403 research outputs found

    Research on Fair Value Measurement: Opinions and Reference From SFAS157

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    “价值”是经济学的精髓,“价值增值”是管理学的永恒追求,与经济决策相关的可靠的价值计量始终是管理科学不可回避的难题;公允价值是经济学中“价值”概念的会计表达,是对能反映会计要素本质特征的“现值”概念的体现。公允价值有着深厚的理论基础,公允价值会计代表财务会计未来发展方向,标志着会计正从“成本计量”走向“价值计量”。但是,公允价值会计的推行可谓是几经反复、一波三折。尽管有诸如包括国际会计准则理事会(IASB)和美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)等主导着会计准则发展方向的强势准则制定机构的鼎力支持,但会计实务界在公允价值会计的应用问题上一直持谨慎态度。在与公允价值会计相关的诸多问题当中,争议最大的...Value is the quintessence of economics, and the increase in value is the eternal pursuit of management science. Searching for the reliable value-measurement for making economic decisions is an inevitable puzzle for management science. Fair value is the accounting expression for the concept of value in economics and it’s also the representation of the concept of present value which represents the e...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:20041102

    Pharmaceutical Consultation Practice for One Case of Rapidly by Growing Mycobacteria Bloodstream Infections

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    目的:探讨快速生长分枝杆菌血流感染的诊治方法。方法:通过1例骨折术后快速生长分枝杆菌血流感染的两次会诊实践,对治疗过程中不同阶段需要考虑的药物治疗问题进行总结分析。结果:第一次会诊,根据患者的血药浓度和肌酐清除率,优化了万古霉素给药剂量。第二次会诊,在患者症状和检验结果明显好转情况下,建议医生积极针对快速生长分枝杆菌进行抗感染治疗。建议停用抗结核药,改为克拉霉素联用阿米卡星后,患者病情好转出院。结论:对手术部位疑似、确诊快速生长分枝杆菌感染的病例,积极的干预和正确的诊治是成功的关键。Objective: To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of rapidly growing mycobacteria bloodstream infections. Meth- ods: Based on the two pharmaceutical consultation practice for one case of rapidly growing mycobacteria bloodstream infections after fracture operation, the paper summarized and analyzed the problems in different stages of treatment. Results : The first consultation op- timized the dosage of vancomycin according to the patient- serum concentration and creatinine clearance rate. The second consultation suggested doctors actively perform anti-infection treatment for rapidly growing mycobacteria after the patient' s clinical symptoms and ex- amination results were improved significantly. It is recommended to withdraw anti TB drugs, and the use of clarithromycin combined with amikacin was suitable. The patient was discharged with improved health conditions. Conclusion: Positive intervention and correct diagnosis are the keys for the successful treatment of suspected or definite mycobacteria infection in surgical sites.解放军第一七五医院2016年青年苗圃课题(编号:16Y023

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Managerial Overconfidence and Corporate Financial Behavior

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    管理者过度自信理论作为行为公司财务理论的重要组成部分,国内外学者已经开始在该领域进行了开创性的研究与尝试,但仍处于起步阶段,研究成果相对较少,且实证研究又远远滞后于理论研究。本文基于行为公司财务理论,松绑了对理性管理者的假设,力图探讨管理者过度自信与企业财务行为之间的关系,以期丰富管理者过度自信相关领域的研究成果,并为管理实践提供有益的借鉴。 本文从投资与债务融资两个视角出发,利用国家统计局公布的企业家信心指数对管理者过度自信程度进行定义与衡量,以2001-2006年度中国上市公司为原始数据样本,严格控制了影响企业投资与负债融资的因素后,建立回归模型,通过相关性检验与多元回归分析,并利用CE...Managerial overconfidence theory, as one of the most important theories about corporate finance, has been made ground-breaking researches and tries by domestic and foreign scholars. But it is still on the initial stage and the results are relatively limited. At the same time, the empirical studies are far behind the theoretical research. This paper, based on the behavior financial theory, tries to...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:1762006115136


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    患者,女,25岁,因“外伤致右足疼痛2天“来我院急诊,给予口服恒古骨伤愈合剂(云南克雷斯天然药物制药有限公司,批号为20131114,国药准字z20025103,规格为每瓶25 M l)25 M l。服药3 H后出现腹痛,继而腹泻,遂再次就诊我院,急诊拟诊“右足第5跖骨基底部骨折“收入院。体格检查示腹部平,腹壁静脉不明显,未见肠形及蠕动波,无疤痕,全腹未触及包块,未见异常搏动;腹部无肌卫,无压痛、反跳痛,无液波震颤,全腹未触及包块,肝


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    电子商务正以其特有的交易方式挑战、冲击传统的交易方式。由于电子商务是一个新生事物 ,各国管理部门还来不及全面研究制订相应的政策 ,更没有系统的法律约束来规范企业行为 ,从而引发许多税收问题 ,包括对国际税收规则的严重冲击。联合国、OECD、发达国家和发展中国家相继提出或施行应对电子商务冲击的税收解决方案和政策 ,并由此引发激烈的争议


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    Wu Hengzhi (1871-?), known in English as Heng-Chi Wolfe, from Xiangshan City, Guangdong Province, played a pivotal role of promoting Sino-Western art and cultural exchange in modern time. He was engaged in a great variety of social activities, whether in English-Chinese bilingual translation, legal practice, commercial education, traveling, and publishing business, or in the dealership of Chinese art and the introduction of world literature, with unique contributions. Mysteriously, such a versatile intellectual remained in obscurity since his late days. In this study, the difference that the important yet long forgotten pioneer made in both social reformation and the promotion of Chinese art and world literature, including the opening up of the global market for ancient and modern Chinese painting in Shanghai and the world, will be unveiled. It is hoped that the historical reconstruction in a cross-contextual paradigm will shed light on what Wu Hengzhi and his domestic and international partners had accomplished for modernization from the late Qing to early Republican era of China


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