,因此有必要开发一个大学生贷款管理系统。开发本系统的目标是为了提高资助中心对贷款学生资料的管理手段,解决目前大学生办理贷款、政府对贷款申请单的审核、资助中心对贷款申请单的审核等问题。 本文首先介绍了大学生贷款管理系统的开发背景和基础,...With the continuous development of information technology and network technology generalization, when dealing with a variety of business, all kinds of Business Company widely use the highly information-oriented, network-based business process management system to handle a variety of business. Transaction processing system with traditional handmade or inefficient processing facing function has been...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323008

    活性分子在甲醇毕赤酵母pichia pastoris中的表达及特异性DNA蛋白结合因子的纯化及鉴定

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    甲醇毕赤酵母Pichiapastoris表达系统是继酿酒酵母之后的第二代酵母表达系统。它不仅具有原核表达系统生长快速,操作简单,外源基因表达量大并受到严格调控等特点,还具有真核生物特有的蛋白质翻译后修饰的功能,表达真核生物蛋白质具有原核表达系统无法比拟的优越性。因此它在基因工程方面的应用越来越受到人们的重视,已被广泛应用于一系列胞内及胞外蛋白的高水平表达。我们利用这个系统分别对人的TRAIL(TNFRelatedApoptosisInducedLigand,TRAIL/Acl2)基因可溶性部分和抗菌肽CEME基因的表达进行了研究。 人的TRAIL基因是新发现的肿瘤坏死因子TNF超家族的成员...Pichia pastoris gene expression system is a second generation expression system in yeast after the S.cerevisiae. It has not only many advantages of the prokaryotic expression system such as growing quickly, manipulating easily, strong power to express and control foreign protein, but also the ability to make foreign protein modified in post-translation. So Pichia pastoris gene expression system is...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:19992600

    Research on application of fish growth hormone in aquaculture

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    鱼生长激素是鱼类脑垂体中分泌的促进生长的单一亚基的蛋白激素 .它参与鱼的生长代谢 ,能够加速蛋白质合成和脂类降解等生理功能 .鱼生长激素能够大大地加快鱼类的生长 ,在鱼类的水产养殖领域有重大的应用价值 ,日益引起了人们的关注 .现阶段鱼生长激素的应用研究主要集中在转生长激素基因鱼的育种和鱼生长激素的基因工程表达两个方面 ,且都取得了很大的进展 .The growth hormone of fish is a kind of single subunit protein secreted by the pituitary of fish. It can increase the expression of protein, degradation of lipid and serves an important part in the growth of fish. This hormone should be of great value when introduced to fish farms, and it has already drawn great attention. The research is focusing on the breeding of transgenic fish and the expression of this protein through gene engineering methods. There is already some important breakthrough in this research


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