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    次世代育成に関する母性意識調査 : 看護学科と幼児教育学科の1年次生を対象に(創刊二十五周年記念号)

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    母性に関する環境が急激に変化しつつある現在、次世代育成に関する母性意識について学生がどのように考えているのかを知る目的で、看護学科と幼児教育学科の1年次生を対象に、質問紙調査を行った。その結果、1.母性意識の平均値は全体として幼児教育学生に比べ看護学生の方が高かった。2.両学生間で有意差のみられた項目は、「3.女性特有の天分や役割の総称」「12.保護、心配、世話、いたわりなどの行動様式」であった。3.評定段階で肯定する度合いの高かった項目は、「1.子どもとの関係を築き人間として育てていく力」であった。評定段階で否定する度合いの高かった項目は、「16.命も惜しまない母親の性質」であった。4.各学科ともそれぞれの傾向性が見られた。看護学生は母性を妊娠や出産として具体的に認識しやすく、幼児教育学生は育児行動の中に母性を感じている傾向にある。5.母性意識の全項目の平均値の上昇を考慮した授業内容の検討を考えていく。The authors performed questionnaire targeted at freshmen of nursing department and early childhood education department. The purpose of this investigation is to comprehend how the present students think about motherhood and parenting next generation in the time when our consciousness of motherhood is changing rapidly. We have found the following things: 1. The students in nursing department scored higher average than those in early childhood education department regarding motherhood consciousness. 2. Significant differences are seen in the categories, 3) motherhood as a general term for gifted roles special to female, and 12) motherhood as a behavior pattern of protection, worries, care and nurturing. 3. The item that most students acknowledged as motherhood is 1) the strength with which mothers build relationship with and bring up their children. The item that least students acknowledged as motherhood is 16) the nature of mother who dare to cost her life. 4. Apparent tendencies are seen in answers from each department. The nursing students tend to recognize motherhood physically as pregnancy and delivery. On the other hand, the early childhood education students tend to feel motherhood in child care behaviors. 5. The authors need to review the contents of the lectures to higher the scores of each item