1,251 research outputs found
Functionalization and Applications of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Bioanalysis
贵金属纳米颗粒是以金、银和铂等贵金属为主的纳米材料,具有优良的光学、电学和催化特性,已被广泛地应用于各个领域。而将贵金属纳米颗粒功能化,即制备具有识别能力、催化活性和强拉曼信号等功能的纳米颗粒,能够进一步扩大贵金属纳米颗粒的应用范围。 纳米颗粒的识别功能通常依赖于修饰识别分子如抗体、DNA等,其中DNA具有廉价、稳定、易修饰和生物相容性好的优点,常被用于修饰贵金属纳米颗粒,进行生物分析和细胞成像。然而,传统方法在贵金属纳米颗粒上修饰DNA,过程十分耗时繁琐,极大的阻碍DNA/贵金属纳米颗粒复合体在生物分析和细胞成像中的应用。因此亟需发展简单快速的方法,在贵金属纳米颗粒上修饰DNA。除识别功能...Noble metal nanoparticles (NMN) are nanomaterials which is made of gold, silver, and platinum. Due to the excellent optical, electrical, and catalytical properties, NMN have been widely applied in different areas. By functionalization of NMN with recognition capacity, catalytic activity, or Raman scatering, it will further increase the application of NMN. Functionalization of NMN with recognition...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_分析化学学号:2052011015369
Reflecting and scattering of acoustic wave from sea ices
北极海面冰层复杂多变,其对声波的反射和散射严重影响冰下水声信道的传输特性,建立海面冰层的声波反射和散射模型对冰下水声通信研究具有重要意义.假设海; 面冰层为多层固体弹性介质且冰-水界面粗糙,满足微扰边界条件,导出声波从海水介质入射到海面冰层时相干反射系数满足的线性方程组.对相干反射系数随声波; 频率、掠射角、冰层厚度的变化进行数值分析.进一步引入根据散射声场功率谱密度计算散射系数的方法,改变掠射角,对冰层厚度、散射掠角对散射系数的影响进; 行研究.In order to build an efficient underwater acoustic sensor network in the Arctic Ocean environment, transmission characteristics of under-ice acoustic channels need comprehensive understanding. The reflecting and scattering of acoustic waves from sea ices have great influences on under-ice acoustic channels. Both topology and structure of sea surface ices are very complex and variable. The physical dimension, acoustic property and interface roughness of sea ices depend not only on local environment, but also on climate and formation time. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a model of reflecting and scattering of acoustic waves from sea ices for investigating the sound propagation in the under-ice environment. Assuming that sea ices are a multi-layered elastic solid medium and the ice-water interface is rough and satisfies the boundary condition of perturbation, we develop a system of linear equations to solve the coherent reflection coefficient of the incident sound wave from water to sea ice. The coherent reflection coefficient is a function of the frequency of sound wave and incident grazing angle, and is numerically evaluated. The influences of ice thickness and ice-water interface roughness on the coherent reflection coefficient are analyzed. Furthermore, the method of calculating scattering coefficient by using the power spectrum density of the scattering field is introduced. The scattering coefficient as a function of the scattering grazing angle is numerically evaluated. The influences of ice thickness and ice-water interface roughness on scattering coefficient are analyzed. The results show that both the coherent reflection coefficient and the scattering coefficient are dependent on the frequency of acoustic wave, ice thickness and grazing angle. The coherent reflection coefficient is close to 1.0 and the scattering coefficient is less than 0.01 when incident grazing angle is less than 15.. In addition, the frequency of acoustic wave and ice thickness have weak influences on them. However, the frequency of acoustic wave and ice thickness have significant influences on the coherent reflection coefficient and the scattering coefficient when the incident grazing angle is big, say, greater than 30.. In general, the thicker the ice is, the smaller the coherent reflection coefficient and the scattering coefficient are. The coherent reflection coefficient is less than 0.18 when the ice thickness is greater than 10.0 m and the frequency of acoustic waves is greater than 2 kHz. The ice-water interface roughness has great influences on both the coherent reflection coefficient and the scattering coefficient. The rougher of the ice-water interface is, the smaller the coherent reflection coefficient is, and the bigger the scattering coefficient is.National Natural Science Foundation of China [41276038
The application research of distribution systems in China shoes and clothes enterprises
