30 research outputs found

    Investigation of Changes in Sexual and Ejaculatory Functions after Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)

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    Changes in sexual function and ejaculatory function in patients who had undergone holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) were investigated using questionnaires. In this study, 77 patients on whom HoLEP was performed at our department from July 2010 to December 2010 were included. Of the 77 patients, the number of patients who could achieve an erection increased from 36 (46.8%) preoperatively to 52 (67.5%) postoperatively after HoLEP. Although postoperative ejaculatory dysfunction was found in 38 (73%) of 52 patients, 47 (90%) experienced orgasms, regardless of ejaculation, which is a high rate. With respect to ejaculatory satisfaction, patients who experienced an ejaculation had significantly higher satisfaction levels than those who did not. These results suggest that changes in postoperative ejaculatory function might affect satisfaction levels of ejaculation


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    文部科学省は大学教育を充実させることを目的として、平成19年に大学設置基準を改正し、ファカルティ・ディベロップメント(FD)を実施することを各大学に求めた。ここでは「大学は授業の内容・方法の改善を図るための組織的な研修・研究を実施するものとする」と定め1)その具体的な方策として教員相互の授業参観、学生による授業評価の活用も重要、との提言を行っている2)。これらをうけ FD 委員会は毎年、学生アンケートの結果を基にベストティーチング賞(以下「BTA」という。)に相当する教員を選出すると共に、その教員の授業参観を広く促す活動に取り組んできた。今回、本学教員の更なる授業改善に資することを目的として、平成28年度の BTA 受賞教員が行った授業構築の取り組みについて報告する


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    本研究は、人間の視覚認知特性のための基礎的研究として、VDT作業において重要な意味を持つ人間が見やすい画面構成、適正な文字の大きさが学齢によって違うことを検証し、併せて学校などにおける情報教育のための基礎的な研究として、学齢発達段階ごとの見やすいと感じる画面条件の違いを比較する実験を行った。すなわち小学生・中学生・高校生・大学生を被験者として、画面構成条件の違いに応じた、VDTに適した文字サイズと画面構成条件を調べた。その結果を統計分析した結果、小学生から大学生まで多学年にわたる、学齢別の至適文字サイズの特性曲線を導出した。そして子供が見やすいと感じる文字と画面の条件を求める学年別比較を通して、学齢別のVDT視認特性について考察した。The primary objective of the study was to determine the optical screen configuration for the first-year junior high school students studying the fundamentals of information science and technology. A study of easy-to-write screen configurations to be used when reading Japanese text in VDT was one of the most important factors for the fundamentals of information science and technology class. I studied the reading performance of first-year junior high school students as they write textbooks while VDT conditions such as font size, screen brightness, text and background color were altered. I also compared the performance of first-year junior high school students with the results of university students. The results were as follows: 1) the opitical screen configuration for first-year junior high school students were somewhat different than that for university students'. 2) the optical letter size for first-year junior high school students was determined to be 18points which was larger than that what was required for the adults to be 14points, 3) ideally each students should be able to adjust his or her own screen configuration in order to meet their individual needs. However, if default screen conditions for writing were to be used in first-year junior high school classrooms, the optical background color was white, the text black, the brightness-contrast high, the letter style Minchotai, with continuous sentences in a 18 font