106 research outputs found
The Research of Real Estate Mortgage Legal System of Our Country Homestead
内容摘要 目前,我国相关法律法规禁止开展宅基地上房产抵押贷款。对于农民而 言,宅基地上房产无疑是其所拥有的且具有相当高价值的有形资产,然而, 多年来,宅基地房产始终未能发挥其应有的融资功能,始终被国家法律捆住 了“手脚”。宅基地上房产的抵押贷款已不单纯是农村的一种可以运用的融 资途径,更能够切实有效的解放农民被束缚的资产,让农村潜在的资本被利 用起来。宅基地房产抵押贷款的落实能够最为有效的将农民资产增值的潜力 激发出来,并能够在制度的框架下,减弱宅基地社会保障功能,发挥宅基地 作为用益物权的完整的功能。 本文结合物权制度,土地管理制度等对我国农村宅基上房产抵押贷款法 律理论...ABSTRACT At present, our country related laws and regulations prohibit the development of the homestead on the mortgage loan. The homestead property as farmers have one of the most valuable asset, there has been no play assets financing function, long-term since farmers homestead property values to be bound. The homestead on the mortgage loan has been not just a simple rural financing, bu...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士学号:X201112004
The Way to Improve the Core Competence of X bank
改革开放以来我国银行业建设为国民经济的快速发展做出了重要贡献。但普遍面临着核心竞争力不强的困扰。作为居我国商业银行主导地位的国有商业银行,必须迅速提高核心竞争力才能在激烈的国际竞争中立于不败之地,为我国经济安全和发展提供强有力的支持。自2001年12月11日我国正式加入WTO作出的开放金融市场的承诺以来,用规范性理论对国有银行核心竞争力进行研究迫在眉睫。本文以此为背景,以X银行近年来的股份制改革为背景,以比较分析和实证研究的方法,对改革的内容和效果进行分析,说明国有商业银行通过股份制改革,适应形势和公司的实际情况,实现提升竞争力的战略目标,并据此提出一些相关建议。 全文共分为五章。第一章为绪...Abstract Since reform and opening to the outside world, Chinese banking construction has made a great contribution to the national economy. But the universal problem is the weak core competence. As the leading state-owned commercial bank, we must improve the core competence rapidly to insure a success in the intense international competition, and a strong support to Chinese economy security an...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031512
The Research on the Influence of RMB Appreciation on Structure of China's Foreign Trade
自1994年我国汇率制度改革以来,人民币实际有效汇率开始了其趋势性升值的历程。汇率升值对我国对外贸易的影响是多方面的,本文以1994年到2004年为时间跨度,从对外贸易结构角度,根据我国实际情况对汇率升值所产生的贸易结构效应进行分析。根据本文涉及到的主要概念和所要解决的问题,笔者将其分为五章:第一章首先区分名义汇率、实际汇率、名义有效汇率和实际有效汇率等相关概念,然后甄别选取人民币有效汇率的测算方法,最后根据该方法得出人民币有效汇率的基本变化趋势。第二章引出对外贸易结构的概念,并从理论上阐述实际有效汇率趋势性升值对其所产生的影响。第三章从各类产品贸易特化系数和进出口比重变动情况的角度,考察人民...Since the reform of the exchange rate mechanism in 1994, RMB real effective exchange rate has started its journey of appreciating. The RMB appreciation has affected the foreign trade in many aspects. And in this paper, according to China's real circumstances the author analyzes the effect of the RMB appreciation on the Structure of Foreign Trade based on the data from 1994 to 2004. This pa...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:20031301
The Research on the Influence of RMB Appreciation on Structure of China's Foreign Trade
自1994年我国汇率制度改革以来,人民币实际有效汇率开始了其趋势性升值的历程。汇率升值对我国对外贸易的影响是多方面的,本文以1994年到2004年为时间跨度,从对外贸易结构角度,根据我国实际情况对汇率升值所产生的贸易结构效应进行分析。根据本文涉及到的主要概念和所要解决的问题,笔者将其分为五章:第一章首先区分名义汇率、实际汇率、名义有效汇率和实际有效汇率等相关概念,然后甄别选取人民币有效汇率的测算方法,最后根据该方法得出人民币有效汇率的基本变化趋势。第二章引出对外贸易结构的概念,并从理论上阐述实际有效汇率趋势性升值对其所产生的影响。第三章从各类产品贸易特化系数和进出口比重变动情况的角度,考察人民...Since the reform of the exchange rate mechanism in 1994, RMB real effective exchange rate has started its journey of appreciating. The RMB appreciation has affected the foreign trade in many aspects. And in this paper, according to China's real circumstances the author analyzes the effect of the RMB appreciation on the Structure of Foreign Trade based on the data from 1994 to 2004. This pa...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:20031301