中国鞋服企业自中国加入WTO后,面临前所未有的市场机遇与挑战,信息化技术已经成为成功企业必备的核心竞争能力。本文从鞋服企业的分销系统应用模式与价值展开讨论,提出了中国鞋服企业在分销系统应用过程中核心问题的解决方案,并将在以下三个方面分别阐述: 第一章主要是对国内外鞋服行业的发展趋势以及信息化现状进行分析,并阐述了鞋服企业在分销系统应用方面的基本思路和研究重点; 第二章对鞋服企业分销系统应用的价值、渠道组织模式等方面进行分析,并对鞋服企业管理的核心问题提出了相应的解决方案和典型业务流程说明。 第三章就国内典型的鞋服企业分销系统项目实施的成功案例共同分享,为正在进行信息化或将要投入信息化的企...Since China takes part in WTO, Chinese shoes and clothes enterprises have been faced with the unprecedented market opportunity. Developing from a small workshop to a national famous brand with a annual sales volume of more than one hundred million, information-based technology has gradually shown its unique application values, and become the core and essential competitive ability of a successful e...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X20021504
Effect of marine phytoplankton on metal sorption, bioaccumulation, and species distribution in the euphotic layer of the coastal seawater
研究海洋浮游植物、微量金属及其耦合作用引发光化学过程的机制;建立海水中微量金属锑的价态检测新技术;探讨近海浮游植物在氮磷富营养化状况下对金属吸附、吸收、生物富集和形态分布的影响;探究近海真光层中营养盐、浮游植物、重金属多元体系中光致羟自由基的形成,即光诱导微量金属价态转化的可能机制。取得了以下主要成果: 1.建立锑价态分析、有效避免Sb(III)氧化的新方法 锑的形态分析是痕量元素形态分析的热点和难点,因为锑被美国环境保护规划署、欧共体和德国列为污染控制优先污染物和环境激素类重金属,Sb(III)极易被氧化;锑在环境、生物和地球化学样品中主要以Sb(III)和Sb(V)存在;Sb(III)...1. A novel method for prevention of the oxidation of Sb(Ⅲ) during sample pretreatment, preconcentration of Sb(Ⅲ) and Sb(V) with nanometer size titanium dioxide (rutile) and speciation analysis of antimony, has been developed. Antimony(III) could be selectively determined by flow injection-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry, coexisting with Sb(V). Trace Sb(Ⅲ) and Sb(V) were all adsor...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋科学学号:BH1700021
投资基金根据其投资者变现方式的不同而划分为封闭式基金和开放式基金两种。封闭式基金所特有的双重定价机制使得基金的市场价格和基金净资产的价值往往不一致。在本文中,将封闭式基金单位价格高于其净值时称为基金溢价;将封闭式基金单位价格低于其净值时称为基金折价。从西方各国基金市场的实践来看,封闭式基金往往能够以一定的溢价发行,但在随后的大部分时间内都处于折价交易的状态。“封闭式基金折价之谜”吸引众多的西方财务学者对这一问题进行研究,但总体上还没有较为统一的解释。自1995年4月我国证券投资基金设立以来,其折价交易成为一个鲜明的特点,本文在借鉴国外关于封闭式基金折价理论的基础上,结合我国基金市场的实际情况,...The security investment funds can be divided into closed-end fund and open-ends fund according to the different way of liquidity. The closed-end funds owned dual pricing models made the market price and the NAV of the funds always be in odds. In this paper, we called it premium when the market price of fund is higher than its net asset value and discount when the market price of fund is lower than...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20001502
Theoretical Study and Empirical Analysis on City Competitiveness in China
摘要经济全球化的发展在推动了以城市为核心的经济区域化的同时,也推动了城市之间的竞争。在21世纪,国家之间、企业之间的竞争将突出的表现为城市之间的竞争,城市竞争力的高低直接影响着一个国家经济发展水平的高低和经济发展速度的快慢,乃至是一个国家的国际竞争力。世界各国、各地区和各城市的政府都在致力于培育和提高城市竞争力,以便在经济全球化的过程中占有自己的一席之地。因此,对于国内的城市来说如何客观准确的认清自身的优势和劣势以迎接经济全球化所带来的机遇和挑战,如何制定城市的经济发展战略以提高城市竞争力,成了每个城市都要解决的重要问题,而这些问题要得到解决就要进行城市竞争力的研究。本文对城市竞争力的研究可以...AbstractThe development of the economic globalization pushes not only the economic localization, which takes cities as core, but also the competition between cities. In the 21st century, the competition between countries and enterprises is manifested in the competition of cities. The level of a city’s competitiveness directly affects the economic development level and speed, even the countries’ in...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:20031001
The Analysis of the Impact of Oil Price Fluctuation and Real Effective Exchange Rate’s Shocks on China’s Macroeconomic
石油作为一种重要能源和资源,被广泛应用于各行各业,近两三年来,不断高涨的国际石油价格已经对世界经济产生影响。随着我国经济的快速发展,对石油的需求日益增加,这就不可避免地受到国际石油价格变动的影响。而有关汇率问题的研究也一直是宏观经济领域的热点问题,特别是人民币实际有效汇率的变动对国内经济及对外贸易活动都有着重大的影响。因此,认真分析目前国际石油价格变动状况和人民币实际有效汇率变动对宏观经济所产生的影响,具有十分重要的意义。本文在对相关经济理论和概念进行叙述后,通过采用协整技术检验实际汇率、实际利率和油价冲击对中国宏观经济的影响。根据宏观经济理论,长期而言,实际汇率通过净出口渠道影响实际产出,实...As an important energy and resource, petrol is widely used in the world. For the past several years, the increasing price of petrol has influenced world economy. With the rapid development of demand for petrol, Chinese economy has been profoundly impacted. And the issues about exchange rate are the hottest ones in macro economy, especially the effects from the change of real effective exchange rat...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20044209
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