7 research outputs found

    Perception-based Chord Progression Learning System

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    [[abstract]]一首歌的組成有主旋律和伴奏,其中伴奏是由一連串的和弦組成,這些和弦轉 換的過程即為和弦進程。同樣的旋律配上不同的和弦進程,帶給人的感受往往截然 不同。是以本論文著重於和弦進程學習系統之開發。 本論文所設計之和弦進程輔助學習系統係以感知為基礎,基於和聲功能 (Functional Harmony)理論,定義主和弦(I 級和弦)有穩定感,屬和弦(V 級和弦)有不 穩定感,下屬和弦(IV 級和弦)介於兩者之間,並將其他和弦歸於此三類。和弦進程 進行時由穩定、中介、不穩定,再回到穩定形成循環。和弦有大、小、增、減,其 色彩感知亦不同,有明亮、鬱悶、舒坦與緊張,更能詮釋穩定與不穩定。本系統教 材包含認識音階、和弦感知與和弦進程,再配合歌曲練習和弦進程,設定數字鍵盤 1 至7 表I 至viio 級和弦,學習者即使不會任何樂器,也能演示和弦進程。 最後實驗結果顯示,本系統對於學習和弦進程是有幫助的,特別是互動式學習能 提升學習興趣。不會樂器的學習者,亦能透過本系統簡易設計彈奏和弦,完成歌曲伴 奏。[[abstract]]The two major components of a song are its melody and accompaniment. An accompaniment is composed of a series of chords. It is the transition between chords, called chord progression, which brings us different feelings and perception with the running harmonies. The purpose of this study is to build a perception-based chord progression assisted learning system based on the functional harmony theory. The theory defines that the perception of the tonic chord (the first degree of the diatonic scale) is stable, the dominant chord (the fifth degree of the diatonic scale) unstable, the subdominant chord (the fourth degree of the diatonic scale) the bridge between the first and the fifth. Other chords are classified respectively as one of the three chords mentioned above. The chord progression starts from stable, then median, unstable, and backs to the stable to form a cycle. Moreover, different kinds of chords (such as the major and minor triads and then the augmented and diminished triads) give people various rich sensations. That’s why people can perceive emotion of a song. Using our system, beginners can know the scales, perceive the chords, and learn the chord progression. Starters may practice harmonizing with number buttons on the keyboard without any knowledge of instruments where 1 to 7 represent I to viio chord respectively. The experimental result shows that this system is helpful for starters to learn chord progression; especially when interacting with the system, kids are more interested and motivated in learning music. Learners without a strong background knowledge on music can also compose a melody and play with the chord progression on their own with our design.[[note]]碩


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    界面态对AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT直流输出特性的影响

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    利用高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)的直流输出分析模型,首次定量地分析了界面态对AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT直流输出特性的影响。考虑界面态的作用,详细分析了不同界面态密度对HEMT的I-V特性和器件跨导的影响。研究结果表明随着界面态密度的增加,栅极电压对电流的控制能力减小,从而使器件的跨导减小


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    描述了由1mm厚的快塑料闪烁体NE102A和100mm厚的慢塑料闪烁体NE115组成的叠层闪烁探测器望远镜(Phoswich)。光电倍增管阳极信号用传统的快慢门-QDC方法处理,对Z≤20碎片得到了较好的粒子鉴别,元素分辨Z/ΔZ~45。The phoswich telescope is composed of a plastic scintillator NE102A (1mm thick) and a slow scintillator NE115 (100mm thick). The signal from PMT anode is processed through the fast-slow gate QDC method. A good elemental resolution Z/ΔZ~45 is achieved in the region of Z≤20


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    描述了用于中能(10-100MeV/u)重离子核反应前角度(5°≤θ≤20°)测量的36单元phoswich闪烁探测器阵列.每个phoswich探测器单元由1mm厚的快塑料闪烁体NE102A和100mm厚的慢塑料闪烁体NE115组成,用传统的快、慢门控制的QDC积分方法,对Z=1-20范围的碎片得到了好的粒子鉴别,其粒子分辨能力Z/△Z~45。A 36-unit scintillant multidetector system was built for measurement of chargedparticles at forward direction(5°≤θ≤20°)in heavy ion reactions of intermediateenergy (10-100MeV)。Each phoswich is composed of 1mm thick scintillator NE102Aand 100mm thick slow scintillator NE115。A good particle identification was achievedfrom atomic number Z=1up toZ=20 using QDC method。The resolution poweZ/△Z reaches to  ̄45.国家自然科学基


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    本文描述了中能重离子探测器望远镜NE102A+CsI(Tl)+PMT采用过零时间的方法鉴别粒子,实验结果表明可清楚地分辨p、d、t同位素和探测到的全部碎片The zero crossing timing method is used in a NE102A+CsI(Tl)+PMT phoswich detector at intermediate energy heavy ion to identify particle. The isotope of p,d,t and all fragments have been separated clearly in experimental results