12 research outputs found


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    提出利用单元质量质心集中方法来优化单元惯性效应表征、改善单元力学效应匹配的思想: 将单元质量质心集中能够建立精确描述单元质点系惯性效应的动力学方程, 进而达到优化单元惯性效应表征以及改善单元惯性和变形两种力学效应匹配的目的.本文通过一维问题的频散效应分析等对该方法的有效性进行了详细的分析和验

    Method of Improving FEM Dynamic Property

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    Improvement of FEM's dynamic property

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    The discretization size is limited by the sampling theorem, and the limit is one half of the wavelength of the highest frequency of the problem. However, one half of the wavelength is an ideal value. In general, the discretization size that can ensure the accuracy of the simulation is much smaller than this value in the traditional finite element method. The possible reason of this phenomenon is analyzed in this paper, and an efficient method is given to improve the simulation accuracy

    Analysis on the Trend of Precipitation in Jialing River Basin Nearly 50Years

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    利用嘉陵江流域12个气象站点的1960—2009年降雨实测资料,采用地统计学和时间序列等方法,分析了嘉陵江流域近50a降水量时空变化特征,为旱涝、泥石流等自然灾害的防治提供依据。结果表明:流域内年平均降水量910.5mm,降水量由东南到西北逐渐递减;近50a来降水量总体上呈减少趋势,流域整体处于一个丰—平—枯的降水阶段;降水量的周期性比较明显,存在35a、21a尺度的周期;年内降水量具有季节性变化,降水量主要集中在5—9月,占全年降水量的80%左右,春、秋季降水量有减少趋势,流域夏季降水量除渠江有增加趋势外都有减少趋势,冬季变化趋势不明显;近50a来降水量以正常年份居多,降水偏多年份多于偏少年份。通过分析虽年降水量有减少的趋势,但年内降水量却相对集中于夏秋季,因此仍要做好汛期的洪涝、水土流失等灾害的防治,以及春冬季的抗旱工作。This paper analyzes the spatio-temporal variation of precipitation using the monthly precipitation data from 12meteorological stations during the period of 1960—2009based on geostatistics and time series analysis methods,which can serve as the convincing evidences for combating drought and flood,debris flowand other natural disasters.The results indicate that:the average annual precipitation is about 910.5mm,which has a decreasing gradient from southeast to northwest in the Jialingjiang River Basin.The precipitationshows downward trend in the last 50years in the catchment,and has periodical features of 21and 35years.The precipitation has a rainy-normal-drier period in the last 50years.The precipitation presents seasonal dynamics during the whole year,and mainly concentrated in the period of May to September,accounting for approximately 80%of annual rainfall.In addition,precipitation in spring and autumn demonstrates decreasingtrends.In summer,most stations show downward trends except Qujiang River with an increasing trend,however,there is no significant trend for precipitation in winter.Nearly fifty years,the majority of rainfalloccurred in a normal year,the rainy year was more common than drier year.Through the study,there is adecreasing trend in annual precipitation,but it is relatively concentrated in the summer and autumn throughthe year.Therefore,we should take some measures to prevent the floods,soil erosion or other disasters inflood season and take some measures to prevent drought in spring and winter too

