226 research outputs found


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    研究了福建省华安县绿竹林锶元素的含量特征,1996 年7 月至1997 年6 月绿竹叶以及分解细根锶元素含量进行月变化。结果表明:(1)1997 年1 月绿竹林各组分的锶元素含量不同,在0-46 ~7-27μg/g之间;锶元素在叶中含量最高,在根茎中含量最低;绿竹林锶元素的现存库存量为39-581 Mg/ M2 。(2)1996 年7 月至1997 年6 月1 A 中绿竹叶的锶元素含量有一定的季节变化,秋冬季较高,春夏季较低。(3) 绿竹细根分解过程中锶元素含量处于释放和累积的相间波动之中,从含量看有累积的趋势福建省自然科学基


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    Caloric values and ash contents of some mangrove woods

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    在夏季对海南东寨港红树林自然保护区一些红树植物木材的灰分含量和热值进行了测定 ,并研究了夏季不同纬度的秋茄 (Kandeliacandel)木材热值的变化 .结果表明 ,红树植物木材的灰分含量较低 ,在 2 43 %~5 17%之间 ;干重热值在 17 2 3~ 19 2 1kJ·g-1之间 ,去灰分热值在 17 70~ 2 0 10kJ·g-1之间 ;嗜热窄布种无瓣海桑 (Sonneratiaapetala)木材的干重热值和去灰分热值均是最低 ;在夏季秋茄木材的热值随纬度升高而下降The caloric values and ash contents of some mangrove woods in Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove Forest Reserve of Hainan Province were determined in Summer,and the changes of the caloric value of Kandelia candel woods at different latitudes were studied.The ash content of mangrove woods was low,ranging from 2.43% to 5.17%;and their gross and ash free caloric values ranged from 17.23 kJ·g -1 to 19.21kJ·g -1 and from 17 70kJ·g -1 to 20 10kJ·g -1 ,respectively. Sonneratia apetala wood had the lowest gross and ash free caloric values.The caloric value of Kandelia candel wood decreased with increasing latitude in Summer.国家自然科学基金资助项目!(49576295

    Studies on tannins of mangroves-a review

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    对紫金牛科 (Myrsinaceae)的桐花树 (Aegicerascorniculatum)和海桑科 (Sonneratiaceae)的海桑 (Son neratiacaseolaris)的次生木质部的组织结构和数量特征进行了研究 ;并讨论了桐花树和海桑的木材结构与环境关系 ;它们的导管直径小、导管数量多、导管分布频率高 ,是对海滨盐渍环境的适应 ,保证水分在植物体内运输的安全性。桐花树和海桑的纤维壁厚度 (W )与纤维腔宽度 (L)的比值 (2W /L)分别为 0 6 7和 0 4 5 ,均小于 1 ,从木纤维 2W /L <1的角度看 ,桐花树和海桑的木材可用作造纸原料This paper deals with the morphological and quantitative characters of secondary xylem of Aegiceras corniculatum and Sonneratia caseolaris . The relation between the structure of wood and the environmental influences has also been discussed.The features of small vessel diameter,many vessel numbers and high vessel frequency ensure the safety for water transportation inside plant.The ratios (2W/L), namely thickness of fiber wall (W) and width of fiber cavity (L), of both Aegiceras corniculatum (0.67)and Sonneratia caseolaris(0.45) are less than 1,demonstrating their timbers are the good raw materials for papers making.国家自然科学基金!项目 (批准号 495 762 95

    Determination of Gallic Acid Content in Extract of Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch Fruit and Its Radical Scavenging Activity

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    采用高效液相色谱法测定橄榄果实甲醇提取物中没食子酸的含量,并用二苯基苦基苯肼自由基(dPPH.)法研究了橄榄果实提取物的自由基清除能力。没食子酸质量浓度在8.4--42 Mg/l范围内,没食子酸峰面积与其进样量呈良好的线性关系(r=0.999 3),没食子酸平均质量分数4.03%,相对标准偏差(rSd)(n=6)1.77%,平均回收率98.75%,rSd(n=6)1.21%。该方法简单灵敏,准确可靠,重复性好。橄榄果实甲醇提取物具有较高的自由基清除能力,dPPH.的半数抑制浓度(IC50)为40.14 Mg/l。The content of gallic acid in extract of white canarytree(Canarium album(Lour.)Raeusch) fruit was determined by HPLC.The radical scavenging activity of extract was determined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) assay.The linearity of gallic acid content was over the range of 8.4-42 mg/L with good linear correlation(R=0.999 3).The mean value of gallic acid content was 4.03 %,with relative standard deviation(RSD)(n=6)1.77 %.The average recovery was 98.75 % with RSD(n=6)1.21 %.The determination method is simple,sensitive,accurate,reliable and with good reproducibility.C.album fruit extract showed a very good DPPH radical scavenging activity(IC50) 40.14 mg/L.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30671646);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-07-0725

    Preparation and Antioxidant Activity of Cyanidin from Condensed Tannins Extracted from Calyx of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza

