553 research outputs found
Application of EaR in Risk Management of Petroleum Market in China
石油是具有不可再生性和稀缺性的资源,是关系着国民经济振兴和国家经济安全的战略物资。近年来,随着我国经济的快速增长,国内石油产量已很难满足日益增长的石油需求,我国石油的进口依存度大幅提高,2003年我国的石油净进口量首次超过日本,成为仅次于美国的世界第二大石油净进口国。与此同时,国际石油价格近年来波动频繁,尤其是在刚刚过去的2008年,国际油价一度疯涨至历史最高水平,随后又跌至近五年新低。因此,深入研究石油市场的风险管理,对于企业规避石油价格风险,保证我国经济持续健康、快速、稳定增长具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文首次将EaR风险管理理论引入石油市场,并以中国石油天然气股份有百万元限公司为例进...Petroleum, which is a non-renewable and scarce resource, is very important to the development and security of the national economy. As the economy grew rapidly in China in recent years, the domestic oil production can’t meet the growing oil demand any more and the oil dependency on other countries increased substantially. China became the second largest oil net import country from 2003 after it su...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:1542006115082
Research and realization of coding/multiplexing and demultiplexing/decoding for TD-HSPA’s terminal test set
随着无线数据的业务量不断增长,移动通信系统对传输速率和系统容量的需求也急剧增加。TD-HSPA系统作为TD-SCDMA技术的演进,支持高速传输,同时满足不同速率和质量要求的业务复用,也为更高的数据速率和更高容量提供了一条平稳演进的途径,成为目前TD-SCDMA研究的热点问题。开发TD-HSPA终端综合测试仪,及深入研究TD-HSPA系统传输信道编码复用和解复用译码技术,对保障TD-SCDMA产业链的完整、提升产业化的可靠性和竞争优势有重要意义。 本文在全面阐述TD-HSPA终端综合测试仪的基本原理和软、硬件基本结构基础上,对TD-HSPA系统编码复用和解复用译码技术进行深入研究,比较完善地设...With the rapid growth of wireless communication services, the demand for transmission rate and system capacity has increased drastically in the mobile communication system. As the evolution of TD-SCDMA technology, TD-HSPA system supports high-speed data transmission, provides an efficient way to multiplex several services with different rates and quality of service, and makes a smooth evolution...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332007115215
A Translation of Mo Yan's "Three Essays about Eating" and Its Strategies: The Textual Perspective
作家莫言于2012年荣获诺贝尔文学奖,成为诺贝尔文学奖第一位中国籍作家。莫言散文《吃事三篇》由《吃的耻辱》、《吃相凶恶》、《忘不了吃》三篇文章构成,一并收录于莫言散文集《会唱歌的墙》中。《吃事三篇》是莫言对吃的记忆,他在其中毫不忌讳地叙述了记忆中经历的种种关于吃的“丑事”,并采用虚构夸大的写法将吃的经历写得触目惊心。其语言直白、简单、自嘲调侃又不失辛辣讽刺。 本论文在对《吃事三篇》进行英译的基础上,从语篇翻译的角度对译文进行了翻译策略的分析。语篇翻译把翻译看成是一个自上而下的过程。其研究对象不仅包括语言系统和言内因素,也包括言外因素,能较为全面地研究并指导翻译过程。论文从语篇的连贯性、语篇的...The Chinese author Mo Yan has been awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature, making him the first ever Chinese literature Nobel laureate. The "Three Essays about Eating", i.e. "Eating Invites Humiliation", "Piggish Eating Manners" and "All about Eating" are included in his collection of essays A Wall That Can Sing. In the three essays he incisively and vividly depicts his hideous eating experie...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202011115259
Electronic integrated marketing communication model construction and case study based on AISAS pattern
