80 research outputs found

    Determination for the Contents of Neu5Ac, Neu5Gc and KDN in Organ Meats and Muscle of Pigs by LC-MS/MS

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    目的:建立液相色谱-三重四级杆质谱联用法(LC-MS/MS)测定猪内脏和肌肉组织中唾液酸N-乙酰神经氨酸(Neu5Ac)、N-羟乙酰神经氨酸(Neu5Gc)和脱氨神经氨酸(KDN)浓度的分析方法。方法:将内脏肉组织匀浆后,利用三氟乙酸(TFA)将结合态的唾液酸从糖脂或糖蛋白链上解离下来后进样分析。色谱条件:色谱柱为ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18(5μm,4.6×250 mm,Waters),流动相为0.1%醋酸铵-100%乙腈(9:1),柱温:25℃,流速800μL·min~(-1),进样量20μL。质谱条件:离子源为电喷雾化离子源(ESI),扫描方式为多重反应监测(MRM),监测离子对:Neu5Ac:307.7→87.0,Neu5Gc:323.3→116.0,KDN:266.7→87.0,13C3Neu5Ac内标品:310.9→90.0。结果:Neu5Ac、Neu5Gc和KDN分别在0.1~20.0、0.05~10.00和0.005~1.000μmol·L~(-1)的浓度范围内和对照品与内标峰面积比值线性关系良好,重复性平均RSD为1.2%,稳定性平均RSD为1.9%,日间和日内精密度试验RSD均小于6.7%,平均回收率为92.9~106.4%。结论:本方法简便、快速、灵敏度高,可广泛运用于组织和体液中唾液酸的测定。Objective: To establish an LC-MS/MS method for the detection of N-acetylneuraminic acid(Neu5Ac),N-glycolylneuraminic acid(Neu5Gc) and 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galactonononic acid(KDN) in organ meats and muscle of pigs.Methods: Tissues were acid hydrolyzed with trifluoroacetic acid(TFA) to get ganglioside-bound and glycoprotein-bound sialic acid,followed by injected and analyzed. The analysis was performed on an ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18(5 μm, 4.6 ×250 mm, Waters)column, and the mobile phase consisted of 0.1 % ammonium~-100 % acetonitrile(9:1), the flow rate was 800 μL/min, the temperature was maintained at 25 ℃, injection volume was set up 20 μL. Negative electrospray ionization(ESI) and multiple reaction monitoring(MRM) mode was used, MRM: Neu5Ac: 307.7→87.0, Neu5Gc: 323.3 →116.0, KDN: 266.7→87.0, 13C3Neu5Ac(IS): 310.9→90.0.Results: The ratio of internal with standard sample peak area and content of Neu5 Ac, Neu5 Gc and KDN showed good linearity in the range of 0.1~20.0, 0.05~10.00, and 0.005~1.000 μmol/L, RSDs of the repeatability and stability were 1.2 % and 1.9 %, Intra-and inter-day RSDs were all lower than 6.7%, the recoveries of sialic acid were 92.9~106.4%. Conclusion: The established method is simple,accurate and rapid, higher sensitivity and can be applied to determination of Neu5 Gc, Neu5 Ac and KDN in tissues and fluid of animals and human.国家自然科学基金项目(31271038

    Pathological characteristics of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 and screening of its probiotics

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    在获得绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标记的菌株K88-GFP并证明其与K88具有遗传同质性的基础上,以K88-GFP为致病菌,腹腔注射侵染小鼠,在不同时间进行眼球采血,测定血液生理生化指标,并采取不同器官或组织,培养后利用紫外光激发K88-GFP的绿色荧光,观察计数这种产肠毒素性大肠杆菌(ETEC)在小鼠体内的分布。同时通过体外抑制和活体饲喂试验,进行了益生菌的筛选。结果证实,ETEC致病菌具有较强的侵袭性,它可以侵袭小鼠肝、肾、心、肺及脑、肌肉等器官和组织,尤其可对肝、肾造成严重的损伤;筛选得到益生菌株PB JK-2,在体内外均对K88具有较好的抑制作用。Healthy Kunming mice were infected with Escherichia coli strain K88-GFP,which was marked with green fluorescence protein(GFP) gene and shared homology with enterotoxigenic E.coli(ETEC) K88,by intraperitoneal injection.Eyeball blood of the infected mice was sampled and the standard blood biochemical indexes were determined at different moment post-injection.Different organs and tissues of the mice-killed at different time points post-injection were sampled and cultured.Then,the distribution of the ETEC in the mice was observed by ultraviolet radiating of the green florescence of K88-GFP clones.Probiotics were screened by using inhibition test in vitro and mice feeding test in vivo.The results showed that the ETEC was invasive,and could infect murine liver,kidney,heart,lung,brain and muscles but damage seriously the liver and kidney.Probiotics strain PB JK-2 was selected and proved to suppress the pathogeny K88 well in vivo and in vitro.福建省青年科技人才创新计划项目(2005J064


