18 research outputs found

    トウイン ニオケル コウ カルシウム ケッショウ ノ ビョウイン・ビョウタイ ノ カイセキ ト チリョウ : コウ カルシウム ケッショウ クリーゼ モ フクメテ

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    獨協医科大学病院内分泌代謝内科に関連する過去6 年間の入院患者の内,高Ca 血症を呈した91 例について,その病因,病態と治療について検討した.原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症67 例(73.6%),慢性腎不全に伴う三次性副甲状腺機能亢進症10 例(11.0%),腫瘍随伴性高Ca 血症6 例(6.6%),VitD/Ca 過量投与4 例(4.4%),バセドウ病4 例(4.4%)であった.平均年齢は61 歳で,男性27 例に対し女性64 例であった.これら5 群間における血清補正Ca(cCa)値に差はなかったが,血清P 値は慢性腎不全による三次性副甲状腺機能亢進症が最も高く,バセドウ病,VitD/Ca 過量投与,腫瘍随伴性高Ca 血症,原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の順に低下した.慢性腎不全例を除く4 群において,血清補正Ca(cCa)値あるいはcCaxP 値と血清creatinine(Cr)との間には,有意な正相関が認められた.原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の内48 例は副甲状腺摘出術を受けたが,19 例は内科的治療や経過観察となった.手術群の方が年齢が若く,血清cCa 値が高く,またintact PTH(iPTH)も高値を示していた.三次性副甲状腺機能亢進症10 例の内3 例は,副甲状腺摘出,自家移植を受けた.腫瘍随伴性高Ca 血症6 例の内PTH-related protein(PTHrP)高値を示すhumoral hypercalcemia of malignancy(HHM)が4 例,local osteolytic hypercalcemia (LOH)が1 例及び両機序による混合型1 例であった.VitD/Ca 過量投与は薬剤中止あるいは減量投与により軽快し,バセドウ病は甲状腺ホルモン低下に伴い正常化した.高Ca 血症91 例中8 例(8.8%)は血清cCa 値が14.5 mg/dl を超える高Ca 血症クリーゼであり,原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症6 例,腫瘍随伴性高Ca 血症1 例,VitD/Ca 過量投与1 例であった.クリーゼに対する緊急的また積極的治療により7 例は軽快したが,原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の1 例は治療抵抗性で,最終的には心室細動を起こし死亡した.高Ca 血症クリーゼの死亡率は8 例中1 例で12.5%,原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症に起因する例に限れば高Ca 血症クリーゼは67 例中6 例で9.0%,その死亡率は6 例中1 例で16.7%であった.本研究は91 名に及ぶ,高Ca 血症の患者を対象としており,このような報告は本邦では貴重である.さらに各病態において詳細な解析を行っており,今後の高Ca 血症の病態把握や,重症度判定に本研究は極めて有用であると考えられた.高Ca 血症を認めた場合には,その成因,病態について迅速かつ十分な検討を行い,必要に応じた適切な治療を早期に行うことが重要である.The aim of the present study is to investigate the etiology,clinical features and treatment of hypercalcemia and itscrisis among inpatients during 6 years, from May 2005 toApril 2011, admitted to the Department of Endocrinologyand Metabolism in Dokkyo Medical University Hospital.Ninety-one patients were diagnosed with hypercalcemiawhich consisted of 67 cases (72.6 %) with primary hyperparathyroidism,10 cases( 11.0%) with tertiary hyperparathyroidismdue to chronic renal failure, 6 cases (6.6%) ofhypercalcemia associated with malignant tumors, 4 cases(4.4 %) with over dosages of VitD/Ca and 4 cases (4.4 %)with untreated Basedow\u27s disease. The mean age of 91 patientswas 61 years old which consisted of 27 males (29.7%) and 64 females( 70.3%). There were no significant differencein serum corrected Ca (cCa) levels among the 5groups, but serum inorganic phosphate( P) levels were significantlydifferent. The highest values were obtained intertiary hyperparathyroidism and the lowest values were inprimary hyperparathyroidism. Among the 4 groups exceptfor tertiary hyperthyroidism, there are significant correlationbetween serum levels of cCa and creatinine (Cr) andalso between the product of cCa and P (cCa x P) and serumlevels of Cr. These results strongly suggest that thehigher cCa and cCa x P levels may get worse renal dysdysfunction.The number of patients of hypercalcemic crisis showingserum cCa levels over 14.5 mg/dl were 8 (8.8 %) cases in91 hypercalcemic cases, which consisted of 6 with primaryhyperparathyroidism, 1 with tumor-associated hypercalcemiaand 1 with VitD/Ca over dosages. After the early diagnosis,7 patients were relieved according to the intensivetherapy for the crisis such as adequate hydration with normalsaline, administration of furosemide, calcitonin and bisphosphonate.However, 1 patient with primary hyperparathyroidismshowing extremely high iPTH level(3891 pg/ml) was resistant to these therapies and even to hemodialysiswith Ca-free dialysate, and finally died from ventricularfibrillation. The mortality was 12.5 % among 8 patients withcrisis, and 16.0 % among 6 patients with crisis due to primaryhyperparathyroidism.From the present study, it is suggested that the etiologyand severity of hypercalcemia is fully diagnosed and an appropriatemanagement should be performed

    Evaluation of Urinary Excretion of Transferrin as a Marker for Early Diabetic Nephropathy

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    Microalbuminuria has been accepted as a gold standard for the indicator of incipient nephropathy in persons with diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study was to determine whether microtransferrinuria can be used as an additional marker for early diabetic nephropathy. We measured transferrin, albumin and creatinine concentrations in the first morning urine specimen from 903 persons with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus whose serum creatinine concentration was below 2.0 mg/dl. There were significant differences among the geometric mean urine transferrin/creatinine ratios (TCRs) of normo-, micro- and macroalbuminuric diabetic subjects (0.31, 2.15 and 43.06 mg/gCr, respectively). Although urine TCR strongly correlated with urine albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR, r_s=0.9354, p<0.001), TCR was within normal limit in 134 persons (30.0%) among 450 micro- or macro albuminuric diabetic patients. On the other hand, TCR was elevated only in 6 persons (1.3%) among 453 normoalbuminuric subjects. From these results, we conclude that there is little evidence that microtransferrinuria is a more sensitive indicator of early diabetic nephropathy than is micro albuminuria

    Evaluation of Urinary Excretion of Transferrin as a Marker for Early Diabetic Nephropathy

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    Microalbuminuria has been accepted as a gold standard for the indicator of incipient nephropathy in persons with diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study was to determine whether microtransferrinuria can be used as an additional marker for early diabetic nephropathy. We measured transferrin, albumin and creatinine concentrations in the first morning urine specimen from 903 persons with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus whose serum creatinine concentration was below 2.0 mg/dl. There were significant differences among the geometric mean urine transferrin/creatinine ratios (TCRs) of normo-, micro- and macroalbuminuric diabetic subjects (0.31, 2.15 and 43.06 mg/gCr, respectively). Although urine TCR strongly correlated with urine albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR, r_s=0.9354, p<0.001), TCR was within normal limit in 134 persons (30.0%) among 450 micro- or macro albuminuric diabetic patients. On the other hand, TCR was elevated only in 6 persons (1.3%) among 453 normoalbuminuric subjects. From these results, we conclude that there is little evidence that microtransferrinuria is a more sensitive indicator of early diabetic nephropathy than is micro albuminuria