网络媒体的发展,特别是web2.0的运用和发展,对人们的信息获取模式和消费模式产生了巨大的影响。在网络时代,大众对信息消费的行为模式发生了明显的变化,目前消费者的信息行为模式正从传统的AIDMA法则(Attention注意Interest兴趣Desire欲望Memory记忆Action行动)逐渐向具有鲜明网络特质的AISAS模式(Attention注意Interest兴趣Search搜索Action行动Share分享)转变。 在AISAS模式中,受众在引起注意、产生兴趣之后,接着执行的就是搜索。在网络时代,企业的信息相对公开,而且网络平台为品牌消费者进行品牌体验分享提供了一个良好的渠道。因为...The development of cyber media, especially the application and development of web2.0, has made the great effect on people's information acquisition pattern and consumption pattern. During the computer age, the behavior pattern of masses’ information consumption changed a lot, currently, consumer’s information behavior pattern is gradually transforming from the traditional AIDMA rule (Attention, In...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:1052006115024
Transition to turbulence in the floating half zone convection
The transition process to turbulence is studied experimentally in thermocapillary convection of floating half zone. The onset of temperature oscillations in the liquid bridge of floating half zone and further transitions of the temporal convective behaviour are detected by temperature measurements in the liquid bridge. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) reveals the frequency and amplitude characteristics of the flow transition. The experimental results indicate the existence of a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations that culminates in turbulence. The measured Feigenbaum numbers are δ2 = 4.69 and δ4 = 4.6. Both results can be compared with the theoretical asymptotic value δ = 4.669
Whether therapeutic drug monitoring is necessary for linezolid?
利奈唑胺非肝药酶代谢,约35%以原型经肾排泄,说明书提示其浓度受其他药物影响轻微,肾功能不全患者无需调整剂量,但临床研究表明肾功能不全患者利奈唑胺所致血小板减少症或贫血发生率增高与利奈唑胺高暴露相关,且利奈唑胺与某些药物存在的相互作用可显著影响其血药浓度、利奈唑胺的血药浓度在危重症患者中个体差异大,应进行血药浓度监测。Linezolid is not metabolized by CYP450 s and only approximately 35% of the prototype was excreted via the kidney, and its label suggests that its concentration is affected by other drugs slightly and no dose adjustment is recommended to patients with renal impairment. Nevertheless, clinic studies showed that the development of linezolid- induced thrombocytopenia and anemia was related to the high linezolid exposure in patients with impaired renal function, and the interaction between linezolid and other drugs may significantly affect its concentration. Considering these factors and the significant variability of linezolid concentration in critically ill patients, the therapeutic drug monitoring is necessary for linezolid to ensure its efficiency and safety
本文首先从理论上对市场营销要领的发展过程进行考察讨论营销的内函 ;其次对市场营销的“原产地”美国 ,以及世界公认的营销领域最出色的“后起之秀”日本两国的市场营销的实践进行考察和比较 ,以说明现实条件下市场营销活动所具有的特点 ;最后 ,鉴于市场营销是由微观组织所承担的却又是一项具有宏观社会效应的经济活动 ,为揭示市场营销的社会意义 ,以保证对市场营销的探讨具有一定的深入性 ,从经济学领域对营销进行解释。通过以上三方面讨论帮助我们多层次地理解市场营销 ,从而为我们如何判断“市场营销”及“非市场营销”构建一组标
Web Service Security Model Based on XKMS and SAML
结合WS-SECurITy提出了一个基于SAMl和XkMS的WEb服务安全模型,并引入了SOAP安全工具包的概念。通过SAMl实现跨域认证和授权,通过XkMS屏蔽PkI的复杂性,实现端到端消息级传输安全。文章详细描述了SOAP工具包的工作原理,并给出了一个SOAP扩展消息实例。Combining with WS-Security,a Web service security model based on SAML and XKMS is proposed,and the concept of SOAP security toolkits is introduced.This model implements authentication and authorization across domain by SAML,and realizes end-to-end transmission security on message-level thought shielding PKI complexity by XKMS.The working principle of SOAP toolkits is elaborated and an example of extended SOAP messages is given
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