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    Glow discharge growth of SnO2 nano-needles from SnH4

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    Single crystalline SnO2 nano-needles with length up to 6-7 mum and diameter less than 300 nm are synthesized on an Au-coating porous silicon substrate from SnH4 source via a glow discharge process


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    预算外资金的规范化管理是近几年来我国财政经济领域中争论探讨和研 究的热点问题也是当前财政体制改革的一项重要内容如何正确认识预算外资 金规模总量及发展态势如何明晰界定预算外资金的范围从而实现预算外资 金管理的规范化是各级政府及财政部门必须解决的重大现实问题本文侧重从 地方的角度对预算外资金进行科学有效的规范化管理问题加以探讨 本文分为四个部分 第一部分地方预算外资金及其管理基本状况分析这一部分首先介绍了我 国预算外资金的由来及发展情况然后并阐述了地方预算外资金规模过度膨胀及 其表现并分析探讨了预算外资金规模结构总量及发展态势 第二部分地方预算外资金管理中存在的问题及成因分析这一...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:财金系_财政学(含税收学)学号:19961201


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    New Evidence to the Genetic Diversity of Trachurus japonicus in the Coastal Waters of Fujian Province Based on AFLP Makers

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    为研究福建近海竹荚鱼群体的遗传分化,对竹荚鱼闽东(30尾)和闽南(30尾)群体进行了扩增片段长度多态性(AflP)分析,8对选择性引物在2个群体60个个体中,共扩增出433条条带,其中多态位点286个.闽东和闽南群体的多态位点比例分别为63.28%、61.89%,nEI遗传多样性指数分别为0.171 8、0.172 2,SHAnnOn多样性指数分别为0.267 3、0.267 3.与其他鱼类对比显示,福建近海竹荚鱼群体的遗传多样性水平较高,说明其种质资源尚未遭到明显破坏;遗传分化系数(gST)和分子生物学方差分析(AMOVA)均显示竹荚鱼的遗传变异主要来源于群体内,而群体间无明显的遗传分化.基因流(nM)显示2个群体间基因交流频繁,无明显独立的遗传结构.群体的位点差异数分布和显性基因型频率分布显示2个群体有相似的群体遗传结构.结果表明,竹荚鱼闽东和闽南群体间无明显的遗传差异,可将福建近海的竹荚鱼划归同一个管理保护单元.近期扩张、较强的扩散能力和洋流可能是造成福建近海竹荚鱼群体间遗传同质性较高的原因.Given Trachurus japonicus resources declining,amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)was employed to analyze the genetic diversity and variation of two populations of T.japonicus from Eastern and Southern Fujian coastal water in this study.AFLP bands were scored for presence(1)or absence(0)and transformed into 0/1binary character matrix.AMOVA and mismatch distribution analysis were performed in Arlequin,Nei genetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity index were conducted in POPGEN,genetic distance between individuals were computed in Phyltools and the UPGMA tree was generated in MEGA.A total of 433loci ranging in size from 100bp to 1 000bp were detected from 60individuals using eight primer combinations,of which 286 were polymorphic.The proportion of polymorphic loci,the Nei genetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity index of these two populations were 63.28%and 61.89%,0.171 8and 0.172 2,0.267 3and 0.267 3,respectively,revealing no significant difference(p>0.05)between the two populations.By comparison with that of other fishes,that the genetic diversity of T.japonicus in the coastal waters of Fujian province is above the middle level and the population genetic structure of T.japonicus had not been destroyed.Gst value,Shannon genetic diversity index and AMOVA analysis indicated that the genetic variation mainly came from individuals within populations.Nm showed that there was frequent gene flow between the two populations.The NJ tree based on genetic distance between individuals exhibited no correlation to geographic distribution.Mismatch distribution analysis and dominant gene frequency revealed that these two populations have the similar genetic structure.Based on the facts above,the results of AFLP analysis indicated that there is no significant genetic differentiation between two populations,and the recent expansion,annual migrations and larval drift in the ocean currents could be the reasons for the high homogeneity of genetic structure between two populations.The knowledge on genetic diversity and variation will be crucial to establish appropriate fishery management stocks for the species.福建省科技计划项目(2013N0005;2007I0005


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    High-intensity Sweetener sucralose: Application and Production Methods

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    综述了新型强力甜味剂三氯蔗糖的性质、应用和生产工艺,对各种工艺进行了综合评价,提出了最优生产工艺。Properties, application and production methods of high-intensity sweetener sucralose are reviewed. The best method is proposed base on synthetical evaluation