    Spatiotemporal Variability of Rainfall Erosivity in Jialing River Basin

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    降雨侵蚀力是降雨引起土壤侵蚀的潜在能力,对预测土壤侵蚀量具有重要意义。对嘉陵江流域12个气象站的日降雨量资料,利用章文波日降雨侵蚀力模型估算流域的降雨侵蚀力。结果表明:嘉陵江流域降雨侵蚀力的空间变异与降雨量的空间分布趋势基本一致,由东南向西北递减,变化于800~9 000MJ.mm/(hm2.h.a)之间;流域内降雨侵蚀力年际变率Cv在0.346~0.493之间,除平武站呈显著减少外并无显著变化趋势;年内降雨侵蚀力随季节变化,夏秋季降雨侵蚀力较大,冬春季降雨侵蚀力较小。降雨侵蚀力年内集中度高,6—9月份的降雨侵蚀力占全年降雨侵蚀力的80%以上。近50a降雨侵蚀力存在35a,21a的主周期变化,且对应不同的丰枯状态。研究结果表明,虽然年降雨侵蚀力无明显变化,但年内却相对集中于夏秋两季,因此仍要做好汛期的水土流失等灾害的防治。Abstract:Rainfall erosivity shows the potential soil erosion induced by rainfall and is very important in predicting soil erosion quantitatively.With the daily rainfall data from 12meteorological stations in Jialing Riverbasin,rainfall erosivity in the basin was estimated and its spatiotemporal variability was analyzed by usingthe daily rainfall erosivity model.Results showed that the spatial characteristic of rainfall erosivity was consistent with the spatial distribution of rainfall,declining from southeast to northwest and varying from 800to9 000MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a).The inter-annual variation was great and Cv was between 0.346and 0.493.However,result from Mann—Kendall test showed there was no significant trend of variation except Pingwustation with a decreasing trend.Rainfall erosivity presented seasonal dynamics in the whole year.The seasonal distribution of rainfall erosivity was highly centralized and rainfall erosivity from June to September occupied 80%of the whole year.Rainfall erosivity had the periods of 21and 35years and different rainy-drierperiods in the last 50years.Through the study,there was no significant trend of variation in annual rainfallerosivity,but rainfall erosivity was relatively concentrated in the summer and autumn.Therefore,somemeasures should be taken to prevent soil erosion or other disasters in flood season

    Electrophysiological indexes of the processing of option characteristics

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    摘要:决策是广泛而重要的心理加工过程,其中包括了选项评估、行为输出以及结果反馈等三个阶段。个体对选项特征的加工和评估直接影响到其行为选择,因此考察个体如何评估选项特征具有重要价值,是决策研究面临的新课题。本研究招募35名被试参与金钱博弈任务,采用2(低、高金额)*2(风险、模糊决策背景)的被试内设计,要求被试在可能出现正/负收益的冒险性选项和零收益的安全性选项中做选择。目的是探讨两类选项特征对决策行为的影响,包括&ldquo;选项价值&rdquo;和&ldquo;选项收益概率已知性&rdquo;;同时采用高时间分辨率的事件相关电位( event-related potential, ERP)技术来考察个体对选项特征评估的过程。结果发现:1)在行为层面上,个体在模糊决策背景中的冒险率显著低于风险背景,且个体在高金额选项中的冒险率显著低于低金额选项,说明相较于收益概率已知或低价值选项条件,个体在收益概率未知或者面对高价值选项的得失时更不愿意采取冒险性行为;相较于风险背景,在模糊背景中低金额选项的冒险率显著高于高金额选项,行为选择受到选项价值影响更大,提示在收益概率未知的情况下,个体很可能更加依赖其他选项特征来辅助其做出决策行为。2)在脑电层面上,个体对两个选项特征加工存在分离。低金额选项比高金额选项诱发更大的P1波幅,推断P1波幅可能反映个体对选项价值的心理编码;风险决策背景比模糊决策背景则诱发更负的N2波幅,意味着在收益概率已知条件个体决策时面临更高的认知冲突水平;再则,P1波幅更大的试次中个体更可能进行冒险行为。结论:本文采用金钱博弈范式并结合ERP技术考察个体进行选项评估的过程,P1、N2等早期ERP成分反映了个体对选项特征进行加工的过程,且P1波幅对个体的选择行为有预测作用。本研究为理解人类决策行为中的选项评估过程提供了初步神经电生理学证据。</p


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    Research on the neutralization control of the RF ion micropropulsion system for the 'Taiji-1' satellite mission

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    To achieve the neutralization control requirements of the radio-frequency (RF) ion microthruster (mu RIT) in the &#39;Taiji-1&#39; satellite mission, we proposed an active neutralization control solution that is based on the carbon nanotube field emission technology. The carbon nanotube field emission neutralizer (CNTN) has the characteristics of light weight, small size, and propellantless, which is especially suitable for the neutralization control tasks of ion microthrusters. The Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Tsinghua University, has successfully developed a CNTN to meet mission requirements. On the ground, the feasibility of cooperation working between mu RIT and CNTN was fully verified, as well as the simulation and experimental study of neutralization control strategy, which finally passed the engineering assessment test. Since the launch of &#39;Taiji-1&#39; satellite on 31 August, 2019, the RF ion micropropulsion system has successfully completed nearly one hundred test missions in space. The test results indicate that CNTN does not have performance degradation, and the neutralization control strategy is effective.</p