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    利用MALDI-TOF MS分析了红树植物木榄花萼缩合单宁的结构单元组成类型、平均聚合度和平均分子质量。并以木榄花萼缩合单宁为原料,通过HCl-正丁醇法酸解反应制备了花青定粗产品,同时测定了花青定粗产品对二苯基苦基苯肼自由基(DPPH.)的清除能力及铁离子还原/抗氧化能力(FRAP)。结果表明:木榄花萼缩合单宁结构单元组成类型主要为儿茶素或表儿茶素,平均聚合度为7.5,平均分子质量为2081.60u;花青定粗产品具有较强的清除自由基能力,DPPH.半数抑制浓度(IC50)为43.889mg/L,并具有较高的FRAP((7.718±0.109)mmol/g)。Type of structural units,degree of polymerization and mean molecular weight of condensed tannins extracted from calyx of large red mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Crude cyanidin products were prepared from condensed tannins of B. gymnorrhiza by means of butanol/HCl reaction. In addition,the free radical-scavenging activity and antioxidant ability of crude cyanidin products were determined by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH·) and ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) model systems respectively. The results showed that catechin/epicatechin were the structural units occurring in condensed tannins of B. gymnorrhiza. Average degree of polymerization was 7.5,and mean molecular mass was 2 081.60 u. Crude cyanidin products showed a very good DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 of 43.889 mg/L) and ferric reducing/antioxidant ability ((7.718± 0.109)mmol/g).国家自然科学基金(30671646);; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0725

    Study on Structure of Tannin in Prunus salicina Lindl.Fruits and Its Antioxidant Activity

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    对李子果肉的总酚含量与可溶性缩合单宁含量进行了测定,并利用基质辅助激光解吸附离子化飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)联合核磁共振(NMR)技术详细研究了李子果肉单宁的类型、聚合度及平均分子质量。同时用二苯基苦基肼自由基(DPPH·)法研究了李子果肉单宁的抗氧化活性。结果表明:李子果肉中总酚质量分数为8.29%±1.30%,可溶性缩合单宁质量分数为1.43%±0.93%;构成该单宁的黄烷-3-醇结构单元主要是表儿茶酚,在化学结构上属于原花青定类型,且大部分聚合物的结构单元之间存在A型和B型2种连接方式,平均聚合度为5.3,平均分子质量为1583.7u;李子果肉单宁具有较高的自由基清除能力,其半数有效浓度(EC)为57.98mg/L。Contents of total phenolics and extractable condensed tannins in Prunus salicina Lindl.fruits were determined.Type of condensed tannins,degree of polymerization and distribution of polymer were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy.The effects of tannins from P.salicina fruits on scavenging free radicals were determined by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl(DPPH·) free radical test.The results were showed as follows: total phenolics and extractable condensed tannins were 8.29 %±1.30 % and 1.43 %±0.93 %,respectively;Epicatechin was the basic units occurring in condensed tannins,A-type and B-type lin-kages were most common among the structural units of polymers.The average degree of polymerization was 5.3,and mean molecular weight was 1 583.7 u.EC50 value was 57.98 mg/L by DPPH· scavenging test.国家自然科学基金(40376026,30671646);; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0725

    Study on the characteristics of Syzygium cumini L. pigment

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    以海南蒲桃成熟果实为原料提取天然色素,并对其理化性质进行了分析研究。同时比较了D-072、D-401、D-301-G、D-101、D-110、DF01六种树脂对该色素的静态吸附情况及不同极性解吸剂对吸附色素的树脂洗脱的效果,从中选择吸附和解吸附效果最好的树脂以及适合的解吸剂。研究表明:该色素在酸性条件下对热、金属离子和常用食品添加剂均具有较好的稳定性,对光稳定性稍差;D-072大孔吸附树脂对海南蒲桃色素吸附效果最好,色素吸附率达90.7%;解吸剂用含0.2%三氟乙酸的50%酸化乙醇,色素可被充分洗脱下来。此研究结果为以海南蒲桃成熟果实为原料来生产食用色素提供了理论依据。The stability of pigment which was extracted from the fruit of Syzygium cumini was studied. In addition, absorbing and separating Syzygium cumini pingment with macroreticular resin was also studied. Static absorption capacity of six resins(D-072, D-401, D-301-G, D-101, D-110, DF01) for the pigment was compared. From these resins, the one with the best absorpting and desorpting effect was elected. The results showed that this kind of pigment has a better stability toward heat, metal ion and common food additives under acidic condition, and it is more tolerable of heat than light. The adsorption ability of D-072 resin was the best and the adsorptive rate of pigment reached 90.7%. When 50% ethanol contained 0.2% TFA was used as desorptive solvent, the pigment could be sufficiently desorpted and the effect of desorption would be better. It has a great prospect in the exploration and application in food industry to produce the food pigment from the fruit of Syzygium cumini.国家自然科学基金项目(30671646

    Caloric Values in Leaves of Some Bamboo Species in the Bamboo Garden of Hua'an County, Fujian

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    在冬季对福建省华安县竹园 1 4属 46种 (含变种和栽培型 )竹类植物叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明 :竹类植物叶的灰分含量在 8.0 5%~ 2 8.1 4%之间 ,平均为 1 5.1 8% ;干重热值在 1 4957.3~ 1 91 1 1 .4J/g之间 ,平均为 1 7672 .1J/g ;去灰分热值在 1 9473.1~ 2 4 646.2J/g之间 ,平均为 2 0 845.6J/g ;竹类植物叶干重热值和灰分含量有显著的线性关系 ,相关方程为Y =- 1 69.2 1X + 2 0 2 4 1 (r=0 .7370 ,df=44) ,高灰分含量是竹叶干重热值相对较低的重要原因之一。The ash contents, gross caloric values and ash free caloric values in leaves of 46 bamboo taxa (including varieties and cultivars) of 14 genus in the Bamboo Garden of Hua'an County, Fujian in winter were studied. The ash contents, gross caloric values and ash free caloric values in leaves of these bamboo taxa varied from 8.05% to 28.14%, from 14957.3J/g to 19111.4J/g and from 19473.1J/g to 24646.2J/g, respectively. Gross caloric values (Y) correlated remarkably with ash contents(X), the regression equation being Y= -169.21X+20241( r =0.7370 ** , df=44). The high ash contents resulted in low caloric values in dry leaves of bamboos