141 research outputs found


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    Characteristics of the interface of a laser-quenched steel substrate and chromium electroplate

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    The interface of a laser-discrete-quenched steel substrate and as-deposited chromium electroplate was investigated by ion beam etching, dissolving-substrate-away and using a Vickers microhardness tester, in an attempt to reveal the mechanism that the service life of the chromium-coated parts is increased by the duplex technique of laser pre-quenching plus chromium post-depositing. The laser quenching of the steel substrate can reduce the steep hardness gradient at the substrate/chromium interface and improve the load-bearing capacity of chromium electroplate. Moreover, the laser quenching prior to plating has an extremely great effect on the morphologies and microstructure of the substrate/chromium interface: there is a transient interlayer at the original substrate/chromium interface while there is not at the laser-quenchedzone/chromium interface; the near-substrate surface microstructure and morphologies of the free-standing chromium electrodeposits, whose substrate was dissolved away with nital 30% in volume, inherit the periodically gradient characteristics of the laser-discrete-quenched substrate surface. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Degradation failure features of chromium-plated gun barrels with a laser-discrete-quenched substrate

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    The effect of substrate laser-discrete quenching on the degradation failure of chromium-plated gun barrels was metallurgically investigated. The results show that substrate laser-discrete quenching changes the failure patterns of chromium coatings during firing, and some periodic through-thickness cracks in the fired chromium coatings are justly located at original substrate zones between two adjacent laser-quenched tracks. Moreover, chromium coatings and the laser-quenched zones on the substrate are simultaneously degraded in microstructure and property during firing. Furthermore, the periodic structure of the laser-discrete-quenched steel (LDQS) substrate near the breech remains after firing, and the hardness of the fired laser-quenched zones is still higher than that of original substrates. The specific failure features were utilized to illustrate the mechanism of the extended service life of chromium-plated gun barrels with the LDQS substrate. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved


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    Damage to mangroves from extreme cold in early 2008 in southern China

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    通讯作者Author for correspondence (E-mail: [email protected])2008年初,我国南方19个省经历了50年一遇的持续低温雨雪冰冻天气。极端气候对华南沿海各省的红树林区造成不同程度的危害。2008年3月,在我国南方各省红树林区的10个代表性地点,对这次寒害造成的红树植物伤害程度进行了系统的调查。结果表明:冬季低温对红树林的影响极为显著,特别是在低纬度的海南、广西和广东湛江,由于极端低温正值夜间退潮,对红树林的影响更为显著;在纬度较高的福建,本地红树种类秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)及引种的木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)等,由于长期适应于冬季较低的气温或在种植前经过抗寒锻炼,具有较强的抗寒能力。各地主要红树植物中,广布种秋茄、桐花树和白骨壤最为耐寒,其耐寒性均大于红树科的木榄、海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)和红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)。海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)对温度的敏感性最强,抗寒能力最低,因此,即使在其原产地海南也受到较为严重的寒害,在纬度更高的引种地出现大面积受害甚至全部死亡,而从孟加拉国引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)却显示出一定的抗寒能力。同一地点的红树植物幼苗的抗寒能力低于大树。此次寒害也造成了苗圃场的种苗大量死亡,成熟的植株提前落花落果,这势必会影响后继一两年内红树林的自然更新和人工造林。因此,在未来红树林造林或人工引种中,一定要考虑到红树植物的抗寒能力。国家自然科学基金(30671646和30700092);厦门大学“闽江学者”启动基

    Surface roughening of substrate of galvanized sheet induced by plastic deformation

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    Interface Fracture Behavior Of Electroplated Coating On Metal Substrate Under Compressive Strain

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    The inducement of interface fracture is crucial to the analysis of interfacial adhesion between coating and substrate. For electroplated coating/metal substrate adhering materials with strong adhesion, interface cracking and coating spalling are difficult to be induced by conventional methods. In this paper an improved bending test named as T-bend test was conducted on a model coating system, i.e. electroplated chromium on a steel substrate. After the test, cross-sections of the coated materials were prepared to compare the failure behaviors under tensile strain and compressive strain induced by T-bend test. And the observation results show that coating cracking, interface cracking and partial spalling appear step by step. Based on experimental results, a new method may be proposed to rank the coated materials with strong inter-facial adhesion. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved