16 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]根據歐洲氣候基金會(European Climate Foundation, ECF)發表的一份新報告指出,歐盟將在2050年前達成,至少80%的電能需求來自可再生能源。歐盟已訂定具法律效力目標,即2020年之前的溫室氣體排放量比1990年降低20%,此外,如其他國家做出類似的承諾,歐盟保證將此標準提升至30%。 歐盟必須立即推動在2050年前達成可再生能源經濟模式,以百分之百的再生能源為基礎,規劃一項長期的能源策略,這將有助於對抗氣候變遷問題,並逐步淘汰核能發電方式,以及減少對石化燃料的過度依賴,保障電力的提供,這將提供歐盟最符合成本效益和可接受的穩定能源路徑。 歐盟於今年3月公布了第291號民調報告,分析近期歐洲人民旅遊行為與偏好。此次民調分析五大面向,包括一、2009年的旅遊概況;二、2010年的展望;三、2009年與2010年的旅遊預算;四、度假的焦點以及吸引力;五、安排假期

    Total transferrin in cerebrospinal fluid is a novel biomarker for spontaneous intracranial hypotension

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    Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is caused by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Patients with SIH experience postural headaches, nausea, etc., due to CSF hypovolemia. Imaging studies and clinical examinations, such as radioisotope (RI) scintigraphy, are useful for diagnosing SIH. However, 20-30% of patients do not show typical morphology and clinical test results. We previously reported that CSF contains transferrin (Tf) isoforms:"brain-type" Tf derived from the choroid plexus and "serum-type" Tf derived from blood. We showed that both isoforms increased in the CSF of patients with SIH by Western blotting. In the present study, we demonstrate that conventional ELISA for quantifying total Tf is useful for diagnosing SIH more accurately than Western blotting. In addition, SIH with chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) was also accurately diagnosed. Total Tf in the CSF can serve as a useful biomarker for diagnosing SIH with or without CSDH