The research on the acceptance of Han Yu in Tang and Song Dynasty
就文学、儒学而言,中唐至宋为一大变局。在这由唐转宋的过程中,韩愈是承前启后、转旧为新的关键人物,堪称是中唐开拓新境的杰出代表,对于后人产生了重大的影响。本文从搜集韩愈所处的中唐以至南北两宋期间士人对之的述评议论入手,考察当时在思想方面以及文学创作方面对韩愈的接受情况,并进一步加以综合论述,对一些重要问题进行考证总结,以俾形成唐宋时期接受韩愈情况的整体风貌及流变趋势。To literature and Confucianism, it was a great changing time from the mid Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. During this transition from Tang to Song, Han Yu played a critical role which inherited the tradition and transformed the old into new. This distinguished him as an outstanding representative in the mid Tang that explored the new ground for in his fields, exerting significant impacts on the ...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_历史文献学学号:1032008015032
A Study on the Pricing of Interest Rate of Typhoon Bond in China
巨灾指的是诸如地震、台风、冰雹和洪灾等可能造成重大财产损失的巨大自然灾害。在当前环境下,巨灾事件的频发给全球经济的高速发展蒙上了一层阴影。由于巨灾事件发生概率低、破坏范围集中、产生损失巨大,不仅给保险业也给政府带来了压力。而巨灾风险证券化将保险市场的风险分散到资本市场,从资本市场上获得了大量资金,扩大了保险业的承保容量,有效提高了保险业抵御风险的能力,同时,也使政府能够摆脱“最后保险人”的尴尬境地。因此,巨灾风险证券化成了解决巨灾事件难以承保的出路。 巨灾风险证券化的产品种类繁多,包括巨灾期权,巨灾期货,巨灾互换和巨灾债券。而其中的巨灾债券由于自身相较其他巨灾产品的优点,正被广泛地运用到巨灾...Catastrophe is natural disaster which can make heavy property loss like earthquake, typhoon, hailstone, flood and so on. Right now, the catastrophe takes a shadow to the high rape of the world economics. Because of the low happen probability, the mass damage range and the big loss, catastrophe takes pressure to the insurance and the government. While the catastrophe risk securitization can shift t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_保险学学号:1562006115105
Phylogenetic Analysis of Bacterial Communities in Sewage and Oil Contaminated Soils from Zhongshan Station
随着南极研究的深入进行,人类的科学考察活动对南极环境造成的影响越来越引起重视。本文针对南极中山站周围生活污水、石油污染两大问题进行分析,采集了2005、2006两个年份的相关区域的环境样品,研究了样品中微生物多样性、群落结构,及其逐年的变化;建立了石油污染降解相关的xylE基因的定量PCR检测技术。为我国在南极活动中的环境评估,科考活动方案制订,以及参与国际南极活动提供科学依据。 以南极中山站排污口及其右侧50米处土壤为研究对象,经土样采集、DNA提取、纯化后,使用341f+534r通用引物进行扩增,得到包含V3可变区的16SrDNA片段。经变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)及测序分析发现,相较于...More and more attention has been attracted to the Antarctic environmental contamination caused by human activities, as the study about Antarctica developed. Aiming for a better understanding about the sewage and oil contamination, we collected soil samples from suspected sites in both 2005 and 2006, and studied the microbial diversity, community structure and their changes between two years. Moreo...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20042610
On Crimes Committed after Getting Drunk
醉酒后犯罪应区别生理醉酒和病理醉酒的不同情形来确定其刑事责任 ,醉酒者的主观过错亦存在故意与过失之别。醉酒后犯罪应在今后的立法中区别情况 ,列为从重或从轻情节。s:The criminal responsibilities for crimes committed after getting drunk should be determined according to the different circumstances between physiological and pathological drukenness.Meanwhile,as for the subjective faults of those who get drunk,they also have distinctions between intention and delinquency.Therefore,the crimes committed after getting drunk should be given a lesser punishment in the future legislation
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